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Search results

  1. scrubbyscum999

    SG-NWB Join our new group

    I made a new Steam group and I SHOULD have my stick back in two weeks. So it's called the New Meridan Bourgeoisie and it's basically just a group where we meet maybe once or twice a week and fight in lobbies. It's still getting started but hopefully we will have a tournament soon to determine...
  2. scrubbyscum999

    Time spent on Gaming

    Since having my stick taken away I have recently thought about common attitudes on time spent on gaming. Using my dad as example, it seems that it is still very popular notion that video games that should serve as a short distraction, not something you should spend a few hours on or show any...
  3. scrubbyscum999

    Get ready to JAM! (NBA thread)

    I'm surprised there is no sports threads here. Well, as the awesomest person who ever lived (pretty sure I'm documented somewhere as that) I will kick it off. This will be sort of discussion, team bragging, what is going on your neck of the woods sort of thing. As a Orlando resident I'll be...
  4. scrubbyscum999

    Future of Japanese games

    With many of the major Japanese developers going through so much drama like Capcom and Koonami I have started to think lately about the future of the art form that is games and especially Japanese games. I mainly prefer Japanese games and the western titles I do like are from smaller devs like...
  5. scrubbyscum999

    No one can fight Painwheel

    As a beginner Painwheel player I have noticed a very amusing trend. Out of all the characters, people have no idea how to approach Painwheel. A character with such bad movement shouldn't be able to fish out easy hits with no assists, but that's what happens. I play people twice as good as me who...
  6. scrubbyscum999

    Eightarc Joystick directional movement unresponsive

    So I double checked and my computer is reading my directional movements on my joystick but not Skullgirls. The buttons still seem to work but basically, since the last update I can't play Skullgirls. Again, only SKullgirls is not reading my movements. Anyone know how I can send this to LabZero...
  7. scrubbyscum999

    SG Hype 240p: 14 days of unfunny jokes

    I am doing this for 14 days. Expect dancing, bad jokes, and just general cringe worthy material related in some way to SG. I do this for SG and the Poverty Stream. Yes, it will get worse. I guess inb4 hate mail for the rest of my life. And no this is not meant to insult MikeZ its just a joke. I...
  8. scrubbyscum999

    Character attachment in FG

    It's amazing how connected people become to the characters they play in fighting games. To me its an example of how video games are more than just games, they can be a strong emotional bond. You know, as I have played Painwheel I have become more and more attached to the character in general...
  9. scrubbyscum999

    Lotion cracked my Sanwa clear Joystick

    So long story short, i put lotion on my hands, rubbed it in, and started playing with my eightarc fusion synthesis. My Sanwa clear joystick cracked from the lotion moisture and the surface was messed up. Any reason why this is and where I could find a replacement. Second, how do you replace it...
  10. scrubbyscum999

    X (Wii U)

    So as a huge Xenoblade fan I am hyped for this game. Xenoblade and TWEWY are my favorite RPGs of this last gen to give you my tastes. If you haven't played Xenoblade, stop what you are doing and get a cheap as dirt Wii right now and play it. Game has like practically no flaws. X is the most...
  11. scrubbyscum999

    Possible weekly beginner Swiss for NA East/South

    I have been thinking lately for players on the North America East Coast and South that if you are just starting beginner in SG and preferably is your first FG we should have a weekly swiss tourney. The only point of this would to get practice so you could get better, so I doubt you will see the...
  12. scrubbyscum999

    Improvements to Training mode

    I don't know where to post this but here you go. I love training mode. As a complete noob who has never seriously play FGs in his life I find it extremely useful. I like how I can have the hitboxes on and can do various things. I haven't even learned how to savestate yet and I am loving this...
  13. scrubbyscum999

    scrubbyscum999's trials and tribulations

    So I got my new stick, which has made doing FG motions much easier. So this is what I will do for my first day. -Practice snapbacks -Practice blocking mix-ups Not much else to say After training: My obsession with this game since this summer has shown. In tutorial I pretty much know...