• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

OFFICIAL: Annie Release Update Notes


Hidden Variable
Mar 1, 2021
Reaction score
Cerebella Valentine

It's been a long journey, but after months of testing and tuning, the official release of Annie of the Stars is finally here! And as much as Annie loves the spotlight, this update also comes with a mountain of gameplay and balance adjustments for the rest of the cast.

If you've been participating in the open beta on Steam these changes will be familiar to you, but we're excited to finally have them roll out on PS4 too.


The first ever Skullgirls Season Pass! Discover 4 brand new characters (including stages, palettes, and Story Mode), the Skullgirls Soundtrack, and Digital Art Compendium all bundled together at a discounted price!


The Season 1 Pass includes:
  • Available NOW
    • DLC: Annie of the Stars
    • Season Pass Exclusive Palette Pack
    • DLC: Skullgirls Original Soundtrack (Steam Only)
      • PS4 NOTE: While this is not available on launch day, it will be made available in the very near future.
    • DLC: Skullgirls Digital Art Compendium(Steam Only)
      • PS4 NOTE: Due to complexities with delivering this directly via PS4, we are currently exploring other methods by which PS4 players will be able to access this content. Stay tuned!
  • Coming Soon
    • DLC: Umbrella (scheduled for late 2021)
    • DLC: TBA Character 3 (scheduled for 2022)
    • DLC: TBA Character 4 (scheduled for 2022)
The Annie DLC includes a TON of Annie-themed content, including:
  • Annie (playable character)
  • Full Annie Story Mode
  • Character Tutorial
  • Character Trials
  • New Stage: Sound Stage 15
  • New Music: The Stars and Stage are Set!
  • 30 New Palettes
  • Tons of behind the scenes images in the Digital Art Compendium!
  • Annie's Japanese VO to be included as part of a future update
  • Annie's Story Mode will receive a fully voiced update (along with other Character Story Modes) closer to the end of the Season 1 Pass period
One brand new, Season 1 Pass exclusive palette for every Character in the game! (exclusive palettes for Umbrella and other future characters to be added alongside their release)



When arriving at the main menu, you'll probably immediately notice...


We've added a NEWS FEED to the main menu! Here, you can find the latest and greatest news going on for all things Skullgirls. Expect this to update frequently (without requiring a game update, even on console!) with live events, streams, big announcements, merch drops, etc.

  • Updated the city background at the top of the Medici Tower stage.
  • Updated credits.
  • Updated Steam achievements to be more closely in sync with the available "trophies" on PS4.
  • Numerous localization and translation improvements and fixes for tutorials and trials.
  • Tutorial bug fixes.
  • Updated Eliza, Robo-Fortune, and Beowulf's tutorial to include information about their new changes in this update.
  • Added a "Practicing New Characters!" lobby title for online play.
  • Updated some of the words and phrases in the "Typing Of The Skullgirls" game mode.
  • Adjusted the position of the •LEADER• text that appears over the lifebars to indicate who is in the lead.
  • Minor art fixes and adjustments to the Sonic Fox NPC in Class Notes.
  • Fixed a bug where watching a match end via spectating in a lobby would have the screen flicker.
  • Burstable (Infinity Breaker available) hit sparks and visuals will now turn gold instead of green or pink to signify when a burstable combo has lasted longer than 90F, and using an Infinity Breaker will always be safe (gold) and cannot be baited (blue).
  • The effect that plays when a point character exits hitstun after a 3 (or more) hit combo is slightly larger. Characters now briefly flicker white when this effect appears.
  • "Stab" hitspark effect is now slightly randomly rotated.
  • Added an alternate block effect (a pink shield) for when "absolute guard" or unblockable protection is triggered.
  • Characters can no longer block "unblockable while rising" style anti-air hits like Cerebella's EXCELLABELLA or Big Band's TAKE THE 'A' TRAIN by timing a Double Jump just as the hit makes contact.
  • The reversal buffer after exiting hitstun or waking up from a knockdown has been adjusted:
    • Specials, Blockbusters, and Throws: 3F → 4F
    • Heavy Normals: 0F → 3F*
    • Medium Normals: 0F → 2F*
    • Light Normals: 0F → 1F*
      * Normal attacks will not be buffered if holding any up direction.
  • The reversal buffer window for exiting blockstun or performing "PBGC" has been adjusted:
    • Specials, Blockbusters, and Throws: 1F → 2F
    • All Normals: 0F → 1F*
      * Normal attacks will not be buffered if holding any up direction.
  • "Manual Dash" (two punches together) can now be performed if the two punches are pressed one frame apart, instead of requiring a same frame button press.
  • SATCHMO DEATHBLOW will only wall bounce assists if one of the punches successfully hits the enemy point character. Point characters are always wall bounced.
  • TYMPANY DRIVE has the same on block advantage on the final hit regardless of whether or not he has taunted. This fixes a bug where TYMPANY was safer than intended on block if he had his taunt boost available.
  • No longer takes chip damage when blocking an Infinity Breaker while without The Hurting.
  • Chip damage while blocking without The Hurting reduced from 50 to 35.
  • Beowulf's taunt, AROO READY? grants hype in the middle of his howl, rather than the end. Animation length reduced by 10F.
  • Held s.LP hype build slightly increased. (1/40 each frame to → 1/35)
  • Fixed a bug where EX moves that use more than one hype level would display the wrong EX flash color.
  • Entering grab stance in the middle of an ongoing combo will advance the combo stage to at least stage 3 and begin building Drama (Undizzy) if he is not already at combo stage 3.
  • Added a new move, EX CHAIR PICKUP (Down, Down + KK with 3 hype levels), which recalls The Hurting back to Beowulf for 3 hype.
  • The crowd will now cheer for Beowulf during each hit when he starts and performs a "Double Snap" combo (OUTTAKE against two characters) properly.
  • Added a new move, EX WULF BLITZER, performed by pressing KK with at least one hype level after at least one WULF BLITZER has been used.
  • GIGANTIC ARM minimum scaling increased to 45%, from 27.5%.
  • Hype level built from held s.MP (mic drop) increased from 1/4th to 1/3rd.
  • When landing a once per combo s.HK stagger against an opponent, Beowulf now builds 1/3rd hype.
  • "Unblockable while rising" throw protection triggered by WULF SHOOT now persists as Beowulf moves forward, preventing some potential unblockable situations.
  • Hype acquired mid combo from held s.LP, Taunt, or non-EX throw finishers (and any hype acquired in the same combo afterwards), will now make any EX throw finisher it is spent on deal 70% of its original damage. This does not apply to Blockbuster finishers, and it does not reduce Geatish Trepak's damage since it's not boosted during the EX version. TL;DR - Spending hype gained mid combo on EX finishers does less damage.
  • Beowulf's throwable collision box during HURTING HURL (M + H) has been extended forward to prevent him from stepping backwards out of range when an opponent attempts to throw him out of it.
  • PUMMEL HORSE hitbox has been extended slightly down to hit all characters after her GROUND THROW. Valentine and Peacock are thrown slightly closer after GROUND THROW to facilitate this conversion.
  • j.HP is now a mid hit, instead of an overhead. Its previously enforced 75% damage scaling has been removed.
  • Fixed a bug where j+d.MP (UNBREAKABLE ELBOW) could have 1F of startup if done close to the ground. It must now go through minimum start up before landing.
  • The first follow up punch after j.LP will be performed even if you LP again slightly early.
  • DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER will clear all hitstop from the opponent if used as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), and the opponent is not attacking, blocking, or in hitstun.
  • Fixed a bug where the projectile from DIAMOND DEFLECTOR could pass through the opponent without hitting them.
  • Updated color 21.
  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), CATELLITE LIVES duration is half as long.
  • Slightly reduced the knock up on LUGER REPLICA (L), and slightly increased its knock back distance.
  • Fixed an issue where Double's OUTTAKE would fail to wall bounce the opponent back towards her when hitting a solo character or Sekhmet.
  • Fixed an issue where Double's command list incorrectly suggested you could activate CILIA SLIDE using Forward + KK.
  • Sekhmet
    • No longer drains meter over time when active. Instead, she drains life over time and loses chunks of life when attacking.
    • Life drain over time speeds up the longer Sekhmet goes without an attack touching the opponent. As an assist, life drain from Sekhmet moves is always at max, and will lock the assist out for longer as if she was hit by an attack.
    • Now reverts to Eliza form when hit with any armor breaking move, like Sweeps or Double's CILIA SLIDE.
    • Sekhmet attacks involving her blood weapons will spawn blood drops on the floor, which can be collected in Eliza form to heal health.
    • Added a new super, CRIMSON SCOURGE (QCF + KK), which bites the opponent to heal for a portion of the damage dealt and creates blood to be collected. It will also reposition Eliza's anchor directly behind Sekhmet to allow her to follow up easier.
    • Added a new move, SEKHEM REBOUND, performed by inputting back, back quickly or back + PP after making contact with any Sekhmet move. This move has Sekhmet quickly retreat backwards out of harm's way at the cost of health.
  • Eliza's taunt, SCARLET LADIES, now pulls all nearby blood drops closer towards her for easy collection. All other taunt benefits removed.
  • s.MK's second hit now pulls the opponent down and leaves them standing, instead of knocking down. Damage adjusted to 225, 225, 225, 325.
  • Improved Dramatic Tension (meter) build on OSIRIS SPIRAL (M).
  • c.MP first hit recovery reduced by 4F.
  • Fixed a bug where TWICE SHY dealt non recoverable damage.
  • FOREVER A CLONE (MK) slows down slightly less before attempting its grab if the opponent is in hitstun.
  • When performing a Double Jump within two frames after a jump, all air normals will be mid instead of overhead.
  • Slightly extended FIBER UPPERCUT (L) hitbox horizontally to prevent whiffs on standing Annie and Cerebella.
  • Fixed a bug where Ms. Fortune had one extra frame of recovery on CAT SCRATCH, headless s.HK, and CAT CALL after she returned to idle.
  • When performing UNFLY (two punches while flying, to cancel), the two punches can now be pressed one frame apart instead of requiring a same frame press.
  • Added a visual blood effect whenever UNFLY reduces blockstun.
    • Armor now persists through the first active frame of every normal if it is fully charged, to prevent trades.
      • Armor persists through all active frames for s.MP only.
    • Bonus return damage is now dealt to both assists and the point character if they are hit at the same time, instead of previously only affecting the assist.
  • Fixed a bug where j.HK would start up quicker if used from a forward jump.
    • Reduced recovery by 4F on success.
    • Fixed a bug where Painwheel could do the incorrect special move (Fly vs Buer) if done with perfect timing as the move ended.
    • Added a buffer when ending to help with combos on heavy characters when hitting near the corner.
  • After forward dashing, EGRET CALL, DIVE, and SACRIFICE, and NAPALM SHOT must end their inputs in a strict forward input to be activated. Dashing into c.LK and holding down forward will not activate these charge inputs.
  • Fixed a bug where Parasoul was unable to summon an Egret while NAPALM SHOT was travelling on screen.
  • Updated color 25.
  • Fixed a bug where Peacock's bombs would not be destroyed if they were hit by projectiles, and would only explode if the bombs themselves touched something. This fixes an issue where a single projectile (such as Robo-Fortune's THEONITE BEAM) could not destroy more than one bomb at a time.
  • BANG! (MP)
    • Knock back on block reduced.
    • Blockstun reduced and recovery increased. It is now -16 on block.
    • Hitbox lowered closer to the ground directly in front of Peacock.
    • Loses its long horizontal hitbox that hits far behind it one frame after it is spawned, unless the opponent is in hitstun.
    • Is thrown in a more shallow arc that does not anti-air as well, if the opponent is not in hitstun.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack (assist), Peacock arrives in front of the point character before throwing George instead of landing far behind them.
    • Fixed a bug where the assist version built Dramatic Tension (meter) even if George was already out and could not be thrown again.
    • Hitstop does not carry over to the next character when using a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), allowing the next Blockbuster hit to be blockable after the cinematic flash and pause, like most Blockbusters.
    • While Lenny is active and Peacock is the point character, Dramatic Tension (meter) gain is reduced to 33% of its normal values.
  • SHADOW OF IMPENDING DOOM now scales combo damage to 60%, down from 80%.
  • Normal damage adjustments:
    • c.HP: 800 → 650
    • c.MK: 550 → 525
    • c.MP: 525 → 500
    • j.HK: 800 → 600
      • Avery: 400 → 250 (x2)
    • j.HP: 1050 → 950
    • j.LK: 225 → 190 (x3)
    • s.HK: 950 → 775
    • s.HP 700 → 600
    • s.MP 500 → 525
  • AIR THROW leaves the opponent slightly closer to Peacock.
  • Fixed a bug where Peacock's ant spawned from c.MK would vanish before it was fully off screen.
  • Updated color 25.
  • All hits from DANGER! HEAD SWAP ACTION! (QCF+LK) now cause knockdown, instead of only the final hit being a knockdown.
  • c.MP can now destroy the ant spawned from Peacock's c.MK.
  • SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER has received the following changes:
    • Now has a visible timer above Robo-Fortune's head to count down to her explosion.
    • Each second is now 90 in-game frames, up from 70.
    • Infinite Prevention System tracking and Damage Scaling are now reset when Robo-Fortune explodes. Drama (undizzy) is still frozen.
    • The ending explosion now pulls the opponent towards Robo-Fortune on hit.
    • While active, Robo-Fortune loses access to her Double Jump, but she can Air Dash.
    • While active, THEONITE BEAM (L and M, and air L and M) have less recovery, and the laser hits have special properties that will activate once per combo instead of always putting the opponent into a sliding hard knockdown. Damage on these beam hits has been increased to 1000.
    • The timer now pauses during 1v1 downs.
  • Added a new move, WARRANTY EXTENSION (QCB+P) that can only be activated during SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER. This move consumes one Headrone to extend the duration of SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER by 5 seconds, while dealing 300 damage to herself. Each consecutive Headrone consumed deals an extra 100 damage to Robo-Fortune, up to 1000 damage max. The timer cannot exceed 20 seconds.
    • Each consumed Headrone removes 15% of the 66% Dramatic Tension (meter) reduction she receives while SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER is active.
    • Does not always cause Robo-Fortune to explode if SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER is active, she can now hold any K during the leap portion to force the explosion.
    • Once per combo, MAGNETIC CLAW will bounce the opponent upwards for a combo opportunity if she has activated SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER.
    • Now has hitstop from the cinematic pause until the first active frame, preventing the opponent from performing an action before it has a chance to hit.
    • Will now stagger the opponent once per combo if it is used without cancelling from a normal attack.
    • Increased hitstun against assists to combo them (even without stagger) into CATASTROPHE CANNON reliably.
    • Blockstun reduced. Now -17 on block, down from -12.
  • When performing a Double Jump within two frames after a jump, all air normals will be mid instead of overhead.
  • Added a new move, HOMING DIRECTORY, performed by pressing up or up forward after s.HK splats the opponent into a wall while Robo-Fortune has at least one Headrone. This will have Robo-Fortune chase after the opponent, homing in on them and allowing for a follow-up combo.
  • c.HP middle hits have increased hitstun (+2) to always combo into SILVER CHORD with any special cancel timing.
  • DAISY PUSHER correctly scales to 55% instead of 50%.
  • When cancelling AIR THROW into FALLEN WOMAN, it will ignore assists and always go for the point character to allow for consistent combos afterwards.
  • Fixed an issue where Squigly couldn't cancel AIR THROW into FALLEN WOMAN if she was too low to the ground.
  • Squigly can no longer hold DRAGON'S BREATH or SERPENT'S TAIL during 1v1 downs.
  • Fixed a bug where Squigly's level 5, RAGE OF THE DRAGON, required both charges instead of just one (the amount on point) if being activated as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC).
  • If VIAL HAZARD is prepared, Valentine can use COUNTERVENOM as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC). This version has reduced damage, is unsafe on block, and always applies the level 1 version of a given VIAL HAZARD status effect.
  • VIAL HAZARD TYPE C (orange vial) no longer drains at half speed while Valentine is in hitstun.
  • Fixed an issue where the grounded version of SAVAGE BYPASS would sometimes fail to produce a hit against characters in the corner if she attacked under them in some instances.
The following changes use Steam's "launch option" system to toggle on a couple tweaks, and are not present on PS4 right now.
  • Added a new "-tourneyHUD" launch option that swaps the location of the •Leader• and online player name text, and hides the number of wins that a player has in a lobby. This is intended for use with custom stream overlays that are displaying the score and player names, without covering up the •Leader• text for spectators.
  • Added a new "-screenCapture" launch option which will hide "Beta" and "Debug Key Slow Mo / Paused" text, and will hide the green playback arrow during Dummy playback.
The following changes have already been live on Steam before Annie's development and the latest Beta cycle started, but are new since the last time PS4 was updated.

  • Added a new stage, "No Man's Land".
  • Added numerous colors for every character, including some previously removed colors.
  • All of the HUD and UI has been upgraded to 1080p, up from 720p.
  • Added a variation of Class Notes with a Sonic Fox NPC in the background instead of Mrs. Victoria.
  • Some game setting values can now be more finely tuned, such as game volume.
  • Holding left or right to adjust a game option will speed up the rate it changes the longer it is held.
  • In training mode, Dramatic Tension (meter) values and its change during a combo can be displayed on the HUD.
  • Numerous netcode improvements to keep players closer in sync when playing online to reduce unstable rollbacks.
  • Sounds are now cut off and rolled back if the event that triggered them was also rolled back.
  • An online Quick Match session no longer ends after a player reaches 3 wins
  • Added KO screams that play when characters are KO'd mid air.
  • Fixed a bug where some characters could float off the ground when using an OUTTAKE combined with some air attacks after jumping off the ground.
  • Fixed a bug where Big Band's CYMBAL CLASH would hit overhead instead of mid if hitting one frame after a combo ended that used the move previously.
  • Fixed a bug where Big Band's CYMBAL CLASH could lift Peacock's LONESOME LENNY off the ground.
  • Fixed a bug where Beowulf and Fukua couldn't use an assist input (ex: LP + MK) to activate their air specials shortly after leaving the ground.
  • Added new intro animations for Fukua, Ms. Fortune, Robo-Fortune, Beowulf, Double, and Squigly.
  • Ending Double's HORNET BOMBER motion with back, down back, or down alongside a kick input will always give a normal attack instead of the HORNET BOMBER special move, to prevent accidental usage.
  • Fukua's INEVITABLE SNUGGLE is now armored on the first active frame to prevent a frame-perfect trade that happens only when Player 1. All other interactions unaffected.
  • Fixed a bug where Cerebella could stand block in the air after recovering from BATTLE BUTT while airborne, if it was pulled using Robo-Fortune's MAGNETIC CLAW.
  • Fixed a bug where Valentine's special cancel inputs could be accepted backwards during her s.LK.
  • The first hit of Beowulf's OUTTAKE no longer mistakenly breaks Hyper Armor, such as Cerebella's DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER.
  • Cerebella's GRAB BAG now enforces 55% damage scaling, like other special grabs.
  • Fixed a bug where Cerebella's GRAB BAG recovery would sometimes not go into hitstun even if she was hit.
  • Double's AIR THROW now correctly deals 100% recoverable damage.
  • Added "half-circle-forward" overrides to Double's LUGER REPLICA (QCF+P) moves that have higher priority than HORNET BOMBER, so that dashing into HCF + Ensemble Attack (assist call) gives LUGER REPLICA instead of HORNET BOMBER.
  • Increased hitbox size on OUTTAKES for Filia, Fukua, Painwheel, Parasoul, and Peacock, to better match the animation and to be able to properly OTG opponents.
  • Fixed a bug where Fukua could be attacked even after she was retreating post Blockbuster Sequel (DHC) when using DRILL OF MY DREAMS in the air.
  • Fixed a bug where Painwheel's HATRED INSTALL would not end after a properly-timed sliding knockdown.
  • The last hit of Peacock's GOOD FELLOWS correctly deals only recoverable damage.
  • Robo-Fortune's MAGNETIC TRAP no longer affects opponents after an OUTTAKE, removing a timeout exploit.
  • Removed extraneous Dragon Punch motions for Robo-Fortune's DANGER! specials and MAGNETIC TRAP, they are now properly QCF+K only.
  • Added electric palette effect on opponents hit by Robo-Fortune's s.HK.
  • Reduced the duration of Robo-Fortune's TAUNT by 20F to bring it more in line with other taunts.
  • Squigly can now cancel held stances between Downs in a 1v1 fight.
  • Squigly's CENTER STAGE SERIA (QCF+MP) cancelled into SQUIGLY BATTLE OPERA (QCF+KK) now properly activates air-unblockable protection on the opponent, removing the unblockable CENTER STAGE SERIA setups.
  • Solo Squigly's INFERNO OF LEVIATHAN now properly disappears if she is snapped by a duo or trio.
  • Reduced the duration of Squigly's TAUNT by 15F to bring it more in line with other taunts.
  • Added ground-tech voice lines for Double.
  • Ms. Fortune properly plays tag in and tag out voice lines even when headless.
  • Fixed a bug where CILIA SLIDE, UPDO, FIBER UPPERCUT. and COUNTERVENOM could become airborne under extremely specific circumstances.
  • Fixed a rare bug where characters who were KO'd, hit a wall, and then got revived were no longer able to be juggled the next time they were KO'd.
  • Fixed a bug where only one character would be staggered if two characters traded blows with attacks that caused stagger.
  • Fixed a bug where landing a regular throw against some Blockbusters (Super Sonic Jazz, Death Crawl) immediately after the cinematic pause was possible as Player 2.

Due to some additional steps required for us to process the Japanese version of the PS4 update, that version will be slightly delayed. In the meantime, Japanese PS4 players will unfortunately not be able to be matched up with other players who have downloaded the updated version.

We are currently working closely with Arc System Works to ensure this release will be published as soon as possible. We expect this to be a one time issue as part of this initial update, and will do everything we can to ensure all future updates release in all territories as close to one another as possible. Thank you for your understanding and our apologies for the inconvenience.

For any players with the Limited Run physical release of Skullgirls 2nd Encore (especially those outside North or South America), please note that this version is the SIEA region copy of the game. If you are playing Skullgirls using this physical disk and wish to purchase the Season 1 Pass or any other DLC you will need to ensure you purchase it from the SIEA PSN Store.



  • Added unused Beowulf Chair Sit Sketches
  • Updating 2D Class Notes Added 2D Class Notes alternate version with SonicFox
  • Updating 2D Falling Wreckage to the current in-game version
  • Updating 2D Medici Tower with new Boardwalk Sign
  • Moving "Concept" version of No Man's Land to a "Concepts" subfolder
  • Moving "New Meridian Rough" to "Concepts" subfolder
  • Updated 2D No Man's Land to current in-game version
  • Adding Annie's new Flame Effects
  • Updating j.MK fx frames 01-06
  • Adding/Updating Annie's new Destruction Pillar
  • Adding/Updating Annie's North Knuckle
  • Adding/Updating Annie's ReEntry
  • Updating Annie's Photo Bop Photo's
  • Adding/Updating Annie's Pillar of Creation
  • Updating Annie's Sagan Beam
  • Adding/Updating Annie's Star Power Activate/Deactivate
  • Updating Annie's palettes
  • Adding/Updating Annie's Air Throw
  • Updating Beowulf's 2nd Wall Intro
  • Adding/Updating Eliza's Blood Effects
  • Adding/Updating Eliza's Vampire Grab
  • Eliza palette Updated to a different frame
  • Fukua palettes updated to her true idle frame
  • Added Parasoul's new Annie Flame Effects
  • Added/Updated Peacock Bombs Airflail
  • Added/Update Robo-Fortune's s.HK with homing frames
  • Added new palettes for every character

  • Added Annie's Story Mode Art
  • Annie’s Talking Heads have been updated. Previous versions have been added to an ‘Old’ folder.
  • Added New Talking Heads for Annie, Double, Fukua, Aileen, Annie's Mom, Florence, Sagan
  • Moved Dog into Filia's Family Folder, where he belongs
  • Updated several Squigly Talking Heads to full body images
  • Added Story Mode Backgrounds for Arena, Arena_Empty, Lab 0, Underground River, and Agent's Office

We couldn't be happier with how Annie and this first major update to 2nd Encore has turned out, so thank you to everyone who's supported and continues to support us in this new era of Skullgirls!

Leave a comment below if you have any questions, and let us know what you think of these updates.

Keep an eye on our social media accounts for the latest info on Umbrella and the other characters in the Season 1 Pass!

-Hidden Variable
Last edited:
robo dust jump let's goooooooooo

annie's finally here and i couldn't be happier lol
She's here finally. From another galaxy she came to stop all evil in her wake, she's Annie of the stars, friend in the day, hero at night. Evil better run, because Annie and Sagan are here to shine upon the dark.
Thank you autumn games, lab zero and everyone involved in this wonderful game. We love you all
  • Like
Reactions: pirouy
Thank you so much.
You revived the game, and it feels so good.
Now the only thing I need is the Voices of Gaming walkthrough. Mwahaha.
I can't change my PS4's region, to my knowledge - how am I supposed to buy the DLC without buying the game all over again?
Just finished the Annie story mode and it just slaps so hard, it was amazing ! Thanks guys for the great work you pulled out !
  • Like
Reactions: Holy Goose
Any changes specifically since the last Steam patch, or is it all the same?
Is there any information to offer regarding the Switch port at this time?
Very cool to see this game get even more love after all these years. Particularly the Eliza and Robo changes look pretty cool.

On another note, has anyone figured out how to unlock the Interstellar Performance achievement?

It's been a long journey, but after months of testing and tuning, the official release of Annie of the Stars is finally here! And as much as Annie loves the spotlight, this update also comes with a mountain of gameplay and balance adjustments for the rest of the cast.

If you've been participating in the open beta on Steam these changes will be familiar to you, but we're excited to finally have them roll out on PS4 too.


The first ever Skullgirls Season Pass! Discover 4 brand new characters (including stages, palettes, and Story Mode), the Skullgirls Soundtrack, and Digital Art Compendium all bundled together at a discounted price!


The Season 1 Pass includes:
  • Available NOW
    • DLC: Annie of the Stars
    • Season Pass Exclusive Palette Pack
    • DLC: Skullgirls Original Soundtrack (Steam Only)
      • PS4 NOTE: While this is not available on launch day, it will be made available in the very near future.
    • DLC: Skullgirls Digital Art Compendium(Steam Only)
      • PS4 NOTE: Due to complexities with delivering this directly via PS4, we are currently exploring other methods by which PS4 players will be able to access this content. Stay tuned!
  • Coming Soon
    • DLC: Umbrella (scheduled for late 2021)
    • DLC: TBA Character 3 (scheduled for 2022)
    • DLC: TBA Character 4 (scheduled for 2022)
The Annie DLC includes a TON of Annie-themed content, including:
  • Annie (playable character)
  • Full Annie Story Mode
  • Character Tutorial
  • Character Trials
  • New Stage: Sound Stage 15
  • New Music: The Stars and Stage are Set!
  • 30 New Palettes
  • Tons of behind the scenes images in the Digital Art Compendium!
  • Annie's Japanese VO to be included as part of a future update
  • Annie's Story Mode will receive a fully voiced update (along with other Character Story Modes) closer to the end of the Season 1 Pass period
One brand new, Season 1 Pass exclusive palette for every Character in the game! (exclusive palettes for Umbrella and other future characters to be added alongside their release)



When arriving at the main menu, you'll probably immediately notice...


We've added a NEWS FEED to the main menu! Here, you can find the latest and greatest news going on for all things Skullgirls. Expect this to update frequently (without requiring a game update, even on console!) with live events, streams, big announcements, merch drops, etc.

  • Updated the city background at the top of the Medici Tower stage.
  • Updated credits.
  • Updated Steam achievements to be more closely in sync with the available "trophies" on PS4.
  • Numerous localization and translation improvements and fixes for tutorials and trials.
  • Tutorial bug fixes.
  • Updated Eliza, Robo-Fortune, and Beowulf's tutorial to include information about their new changes in this update.
  • Added a "Practicing New Characters!" lobby title for online play.
  • Updated some of the words and phrases in the "Typing Of The Skullgirls" game mode.
  • Adjusted the position of the •LEADER• text that appears over the lifebars to indicate who is in the lead.
  • Minor art fixes and adjustments to the Sonic Fox NPC in Class Notes.
  • Fixed a bug where watching a match end via spectating in a lobby would have the screen flicker.
  • Burstable (Infinity Breaker available) hit sparks and visuals will now turn gold instead of green or pink to signify when a burstable combo has lasted longer than 90F, and using an Infinity Breaker will always be safe (gold) and cannot be baited (blue).
  • The effect that plays when a point character exits hitstun after a 3 (or more) hit combo is slightly larger. Characters now briefly flicker white when this effect appears.
  • "Stab" hitspark effect is now slightly randomly rotated.
  • Added an alternate block effect (a pink shield) for when "absolute guard" or unblockable protection is triggered.
  • Characters can no longer block "unblockable while rising" style anti-air hits like Cerebella's EXCELLABELLA or Big Band's TAKE THE 'A' TRAIN by timing a Double Jump just as the hit makes contact.
  • The reversal buffer after exiting hitstun or waking up from a knockdown has been adjusted:
    • Specials, Blockbusters, and Throws: 3F → 4F
    • Heavy Normals: 0F → 3F*
    • Medium Normals: 0F → 2F*
    • Light Normals: 0F → 1F*
      * Normal attacks will not be buffered if holding any up direction.
  • The reversal buffer window for exiting blockstun or performing "PBGC" has been adjusted:
    • Specials, Blockbusters, and Throws: 1F → 2F
    • All Normals: 0F → 1F*
      * Normal attacks will not be buffered if holding any up direction.
  • "Manual Dash" (two punches together) can now be performed if the two punches are pressed one frame apart, instead of requiring a same frame button press.
  • SATCHMO DEATHBLOW will only wall bounce assists if one of the punches successfully hits the enemy point character. Point characters are always wall bounced.
  • TYMPANY DRIVE has the same on block advantage on the final hit regardless of whether or not he has taunted. This fixes a bug where TYMPANY was safer than intended on block if he had his taunt boost available.
  • No longer takes chip damage when blocking an Infinity Breaker while without The Hurting.
  • Chip damage while blocking without The Hurting reduced from 50 to 35.
  • Beowulf's taunt, AROO READY? grants hype in the middle of his howl, rather than the end. Animation length reduced by 10F.
  • Held s.LP hype build slightly increased. (1/40 each frame to → 1/35)
  • Fixed a bug where EX moves that use more than one hype level would display the wrong EX flash color.
  • Entering grab stance in the middle of an ongoing combo will advance the combo stage to at least stage 3 and begin building Drama (Undizzy) if he is not already at combo stage 3.
  • Added a new move, EX CHAIR PICKUP (Down, Down + KK with 3 hype levels), which recalls The Hurting back to Beowulf for 3 hype.
  • The crowd will now cheer for Beowulf during each hit when he starts and performs a "Double Snap" combo (OUTTAKE against two characters) properly.
  • Added a new move, EX WULF BLITZER, performed by pressing KK with at least one hype level after at least one WULF BLITZER has been used.
  • GIGANTIC ARM minimum scaling increased to 45%, from 27.5%.
  • Hype level built from held s.MP (mic drop) increased from 1/4th to 1/3rd.
  • When landing a once per combo s.HK stagger against an opponent, Beowulf now builds 1/3rd hype.
  • "Unblockable while rising" throw protection triggered by WULF SHOOT now persists as Beowulf moves forward, preventing some potential unblockable situations.
  • Hype acquired mid combo from held s.LP, Taunt, or non-EX throw finishers (and any hype acquired in the same combo afterwards), will now make any EX throw finisher it is spent on deal 70% of its original damage. This does not apply to Blockbuster finishers, and it does not reduce Geatish Trepak's damage since it's not boosted during the EX version. TL;DR - Spending hype gained mid combo on EX finishers does less damage.
  • Beowulf's throwable collision box during HURTING HURL (M + H) has been extended forward to prevent him from stepping backwards out of range when an opponent attempts to throw him out of it.
  • PUMMEL HORSE hitbox has been extended slightly down to hit all characters after her GROUND THROW. Valentine and Peacock are thrown slightly closer after GROUND THROW to facilitate this conversion.
  • j.HP is now a mid hit, instead of an overhead. Its previously enforced 75% damage scaling has been removed.
  • Fixed a bug where j+d.MP (UNBREAKABLE ELBOW) could have 1F of startup if done close to the ground. It must now go through minimum start up before landing.
  • The first follow up punch after j.LP will be performed even if you LP again slightly early.
  • DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER will clear all hitstop from the opponent if used as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), and the opponent is not attacking, blocking, or in hitstun.
  • Fixed a bug where the projectile from DIAMOND DEFLECTOR could pass through the opponent without hitting them.
  • Updated color 21.
  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), CATELLITE LIVES duration is half as long.
  • Slightly reduced the knock up on LUGER REPLICA (L), and slightly increased its knock back distance.
  • Fixed an issue where Double's OUTTAKE would fail to wall bounce the opponent back towards her when hitting a solo character or Sekhmet.
  • Fixed an issue where Double's command list incorrectly suggested you could activate CILIA SLIDE using Forward + KK.
  • Sekhmet
    • No longer drains meter over time when active. Instead, she drains life over time and loses chunks of life when attacking.
    • Life drain over time speeds up the longer Sekhmet goes without an attack touching the opponent. As an assist, life drain from Sekhmet moves is always at max, and will lock the assist out for longer as if she was hit by an attack.
    • Now reverts to Eliza form when hit with any armor breaking move, like Sweeps or Double's CILIA SLIDE.
    • Sekhmet attacks involving her blood weapons will spawn blood drops on the floor, which can be collected in Eliza form to heal health.
    • Added a new super, CRIMSON SCOURGE (QCF + KK), which bites the opponent to heal for a portion of the damage dealt and creates blood to be collected. It will also reposition Eliza's anchor directly behind Sekhmet to allow her to follow up easier.
    • Added a new move, SEKHEM REBOUND, performed by inputting back, back quickly or back + PP after making contact with any Sekhmet move. This move has Sekhmet quickly retreat backwards out of harm's way at the cost of health.
  • Eliza's taunt, SCARLET LADIES, now pulls all nearby blood drops closer towards her for easy collection. All other taunt benefits removed.
  • s.MK's second hit now pulls the opponent down and leaves them standing, instead of knocking down. Damage adjusted to 225, 225, 225, 325.
  • Improved Dramatic Tension (meter) build on OSIRIS SPIRAL (M).
  • c.MP first hit recovery reduced by 4F.
  • Fixed a bug where TWICE SHY dealt non recoverable damage.
  • FOREVER A CLONE (MK) slows down slightly less before attempting its grab if the opponent is in hitstun.
  • When performing a Double Jump within two frames after a jump, all air normals will be mid instead of overhead.
  • Slightly extended FIBER UPPERCUT (L) hitbox horizontally to prevent whiffs on standing Annie and Cerebella.
  • Fixed a bug where Ms. Fortune had one extra frame of recovery on CAT SCRATCH, headless s.HK, and CAT CALL after she returned to idle.
  • When performing UNFLY (two punches while flying, to cancel), the two punches can now be pressed one frame apart instead of requiring a same frame press.
  • Added a visual blood effect whenever UNFLY reduces blockstun.
    • Armor now persists through the first active frame of every normal if it is fully charged, to prevent trades.
      • Armor persists through all active frames for s.MP only.
    • Bonus return damage is now dealt to both assists and the point character if they are hit at the same time, instead of previously only affecting the assist.
  • Fixed a bug where j.HK would start up quicker if used from a forward jump.
    • Reduced recovery by 4F on success.
    • Fixed a bug where Painwheel could do the incorrect special move (Fly vs Buer) if done with perfect timing as the move ended.
    • Added a buffer when ending to help with combos on heavy characters when hitting near the corner.
  • After forward dashing, EGRET CALL, DIVE, and SACRIFICE, and NAPALM SHOT must end their inputs in a strict forward input to be activated. Dashing into c.LK and holding down forward will not activate these charge inputs.
  • Fixed a bug where Parasoul was unable to summon an Egret while NAPALM SHOT was travelling on screen.
  • Updated color 25.
  • Fixed a bug where Peacock's bombs would not be destroyed if they were hit by projectiles, and would only explode if the bombs themselves touched something. This fixes an issue where a single projectile (such as Robo-Fortune's THEONITE BEAM) could not destroy more than one bomb at a time.
  • BANG! (MP)
    • Knock back on block reduced.
    • Blockstun reduced and recovery increased. It is now -16 on block.
    • Hitbox lowered closer to the ground directly in front of Peacock.
    • Loses its long horizontal hitbox that hits far behind it one frame after it is spawned, unless the opponent is in hitstun.
    • Is thrown in a more shallow arc that does not anti-air as well, if the opponent is not in hitstun.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack (assist), Peacock arrives in front of the point character before throwing George instead of landing far behind them.
    • Fixed a bug where the assist version built Dramatic Tension (meter) even if George was already out and could not be thrown again.
    • Hitstop does not carry over to the next character when using a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), allowing the next Blockbuster hit to be blockable after the cinematic flash and pause, like most Blockbusters.
    • While Lenny is active and Peacock is the point character, Dramatic Tension (meter) gain is reduced to 33% of its normal values.
  • SHADOW OF IMPENDING DOOM now scales combo damage to 60%, down from 80%.
  • Normal damage adjustments:
    • c.HP: 800 → 650
    • c.MK: 550 → 525
    • c.MP: 525 → 500
    • j.HK: 800 → 600
      • Avery: 400 → 250 (x2)
    • j.HP: 1050 → 950
    • j.LK: 225 → 190 (x3)
    • s.HK: 950 → 775
    • s.HP 700 → 600
    • s.MP 500 → 525
  • AIR THROW leaves the opponent slightly closer to Peacock.
  • Fixed a bug where Peacock's ant spawned from c.MK would vanish before it was fully off screen.
  • Updated color 25.
  • All hits from DANGER! HEAD SWAP ACTION! (QCF+LK) now cause knockdown, instead of only the final hit being a knockdown.
  • c.MP can now destroy the ant spawned from Peacock's c.MK.
  • SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER has received the following changes:
    • Now has a visible timer above Robo-Fortune's head to count down to her explosion.
    • Each second is now 90 in-game frames, up from 70.
    • Infinite Prevention System tracking and Damage Scaling are now reset when Robo-Fortune explodes. Drama (undizzy) is still frozen.
    • The ending explosion now pulls the opponent towards Robo-Fortune on hit.
    • While active, Robo-Fortune loses access to her Double Jump, but she can Air Dash.
    • While active, THEONITE BEAM (L and M, and air L and M) have less recovery, and the laser hits have special properties that will activate once per combo instead of always putting the opponent into a sliding hard knockdown. Damage on these beam hits has been increased to 1000.
    • The timer now pauses during 1v1 downs.
  • Added a new move, WARRANTY EXTENSION (QCB+P) that can only be activated during SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER. This move consumes one Headrone to extend the duration of SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER by 5 seconds, while dealing 300 damage to herself. Each consecutive Headrone consumed deals an extra 100 damage to Robo-Fortune, up to 1000 damage max. The timer cannot exceed 20 seconds.
    • Each consumed Headrone removes 15% of the 66% Dramatic Tension (meter) reduction she receives while SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER is active.
    • Does not always cause Robo-Fortune to explode if SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER is active, she can now hold any K during the leap portion to force the explosion.
    • Once per combo, MAGNETIC CLAW will bounce the opponent upwards for a combo opportunity if she has activated SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER.
    • Now has hitstop from the cinematic pause until the first active frame, preventing the opponent from performing an action before it has a chance to hit.
    • Will now stagger the opponent once per combo if it is used without cancelling from a normal attack.
    • Increased hitstun against assists to combo them (even without stagger) into CATASTROPHE CANNON reliably.
    • Blockstun reduced. Now -17 on block, down from -12.
  • When performing a Double Jump within two frames after a jump, all air normals will be mid instead of overhead.
  • Added a new move, HOMING DIRECTORY, performed by pressing up or up forward after s.HK splats the opponent into a wall while Robo-Fortune has at least one Headrone. This will have Robo-Fortune chase after the opponent, homing in on them and allowing for a follow-up combo.
  • c.HP middle hits have increased hitstun (+2) to always combo into SILVER CHORD with any special cancel timing.
  • DAISY PUSHER correctly scales to 55% instead of 50%.
  • When cancelling AIR THROW into FALLEN WOMAN, it will ignore assists and always go for the point character to allow for consistent combos afterwards.
  • Fixed an issue where Squigly couldn't cancel AIR THROW into FALLEN WOMAN if she was too low to the ground.
  • Squigly can no longer hold DRAGON'S BREATH or SERPENT'S TAIL during 1v1 downs.
  • Fixed a bug where Squigly's level 5, RAGE OF THE DRAGON, required both charges instead of just one (the amount on point) if being activated as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC).
  • If VIAL HAZARD is prepared, Valentine can use COUNTERVENOM as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC). This version has reduced damage, is unsafe on block, and always applies the level 1 version of a given VIAL HAZARD status effect.
  • VIAL HAZARD TYPE C (orange vial) no longer drains at half speed while Valentine is in hitstun.
  • Fixed an issue where the grounded version of SAVAGE BYPASS would sometimes fail to produce a hit against characters in the corner if she attacked under them in some instances.
The following changes use Steam's "launch option" system to toggle on a couple tweaks, and are not present on PS4 right now.
  • Added a new "-tourneyHUD" launch option that swaps the location of the •Leader• and online player name text, and hides the number of wins that a player has in a lobby. This is intended for use with custom stream overlays that are displaying the score and player names, without covering up the •Leader• text for spectators.
  • Added a new "-screenCapture" launch option which will hide "Beta" and "Debug Key Slow Mo / Paused" text, and will hide the green playback arrow during Dummy playback.
The following changes have already been live on Steam before Annie's development and the latest Beta cycle started, but are new since the last time PS4 was updated.

  • Added a new stage, "No Man's Land".
  • Added numerous colors for every character, including some previously removed colors.
  • All of the HUD and UI has been upgraded to 1080p, up from 720p.
  • Added a variation of Class Notes with a Sonic Fox NPC in the background instead of Mrs. Victoria.
  • Some game setting values can now be more finely tuned, such as game volume.
  • Holding left or right to adjust a game option will speed up the rate it changes the longer it is held.
  • In training mode, Dramatic Tension (meter) values and its change during a combo can be displayed on the HUD.
  • Numerous netcode improvements to keep players closer in sync when playing online to reduce unstable rollbacks.
  • Sounds are now cut off and rolled back if the event that triggered them was also rolled back.
  • An online Quick Match session no longer ends after a player reaches 3 wins
  • Added KO screams that play when characters are KO'd mid air.
  • Fixed a bug where some characters could float off the ground when using an OUTTAKE combined with some air attacks after jumping off the ground.
  • Fixed a bug where Big Band's CYMBAL CLASH would hit overhead instead of mid if hitting one frame after a combo ended that used the move previously.
  • Fixed a bug where Big Band's CYMBAL CLASH could lift Peacock's LONESOME LENNY off the ground.
  • Fixed a bug where Beowulf and Fukua couldn't use an assist input (ex: LP + MK) to activate their air specials shortly after leaving the ground.
  • Added new intro animations for Fukua, Ms. Fortune, Robo-Fortune, Beowulf, Double, and Squigly.
  • Ending Double's HORNET BOMBER motion with back, down back, or down alongside a kick input will always give a normal attack instead of the HORNET BOMBER special move, to prevent accidental usage.
  • Fukua's INEVITABLE SNUGGLE is now armored on the first active frame to prevent a frame-perfect trade that happens only when Player 1. All other interactions unaffected.
  • Fixed a bug where Cerebella could stand block in the air after recovering from BATTLE BUTT while airborne, if it was pulled using Robo-Fortune's MAGNETIC CLAW.
  • Fixed a bug where Valentine's special cancel inputs could be accepted backwards during her s.LK.
  • The first hit of Beowulf's OUTTAKE no longer mistakenly breaks Hyper Armor, such as Cerebella's DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER.
  • Cerebella's GRAB BAG now enforces 55% damage scaling, like other special grabs.
  • Fixed a bug where Cerebella's GRAB BAG recovery would sometimes not go into hitstun even if she was hit.
  • Double's AIR THROW now correctly deals 100% recoverable damage.
  • Added "half-circle-forward" overrides to Double's LUGER REPLICA (QCF+P) moves that have higher priority than HORNET BOMBER, so that dashing into HCF + Ensemble Attack (assist call) gives LUGER REPLICA instead of HORNET BOMBER.
  • Increased hitbox size on OUTTAKES for Filia, Fukua, Painwheel, Parasoul, and Peacock, to better match the animation and to be able to properly OTG opponents.
  • Fixed a bug where Fukua could be attacked even after she was retreating post Blockbuster Sequel (DHC) when using DRILL OF MY DREAMS in the air.
  • Fixed a bug where Painwheel's HATRED INSTALL would not end after a properly-timed sliding knockdown.
  • The last hit of Peacock's GOOD FELLOWS correctly deals only recoverable damage.
  • Robo-Fortune's MAGNETIC TRAP no longer affects opponents after an OUTTAKE, removing a timeout exploit.
  • Removed extraneous Dragon Punch motions for Robo-Fortune's DANGER! specials and MAGNETIC TRAP, they are now properly QCF+K only.
  • Added electric palette effect on opponents hit by Robo-Fortune's s.HK.
  • Reduced the duration of Robo-Fortune's TAUNT by 20F to bring it more in line with other taunts.
  • Squigly can now cancel held stances between Downs in a 1v1 fight.
  • Squigly's CENTER STAGE SERIA (QCF+MP) cancelled into SQUIGLY BATTLE OPERA (QCF+KK) now properly activates air-unblockable protection on the opponent, removing the unblockable CENTER STAGE SERIA setups.
  • Solo Squigly's INFERNO OF LEVIATHAN now properly disappears if she is snapped by a duo or trio.
  • Reduced the duration of Squigly's TAUNT by 15F to bring it more in line with other taunts.
  • Added ground-tech voice lines for Double.
  • Ms. Fortune properly plays tag in and tag out voice lines even when headless.
  • Fixed a bug where CILIA SLIDE, UPDO, FIBER UPPERCUT. and COUNTERVENOM could become airborne under extremely specific circumstances.
  • Fixed a rare bug where characters who were KO'd, hit a wall, and then got revived were no longer able to be juggled the next time they were KO'd.
  • Fixed a bug where only one character would be staggered if two characters traded blows with attacks that caused stagger.
  • Fixed a bug where landing a regular throw against some Blockbusters (Super Sonic Jazz, Death Crawl) immediately after the cinematic pause was possible as Player 2.

Due to some additional steps required for us to process the Japanese version of the PS4 update, that version will be slightly delayed. In the meantime, Japanese PS4 players will unfortunately not be able to be matched up with other players who have downloaded the updated version.

We are currently working closely with Arc System Works to ensure this release will be published as soon as possible. We expect this to be a one time issue as part of this initial update, and will do everything we can to ensure all future updates release in all territories as close to one another as possible. Thank you for your understanding and our apologies for the inconvenience.

For any players with the Limited Run physical release of Skullgirls 2nd Encore (especially those outside North or South America), please note that this version is the SIEA region copy of the game. If you are playing Skullgirls using this physical disk and wish to purchase the Season 1 Pass or any other DLC you will need to ensure you purchase it from the SIEA PSN Store.



  • Added unused Beowulf Chair Sit Sketches
  • Updating 2D Class Notes Added 2D Class Notes alternate version with SonicFox
  • Updating 2D Falling Wreckage to the current in-game version
  • Updating 2D Medici Tower with new Boardwalk Sign
  • Moving "Concept" version of No Man's Land to a "Concepts" subfolder
  • Moving "New Meridian Rough" to "Concepts" subfolder
  • Updated 2D No Man's Land to current in-game version
  • Adding Annie's new Flame Effects
  • Updating j.MK fx frames 01-06
  • Adding/Updating Annie's new Destruction Pillar
  • Adding/Updating Annie's North Knuckle
  • Adding/Updating Annie's ReEntry
  • Updating Annie's Photo Bop Photo's
  • Adding/Updating Annie's Pillar of Creation
  • Updating Annie's Sagan Beam
  • Adding/Updating Annie's Star Power Activate/Deactivate
  • Updating Annie's palettes
  • Adding/Updating Annie's Air Throw
  • Updating Beowulf's 2nd Wall Intro
  • Adding/Updating Eliza's Blood Effects
  • Adding/Updating Eliza's Vampire Grab
  • Eliza palette Updated to a different frame
  • Fukua palettes updated to her true idle frame
  • Added Parasoul's new Annie Flame Effects
  • Added/Updated Peacock Bombs Airflail
  • Added/Update Robo-Fortune's s.HK with homing frames
  • Added new palettes for every character

  • Added Annie's Story Mode Art
  • Annie’s Talking Heads have been updated. Previous versions have been added to an ‘Old’ folder.
  • Added New Talking Heads for Annie, Double, Fukua, Aileen, Annie's Mom, Florence, Sagan
  • Moved Dog into Filia's Family Folder, where he belongs
  • Updated several Squigly Talking Heads to full body images
  • Added Story Mode Backgrounds for Arena, Arena_Empty, Lab 0, Underground River, and Agent's Office

We couldn't be happier with how Annie and this first major update to 2nd Encore has turned out, so thank you to everyone who's supported and continues to support us in this new era of Skullgirls!

Leave a comment below if you have any questions, and let us know what you think of these updates.

Keep an eye on our social media accounts for the latest info on Umbrella and the other characters in the Season 1 Pass!

-Hidden Variable
I love Annie and the new update. I got the season pass for ps4. I have some suggestions for things to add in a future update. Where is the suggestion thread for the devs?


I love Annie and the new update. I got the season pass for ps4. I have some suggestions for things to add in a future update. Where is the suggestion thread for the devs?


I think the Beta Discussion section is probably the most appropriate place to make a feature suggestion.
Can we get this on Xbox, please?
Is there any information to offer regarding the Switch port at this time?
At least you know you will get a port. (Xbox doesn't even get a confirmation of any hope for a port , just a "were interested" and" postponed indefinitely". I can not play the balanced and updated game.)
They've already said the update will not come to 360.
If it is backwards compatibility, then it is maybe the 360 version. But if it is the actual XB1 2E port, then you got a "wtf" from me
if there is Xb1 port, then it would be news to me
There is no XB1 SG, just 360 which is backwards compatible. And 360 will not be getting any more updates.
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Is the season pass that's on sale this weekend also coming to PSN? I'm not trying to double-dip and I would much rather get it on sale and play it on PSN without losing the opportunity to get it on sale at all. (Says the sale ends August 16th).

I can't justify getting a season pass for this at $35, but I'd get it at $17.49.
Is the season pass that's on sale this weekend also coming to PSN? I'm not trying to double-dip and I would much rather get it on sale and play it on PSN without losing the opportunity to get it on sale at all. (Says the sale ends August 16th).

I can't justify getting a season pass for this at $35, but I'd get it at $17.49.
I can't answer for the devs/publisher but I believe the reason the Steam season pass is on sale right now is because the (Steam only) Umbrella's alpha is just around the corner so they did a sale to promote it. PSN and Steam sales timing don't normally sync up, but I'm sure the PSN season pass will get its own sale eventually.