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  1. Cynical

    Excellabella meter gain never scales and unblockables

    Define "spending time better". Pretty sure that someone who has a full time job and a family isn't going to defeat a student that is spending his time well, period. So why bother grinding shit out in training mode (a process which is tedious to the point of being borderline intolerable) when...
  2. Cynical

    Excellabella meter gain never scales and unblockables

    I don't play this game anymore, but judging from this thread, don't you still have to guess between "setup" and "delayed setup"? I think it has a lot more to do with the dynamics of okizeme and traditional pressure vs. resets and assist gimmicks in pressure. In traditional okizeme, everyone...
  3. Cynical

    Excellabella meter gain never scales and unblockables

    Except you can just guess correctly on "left or right" and block the Eliza mixup, instead of having to hit a button at an unintuitive time to make a visually imperceptable change in your falling speed to avoid taking damage.
  4. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    The jiggle-physics is a P2-side-only bug; it doesn't happen on the P1 side. It also doesn't just affect Chun Li; it also messes up Birdie's chain, Ryu's clothes, and any other "soft thing" animation.
  5. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    I can't speak for DimeX, but I personally have nothing against unblockable setups. I don't see them as being any different from combos, where if you get hit the first time, you can't do anything about the rest of the damage. The cascade of design decisions that happened because of infinitely...
  6. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    Uh, every character in the game has special moves, so it's not like normal chip is giving characters chip damage that didn't have it before. Oh, and if someone is trying to chip you out with a normal, maybe you should reversal?
  7. Cynical

    Naïve/Stupid things you thought as a kid.

    This actually can happen; it's rare, but possible for it to get trapped when it passes the appendix. If it's not removed, it'll cause appendicitis. Trying to keep this one as PG-13 as possible When I was about 10 years old, I thought girls only had the same "larger" hole in the pelvic region...
  8. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    Zoners in ASW games generally use their proectiles to cover their approach, not to do Street Fighter style zoning; the exceptions usually have the always-dreaded "projectile high/low mixup" that, frankly, sucks. UNIEL is a game with block infinites and timer-scam infinites. Taking design...
  9. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    High/Low projectile mixup has been basically awful and un-fun in every game it's ever appeared in, and if you want to just give zoners the tools to go in, then you're asking for every character in the cast to play in the same way.
  10. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    It makes "no meterless chip kills" a bad mechanic because it weakens certain character archetypes for absolutely no valid reason.
  11. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    In both cases, you got hit one time and then the damage that killed was guaranteed from the one hit. There's no difference between guaranteed chip setups and combos. They are both "further guaranteed damage after a single hit". There is no reason for one to be treated any differently than...
  12. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    When the "HP linked after hitconfirmed LPs" is going to kill, I think it's not OK. The original route they chose to take (e.g. the hitconfirmed LPs or whatever) wasn't good enough to kill me, but due to the mechanics of the game and their characters options, they are awarded the 'W' anyway via...
  13. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    When the "FADC ultra guaranteed after a special hit" is going to kill, I think it's not OK. The original route they chose to take (e.g. the special move or whatever) wasn't good enough to kill me, but due to the mechanics of the game and their characters options, they are awarded the 'W' anyway...
  14. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    KoF XIII still has plenty of people playing it online, and the Steam version has good enough netcode as long as your conection is 3 bars or better.
  15. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    As fighting games have become more "e-sports", developers have started viewing spectator value as an important design factor, to the point where they're modifying character and system designs to be more "spectator friendly" (see ...
  16. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    You still haven't explained why it's OK for combos to do guaranteed damage after a first hit, but not OK for special moves to lead to a smaller amount of guaranteed damage after a hit.
  17. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    Is every combo ever "OP"? There's literally no difference between sweep -> meaty fireball and c.mkxxfireball, aside from the fact that the former does less damage (well, and you have options like SRKing through the fireball on wakeup, but we'll pretend that reversals don't exist to simplify...
  18. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    My point is that "Capcom wants SFV to be more aggressive" isn't an argument against chip-out death because throwing projectiles to deal chip damage to someone is an aggressive act in the first place.
  19. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    On a side note, for all of those saying that they want a more aggressive Street Fighter, I'd like to point out that throwing fireballs around is an offensive act, not a defensive one. Watch those O.Sagat mirrors. Which person is playing defense -- the one throwing fireballs (i.e., pushing...
  20. Cynical

    Street Fighter V

    I don't think high/low fireball mixups have been fun in any game where they've ever existed, and they sure as hell have no place in a fighting game series that these days is practically defined by how rare good overhead options are. Before you misinterpret the "these days" phrase, I don't mean...