Head Games: Ms. Fortune Character Guide

Discussion in 'Ms. Fortune' started by guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013.

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    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Version 4.0! Updated March 13, 2013

    As a solo Ms. Fortune player, I've had a lot of different matches on PSN (guitalex2007) and XBL (guitalex2010) and would like to offer my take on different aspects of Ms. Fortune. Obviously, input is appreciated. Hopefully at one point this will become more than just my experiences.

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    Table of contents

    Learn about Ms. Fortune's buttons! Standing, crouching and jumping attacks will be discussed, as well as notable normals you should incorporate more often and why!

    Learn about Ms. Fortune's moves! Moves on the ground and air will be discussed in detail, as well as specific properties of each move!

    Learn about Ms. Fortune's meter attacks! Head on or off, learn how her blockbusters change and when it's a good idea to use them!

    "Head" Games
    Learn about Ms. Fortune's head attacks! How to toss and retrieve your head, attacking with your head, when the head is available for attacks and how to cancel head "normals" into head "specials" (as well as the inherent recovery and how to deal with that)!

    Team Strategies
    Learn how Ms. Fortune gets along with others! Learn which assists Fortune can provide, as well as which characters provide the best assists for Fortune.

    Learn for to fight other characters using your tools! Learn how to respond to common strategies with every character, including the mirror match!

    Performing Combos and Resets
    Learn how to press buttons one after the other! Learn also how to set up reset opportunities and try to come up with your own unpredictable resets!

    Bread and Butter Combos
    A non-comprehensive list of simple combos you can string together to practice. Everyone needs to start somewhere!

    Learn how to create ambiguous setups such as high/low setups, left/right crossups and low/throw mixups to open an opponent up or to turn a reset into another hit!

    Learn how to pounce on the opponent and never let them go! Learn how the head can help with pressure, and how to try to pressure when you got a head on your shoulders!

    Protect Yourself by Giving Head
    Learn how to use the head to keep your moves relatively safe. Turn unsafe moves into frame traps, and use a head recoil launch to help with your approach!

    Midscreen-To-Corner Combos
    Learn more advanced combos that move the opponent further into the corner, where your pressure is best and more fearful!

    Stuff You Can Learn to Make People Hate Your Guts And Ignore You Online (Sandwich Combos, etc.)
    Learn the basic thought behind a sandwich combo, and why it's so easy to set up resets from them!
    Spoiler: New as of version 4.0
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    Spoiler: New as of version 3.1
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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Ms. Fortune's normals are pretty decent. Her s.LP chains into itself and s.MK has two hits, both of which allow you to hit confirm. Her s.HK stuffs most short range aerial light attacks, but being the launcher itself it's hard to hit confirm. The easiest way to react to it is j.MK, giving you the two hit window to think about what to do next.

    Her aerial normals let her have more aerial dominance than many characters. j.HK is Flying Screen Door, and is a great way to stuff flying Painwheels or jump happy Parasouls (provided you super jump). You can also stuff super jumps by regular jump j.HK, because the hitbox is the whole frontal part of the kick. It also allows for crossups from a Fiber Upper with air followup. You can also use it to approach when instant air dashing. Her j.MK is a weird one, and will allow you to change your jump arc. If you're a fan of that junk, like I am, then you should know that hitting j.MK at the near peak of your jump coming down makes the second part hit standing opponents. Also, it can link and combo easily from an IAD j.LK, then on hit or block can be cancelled to air qcb+MK, leaving you safe enough to block, or giving you enough hitstun to continue (although note that on block j.MK xx qcb+MK is not a blockstring). The j.MK is also the normal of choice to cancel into qcb+P to remove your head, causing a knockdown and giving you an OTG if you haven't used it already. Her j.MK really is a great way to space your responses, and will come in handy to position the head when headless.

    Her head-on j.HP deserves mention because not only is it one of her best IAD moves, it also allows for quick overheads and setting up resets. Additionally, after a j.HP you can air dash into another j.HP, or even into j.MK, which cancels into qcb+K or qcb+P.

    Her crouching normals are OK. c.LK is pretty fast, but can't be chained as easily as s.LP. c.LP chains into itself and has fast startup allowing to hit confirm, although it does not hit low. Her c.MP is a hidden gem I've found; it makes most aerial attacks whiff or trade with correct timing. This is because her hurtboxes are lowered almost to ground level, while the active hitboxes are raised diagonally up. It can stuff or trade Filia's IAD normals, and you can option select to cancel into s.HK launcher and remain at a relatively safe distance even on block. Her c.MP, however, is unable to stuff Parasoul's j.HP or most of Painwheel's normals. For those you'll need to use dp+LK. Her c.HK hits twice and has decent range, but after the second hit the opponent will be invincible until they get land and are able to tech. Like any of her normals, it's cancellable into a move or blockbuster. In case of c.HK, cancel the first hit if you want to follow up.

    Her throw is a good way to start combos, but only in the corner. Outside of the corner, her throw pushes the opponent too far to follow up with anything EXCEPT her qcf+PP blockbuster, unless the head connects with the opponent. In the corner, however, it can also combo into her qcb+PP level 3 blockbuster. If done with correct timing, the OTG will not be used, and a c.MP->s.HK can connect after it. You can also throw the opponent towards the head if headless, OTG with HP and dash in s.MP, delay s.MK into a sandwich combo (see Sandwich Combos for information).

    Her air throw creates a ground state that is quickly teched afterwards so nothing can follow up at full height, except either her qcb+KK blockbuster or her qcb+PP level 3 blockbuster. If you manage to do it low enough, however, you'll be able to connect a j.LK OTG, land, c.LK, s.MK and continue from there. There are certain ways to get that low in the air. Additionally, if the head is anywhere near you in the floor, you can OTG with HP, land, s.MP, delay s.MK and continue.

    Her outtake (snapback) is actually pretty decent. It can trade with many aerial normals because of its long hitbox (it's in front of her golf swing). The important aspect to remember is where the hitbox is (NOT directly under you, instead it's a half circle in front), and you want to be aware of that because you can hit the head with the outtake, forcing the head to bounce around. If the head hits the opponent, it will perform the outtake and they will be forced to switch. Make sure that if you're doing the outtake to bring partner 2, that you combo your own head into it to prevent it from doing the sneeze which is invincible at startup. If the sneeze hits the opponent after the outtake hit does, the opponent will not leave the screen, so watch out for that. Reasons to hit your own head: Parasoul, Painwheel, Peacock, or anyone who spends half the day in the air doing shit, approaching, keeping you safe, and helping the head recover quicker. More of this in the Head Games section.

    Her tag in with her head on hits opponents midscreen with a knockdown, so there's not much use. With the head off, as soon as you hit the tag buttons you're actually able to control the head completely, making it attack for you. Otherwise you just hop in.

    In this chapter you learned:
    - LP, standing, crouching or jumping, are good for hit confirming
    - s.MP head on scales too badly; head off can help in restands
    - j.MP is a good air-to-air attack
    - c.MP can trade, ourprioritize or force whiffs on air approaches (c.MK can but is worse)
    - HP are good attacks, but she loses them headless
    - c.LK and c.HK are Fortune's only low attacks
    - j.LK is good for dash approaches
    - s.MK can help hitconfirmed lights from nearly max range
    - j.MK hits twice, giving you time to think or helping with resets or confirming j.LK
    - s.HK is her best launcher, as it's always available
    - j.HK is good for approaching
    - Her throw is good, but can only combo in the corner or headless.
    - Her outtake is better while headless.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Nadia has plenty of variety in her specials. Her qcf+P is a "rekka" style move, meaning the input can be repeated up to three times to make her follow the move up with two move attacks. The LP version is quick and does less damage, MP is slower and does more damage and so forth. The HP version is too slow to start, unless an assist is holding the opponent in place or a chain ends in HP. The timing for repeating the input changes with each strength as well.
    She also has two optional followups that end the "rekka" chain but offer different outcomes. Either of these followups may be the second or third followup in the chain. qcf+K will make her slide and hit low. This is not safe, but on hit provides an OTG opportunity because she recovers before the opponent is able to tech (unless he's already hit the ground once before). qcb+K is slow to start (can be stuffed with light attacks), but instead has her jump and hit an overhead attack, perfect for people who like to block low or expect the slide move. If you plan on using this, consider using the head to protect yourself. Additionally, this particulay followup is super cancellable into any air-only Blockbusters. More "head games" later. Additionally, after the second rekka (and only the second rekka), Fortune can throw her head or recall it. For more info on what that does, see the Head Games section.
    Her anti-air of choice is her dp+K (Fiber Upper). LK version comes out very quick and has invincibility during the whole startup and during the first active frames. It can, as a result, outprioritize every move in the ground or in the air with correct positioning and timing. MK version has some invincibility and reaches further up, but has no invincibility immediately before its active frames or at any point after, so it can be stuffed. It's also slower to start up and recover. HK version has full invincibility at the very start (but stops being invincible longer before the active frames), and although it's slower to start up it hits the highest; it hits Painwheel out of flight or anyone out of super jump height. The interesting thing about this move is its K followup. When the move is at its peak (on hit or whiff only), hitting K will reform the body in the air. With proper positioning and height, this can provide good crossups with j.LP/LK/HK, throw opportunities in the air, or full combos by timing a j.LK, j.MK, qcb+MK after the hit, then getting a c.LK OTG and continue. Any version can stuff or trade every normal in the game, with proper timing. The HK version can even make throw attempts whiff on startup.
    Her qcb+K in the air is a great way to alter your jump arc as well as end your aerial chains without using meter, or provide an OTG opportunity to continue. LK version comes out fairly quick, but sends the opponent falling in a slower speed. MK version comes out slightly slower, but the opponent will fall a bit faster. HK version comes out the slowest (even though it will still easily combo from j.MK;s second hit), and creates a ground bounce on opponents on the ground (where s.LP into a combo will not use the OTG) and a sliding knockdown on aerial opponents. Letting the opponents fall at different speeds is crucial for your "head" games, depending on positioning.

    In this chapter, you've learned:
    - qcf+P has great range, can be used as a poke and is super cancellable, although the HP version is unavailable headless
    - qcf+P can set up a high/low mixup, although the high is slower (it is super cancellable to an air super to make up for it)
    - Air qcb+K can set up an OTG opportunity, and HK version does a very useful sliding knockdown

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Head-on qcf+PP is mostly safe on block, except to throws. Online is a different story. However, it's not positive on block, so you can never frame trap with it. On hit, the last hit will cause a sliding knockdown. If the opponent hasn't hit the ground yet (a purple circle forms on the ground when this happens), in the corner it's possible to follow up with another qcf+PP or a c.LK into a corner combo.

    Headless qcf+PP is totally not safe. If the opponent happens to block everything and the head is close to you, you can call the head to attack. If close enough and fast enough, the head will keep the opponent in block stun (or hit them) and it turns the move a bit safer. On hit, the move will launch the opponent in the air behind Fortune. If the head is there, it provides a followup opportunity with qcb+HP, but only if the opponent has not hit the ground before.

    Air qcb+KK is also not safe, although hitting your own head provides some cover but not all the time. It's invincible on startup (so it can be used on j.HP-happy Parasouls and Painwheels), and has a large hitbox aimed downward at an angle. If the head is behind Fortune, it can OTG (or with most of the cast, catch them before they hit the ground) and provide a followup. Same with qcf+PP; if the head is close enough to the opponent it can provide some cover, but don't expect this to save you often. As of version 1.01, head-on Ms. Fortune can cancel the last hit of this blockbuster (only on hit) into Feline Allergies (dp+HP) to remove her head and continue the combo. Make sure to do it in the direction Ms. Fortune is still facing, and not toward the opponent.

    The last blockbuster is The Fifth of Dismember (qcb+PP, possible in air). The move generates six projectiles (two arms, two legs, a torso and a tail), going 60 degrees apart from each other and straight away from the body, going full screen in all six directions. These projectiles can’t be canceled with other projectiles. After the explosion, a short time later all six parts recombine on the head (which is left floating behind) and an explosion happens. After this move, the head will always end up attached to the body. The move is completely invincible to anything until immediately after the explosion. If any of the six projectiles hit, they will drag the opponent helplessly to the explosion. Additionally, the explosion will always occur where the head is currently located if she is headless, or where the move was performed if her head is on. Note that the six projectiles ignore assist characters, but the explosion can hit them. This move is great to punish moves from full screen, people air dashing in, countering throws, crossing up, after throwing and air throwing among other uses.

    In this chapter you've learned:
    - qcf+PP is helpful near the corner with the head on if the OTG hasn't been used
    - qcf+PP is helpful with the head behind you if the OTG hasn't been used
    - Air qcb+KK head on can cancel into Feline Allergies to extend combos, and if the head is near you, can help continue the combo by using up the OTG
    - qcb+PP will always reform at the head and lead to Fortune having her head back on, is best used early in a combo, and in the corner can lead to more if the OTG hasn't been used.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
    XBL ID:
    "Head" Games
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    qcb+P makes Ms. Fortune remove her head. Instantly, she's become the most hated character in the game next to solo Cerebella or anyone with Double assist. The reason is because with it, she can zone opponents and force them to take to the skies or continually block, none of which are good ideas against Fortune. Removing your head on the ground is invincible half of the startup and hit invincible the second half of the startup, so using it on Painwheels approaching or IAD'ing Filias is a good idea. On close hit, removing the head will stagger and give you a free combo opportunity. Anything further than touching distance may not stagger. The air version provides a knockdown on hit, and has no invincibility. If the head does not hit a character but the spike does (as is the case when crossing up with it, tossing the head while air dashing back into a corner or in a situation where both the opponent and one of their assists is being hit), the character hit by the spike but not the head will undergo a ground bounce.

    Now is when Ms. Fortune's game is stepped up. While with her head on she had great HP normals with good damage, removing the head allows for more followups and mixups leading to potentially more damage.

    There are drawbacks. First of all, qcf+HP will be disabled. Secondly, any chains, ground or air, will have to end in a move or HK, since HP is unavailable. Third, and most glaringly, your head cannot block, and will always take half damage. If the head is close enough to you to get hit by any attacks that are hitting you, you're essentially taking 150% damage at the very least. Consider that in a long combo, when damage should be 15%, if it hits the head it’s an additional 50% unscaled damage, for 65% damage, making it 4 times more damage late combo or in a multihit situation.

    To reattach your head, perform a ground qcb+LP or qcb+MP but hold the button as the head approaches. If you let go at any moment, the head will stay where it is at that moment. Coincidentally, qcb+LP is a way to keep slower normals safe if you just tap it (similar to Parasoul's LK Egret). You can also use The Fifth of Dismember (qcb+PP) but remember that she can be punished on whiff and the opponent has plenty of time to react on whiff or block and position themselves favorably to punish after the explosion.
    The head disables your HP because it is now your HP. Hitting HP will make the head do a small dash into a headbutt that simply hits the opponent, with a good amount of hitstun. This allows for the dreaded sandwich combo if the head is behind the opponent, because any normal into s.MK allows the head to recover from HP enough to link another HP and keep going. This move will move the head a small distance, but recovers very fast.
    Another way to move the head is f+HP or b+HP. The head will slide about half a screen in the direction you're holding (even though it looks like it hits low, any head attacks can be guarded while standing). This is a great way to move the head fast enough, whether to quickly reposition it for a combo or move it toward (or away from) the opponent.

    A third way to move the head is qcb+HP. While LP and MP call the head back, qcb+HP will make the head start a slow dash, which is shorter than the f/b+HP distance. If the head is not blocked, the opponent is now trapped in OMNOMNOM. While this is happening, the opponent cannot move, block or call assists. You can hit the opponent out of this state to continue a combo. Upon the end of the move or upon hitting the opponent, the head will jump and land in the furthest screen edge. Note that this is a special move, while other head moves shown before this are head normals. Thus, either HP, f+HP or b+HP can be cancelled into qcb+HP. Note that this does not move the head too much, but has the most recovery out of any head moves. This move will hit OTG easily, and against most of the cast can hit them for multiple OTGs if timed right (not actually OTG, but being active while the opponent lands on it). Note: Using OMNOMNOM as a multiple OTG will NEVER work against Filia, Cerebella or Double. Their hitboxes are weird, thus when their physical bodies hit the ground their hurtboxes are not low enough to the ground for any head followups to catch before the OTG, meaning also that if you used the OTG you cannot catch them again.
    The last way to move your head is to use dp+HP. It is an anti-air where the head sneezes. The head will always go toward the opponent with the sneeze. Additionally, the head is, like many other DPs, invincible at startup. Use it to relaunch opponents as you're in the air or against those pesky people who like to just hit the head instead of having to deal with you.

    Here are key things you need to watch out for in your "head" games:

    1) Always keep the head between you and your opponent, under the opponent or behind the opponent. NEVER under you or behind you. If the head is behind you, call it back or f+HP. If the head is in front of you, the following moves can eat a dick (as of the patched version):

    Double's Car (If done from on the head, but having the head out and away from you means you don’t have to guess which direction to block: hold the direction where the head is relative to your body. If the head is hit, you’ll be safe and punish. If the car comes from the other direction, holding the direction where the head is will make you block it.)
    Double's Level 3 (if the first hit hit the head)
    Parasoul's Egret blockbuster (if not done from a confirmed Napalm Pillar)
    Valentine's OTG scalpels
    Peacock's car bombs or slow bomb

    The end result is that the head will, unable to block, take half damage, but Ms. Fortune's body is completely unharmed and able to recover and retaliate. Because some attacks lose their hitbox once they connect (especially projectiles), they will hit the head once and lose their hitbox. For example, you may be tempted to laugh as a Double tries an OTG car against you. The head will take half the damage, but the car will lose the hitbox, allowing Fortune to stand up, stretch, look at her watch, then smack Double into submission when she reappears. The moral of the story is keep the head between you and the opponent, on the opponent or behind the opponent.

    2) When outside of the screen, the head is never too far. A b+HP is enough to bring it close enough for an OTG in a combo. Even when you think you left the head at the other corner, there is a secret edge to the screen where all game assets have to be within. The head is therefore dragged with this invisible barrier, and most people don't realize it.

    3) You can move the head with any of the moves above at any time the head is not recovering or being hit and the body is not being hit or blocking. If the body is hit or put into blockstun, anything the head is doing (except dp+HP) is interrupted and the head stays in place and loses any hitboxes (but can still be hit). It can also not be called DURING your blockbusters. However, the head is ALWAYS available for movement after the last active frames of Blockbusters. Which means that an air qcb+KK can be followed up with qcb+HP or f/b+HP to continue (or to try to hit the opponent before they punish a blocked blockbuster). If you position the head correctly, most of the cast (except Filia, Cerebella or Double) can be hit by qcb+HP every time if timed correctly. To time correctly means to have the qcb+HP already in movement when they land directly on it. Timing is everything, and you must have the correct positioning. Practice makes perfect.

    4) Know when to keep your head. Having your head out there is a great asset, but it is taking damage constantly. In some situations (keepaway) you want the head to take hits from you. But in some cases it's better to call your head and keep that invincible qcb+P head roll available (aggressive players). If you're not doing anything or planning anything with the head, recall it.

    5) Know where your head is. When outside of the screen, you know it's close. But make sure that in the training room you analyze exactly how far all your BNBs move you in the air, and whether you need to tap HP or f/b+HP during j.MK to reposition the head before qcb+KK hits. Once qcb+KK comes out, you're unable to control the head until afterwards for the OTG, so make sure you're comfortable with positioning the head. A trick with the correct range is to hit dp+HP after qcb+KK, then connect with j.LP into combo or into throw. This throw is low enough to link into a j.LK if the OTG hasn't been used.

    6) Know when to smack yourself. Any normals you do will hit the head and turn it into an active hitbox to hit the opponent with. This will create hard to escape situations because pushblock will be stopped by the head. Additionally, it will add a small bit of blockstun or hitstun. However, there is one situation where you have to be wary of doing it... close s.HK. Your launcher will hit your head into the air, but the head will then hit the opponent, cutting their launch short. You can easily follow up with qcb+LK/MK into qcb+KK, but if you want your combos to be long and fruitful, you have to know about negative edge. An additional advantage of hitting your own head would be to cancel the recovery of any head moves. The head will go through whatever trajectory the attack forces (so light attacks are recommended) and as soon as it hits the ground again it will be ready for another move.
    Negative edge is a term used meaning that releasing a button is counted as another button press in order to make moves come out easier without having such a tight input window. The game has it, and you will likely only use it for ONE major purpose: when you're holding HP and your head is off, it will be invincible to your own attacks, allowing s.HK or any normals/specials/blockbusters to hit without hitting your own head, and being interrupted by your own attacks. Letting go of HP will count as having hit HP, so you can do HP, f/b+HP, qcb+HP or dp+HP by doing the motions, then letting the button go).

    An example is having the head in the corner. Hold HP and do qcf+MP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP then let go of HP and do qcb+HP. The end result is the head will be invincible to your Rekkas. Then when you let go of HP, the head will do its HP headbutt, then you'll cancel it into OMNOMNOM. If you wish to keep comboing and relaunch, you'll need to hold HP again (or use it immediately before s.HK). THIS will take practice, but in theory you could keep your opponent in a very tight blockstring using qcf+MP (holding HP), qcf+MP, qcb+K (letting go of HP XX qcb+HP, hold HP again) ground chain, launch, combo, OTG head (letting go of HP for it), etc.

    7) Know when to fake a head recall. Recalling the head only works as long as you hold down the button, but is still a special move. You can cancel unsafe strings on block into a quick qcb+LP/MP tap to cancel. It doesn't become completely safe, but it allows you to block the punishment most of the time.

    In this chapter you've learned:
    - qcb+P removes the head, and the ground version has varying levels of invincibility
    - air qcb+P causes a knockdown if the head hits, a ground bounce if somehow the attack part hits but the head does not
    - qcb+LP/MP (hold) recalls the head as long as the button is pressed
    - Hitting your head generates a projectile attack and the head recovers immediately after landing
    - Keeping the head in front of you makes it less likely to put the head and you in trouble
    - Hitting the head can help your approach and helps the head recover faster
    - Sometimes it's better to call back the head.
    - Holding HP will make the head invulnerable to your own attacks, but can still be hurt
    - The head is never further than slightly further outside the screen.
    - The head can be controlled at any point where there is no super freeze and she is not in hit or blockstun, and all head moves will stop if you're put into blockstun (except Nom or Sneeze), or hitstun (except Sneeze).
    - Head recall cancel can help make some things safer.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Team Strategies
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    You have various possibilities for assist attacks. Her dp+HK covers a lot of vertical ground, hitting as high as super jumps and flying Painwheels to IAD Filias due to its initial invincibility. (Thanks to AceZTeller in SRK)
    Spoiler: Cerebella as an assist
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    As for attacks that Ms. Fortune can make use of as assists, I've recently had good luck with Cerebella. Cerebella is a great partner for Ms. Fortune (or everyone for that matter) because of all of the assist possibilities that she offers. Even inocuous-looking assists like Diamond Reflector can be used in a combo to put the oppponent in just enough hitstun to try a crossup reset on the ground.

    Excellebella is an excellent help to Ms. Fortune. Even though an anti-air seems a bit superfluous to someone who has such a great DP as Fiber Upper, it helps catch people who are trying to chicken block a j.LP xx qcb+LK crossup, or chicken blocking anything else for that matter. You can also call it before you jump against an aerial attacker, and since the attack will hit you, Bella will be able to grab the opponent.

    On hit, Excellebella holds the opponent in place for about two seconds. This is enough time to toss your head and even reposition it, or call it back altogether. This allows you to do head on combos into head off combos, Excellebella to recover the head and continue or go for a reset. The reset capabilities of Excellebella are precious to Fortune, who already has crazy resets and pressure capability. There are several Excellebella setups and resets that are useful to Fortune.

    hit confirm, call Excellebella, s.HK (assist hits), qcb+P, jump j.HK, HP

    This is a sandwich combo setup. If you hit Excellebella, for IPS to still be stage 3 on j.HK you have to NOT JUMP until you're ready to do j.HK; otherwise the IPS will land at 5 on landing. This is always important to note. As for the sandwich combo starter, the head toss moves the head to a close enough distance that j.HK, HP will not use OTG, so you can continue into a sandwich combo (more on that in its section), into a sandwich combo ender or reset. A reset, of course, is preferable because it allows you to call Excellebella again. Headless, you can do this:

    hit confirm, call Excellebella, s.HK (assist hits) xx qcb+LP (hold), j.HP xx dash, j.HP

    This is a setup for either a long combo upon landing (into a DHC, and this hasn't used the OTG yet either, so Bella will have a FIELD DAY if the combo ends with Cat Scratch Fever into Diamond Dynamo into the corner), or a low/throw reset upon landing (which, again, refreshes your Bella call). If you are already at stage 5 when Bella hits, you can't do j.HP j.HP anymore, so try:

    hit confirm, call Excellebella, s.HK (assist hits) xx qcb+LP (hold), j.HP xx dash, j.LP, j.HP

    Not exactly the same since the opponent doesn't fall as fast, but certainly good in a pinch. If by chance you don't have an OTG anymore either, resetting here would help provide it.

    An unorthodox reset with Excellebella involves calling Excellebella, then use headbutt, zoom or head recall (easiest) to position the head directly under the opponent's body when they're dangling in Excellebella. The end result is the hit from Excellebella hits both the opponent and the head, and the arc of the head will hit the opponent out of the Excellebella knockback, which can lead to an unexpected crossunder/low/throw reset. It is really hilarious to watch.

    In the corner, Excellebella is scary as all hell. If you use s.HK to launch the head so that the head is falling when Excellebella finishes, the opponent will get hit by the head, setting up a low/throw/overhead reset. Mind you, even though they will be very very low to the ground they can still respond with aerial blockbusters, but the timing window is there only if they know it's coming (barring Valentine and Fortune's identical ground/air reversal supers). So the resets look like this:

    hit confirm, call Excellebella, s.HK xx qcb+P, s.HK (head hits), c.LK...
    hit confirm, call Excellebella, s.HK xx qcb+P, s.HK (head hits), throw, OTG HP...
    hit confirm, call Excellebella, s.HK xx qcb+P, s.HK (head hits), IAD j.LP/LK, land, throw...
    hit confirm, call Excellebella, s.HK xx qcb+P, s.HK (head hits), IAD j.HK, c.LK...

    Head off, it's not too hard to set up. Just do head recall until the head is near, take a step back and s.HK then jump cancel into an IAD and continue.

    Others will be posted as suggested.

    In this chapter you've learned:
    - Fortune's assist options aren't very good, but can be helpful in specific situations.
    - s.MK assist helps with lockdown
    - dp+LK assist helps as anti-air, but is hard to confirm from
    - Any other dp+K help as anti-airs, but have less priority
    - Cerebella's Excellebella can provide easy reset setups as well as plenty of combo extensions.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
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    Painwheel - Expect to be rushed down. That does not say much, but with two to three possible flights and multi-hitting normals to get out of flight, she can hit confirm you into eternity. Smacking her down from the air is a top priority since she cannot block in flight. A super jump, double jump, air dash, j.HK is usually enough to reach her, but in case it fails, dp+K is a godsend. dp+LK stuffs or trades most of Painwheel's aerial normals, dp+MK has more range and dp+HK should be reserved for chasing her down or hitting her while in flight. In any case of dp+K hitting, always follow up. It can lead to a combo or a j.HK. Don't forget to pushblock the last hits of multi-hitting normals, and always attempt a throw tech between normals if you feel there's a slight pause. If you are absolutely certain a throw tech is incoming, qcb+KK in the air or qcf+PP on the ground can work as a tech due to the initial invincibility frames. Most importantly when getting rushed down, pushblock the normal that you know is unsafe: s.HK, s.HP and c.HP are good candidates. You may think I'm insane, but the reasoning is that a good Painwheel also knows that's unsafe, and will flight cancel the normal to make it safe and keep rushing. Pushblock that normal, and a simple dash back or jump is enough to be outside the reach of her inevitable cancelled normal. Beware of air throws.

    Double - Stay further than midscreen, head under the opponent. Anticipate a Hornet Bomber into Cattelites by air dashing back, always f+HP or B+HP cancelled into Nom to keep Double on her toes. If you see a Hornet Bomber coming, jump back and prepare to block. On whiff, punish. On block, pushblock the last hit. If it's cancelled into Cattelites on whiff, qcb+KK to punish, then stay in the air for the remainder of Cattelites, regardless of damage to the head. If it's cancelled on block, try an aerial attack to hit Double (since she'll be hitting an attack for the Cattelites), preferably s.LK but qcb+KK works as well. Double has very poor approach options, other than a safe cancelled Cattelites from a Hornet Bomber or her fast dash. Watch out for her throw, and on jump ins expect j.HP (pushblock the last hit). Never try to ground reset Double. LK Hornet Bomber has invincibility from startup and through its active frames so stuffing it is difficult. If cats are called, good luck. Try pushblocking the last head always, and if Double is whiffing throws to keep you in Cats, try doing a pushblock guard-cancelled reversal LK Fiber Upper.

    Peacock - Remove your head as soon as possible, possibly via super jumping. At all times keep the head near Peacock and start air dashing to approach. If at any point you see her go for Geroge at the Air Show (airplane), qcb+HP wherever you are to catch her in Nom and go in for the combo. A smart Peacock will start doing the ground bombs to hurt your head and call HP Item Drop to deal with you. At this point, reduce the amount of air dashes and instead do double jumps for the same purpose of closing in. If Peacock has any assists, do not try punishing them and focus on Peacock. She can let item drop go and/or Argus Agony full screen to punish you for that. A Parasoul motorcycle assist would help you here to keep Peacock's zoning in check, as would projectile assists. Parasoul's motorcycle is more advantageous because of the little time she actually spends on screen, so it's harder to punish. Call motorcycle and proceed with your aerial approach. Peacock's dead zone normally is midscreen in the air, and immediately next to her in the air. Peacock's dead zone with the head off increases to include all the air above Peacock, excluding HP Item Drop. So once it drops, her dead zone is there for the rushing.

    Parasoul - This is another matchup where it's advantageous to remove your head. Egret blockbuster will hit the head and lose the hitbox, so it's no longer a safe option for Parasoul. Against a rushing Parasoul, dp+LK if close enough will always beat out any aerial normals. dp+HP covers a nice arc as well, so you can even swing dp+LK+HP to do both DPs at the same time and control the air. To stop a zoning Parasoul, keep the head next to her and pretend she's Peacock with a DP. Be mindful of the range in which you approach in the air, or a j.HP will smack you down. In case of motorcycle, dp+HK,HK to avoid it altogether. If your head is off, make sure you use it when it's out of view so it may catch the opponent below. A f/b+HP xx qcb+HP works wonders, keeping the opponent pinned while you land. When in a tight blockstring, s.LP is a godsend. With 5 frames of activation, and considering that only tear explosions make Parasoul's normals safe, s.LP is fast enough to hit before even a throw activates. Another possibility is dp+LK,LK which hits and lets you follow up in the air for a full combo.

    Filia - Rushdown, mixups and resets are the name of her game. Expect IADs and air Hairballs as approaches. Don't bother trying to punish blocked air Hairballs unless you are already on the ground. dp+LK,LK is your main tool against her rushdown and resets, but be wary of her long IAD chains and keep blocking high. Always pushblock the last hit of everything. Use your head roll as an invincible tool to surprise a rushing Filia if you don't know whether she will go for a low hit or a throw. c.MP makes most of her IAD moves whiff (and usually forces a crossup). Use s.HK on your head to control the air with your launched head. Remember that as soon as the head lands it can move, so b+HP to bring it close again and qcb+HP/dp+HP/s.HK to keep the head games going. Unfortunately every time she's in the ground next to you she can do a great low/throw mixup, so your mission is to try and avoid that situation. Against Filia, it is usually a bad idea to go for a reset on the ground for fear of DP into super into combo, or simply a throw into the corner into the Ringlet Spike loop. Resets on the air are generally (barring random air supers) safer if done timely, ending at most in a neutral position on a tech.

    Cerebella - Watch for the j.HP dash; she's vulnerable during it to a dp or qcb+PP. A jumping Cerebella will likely mean a j.HK, which on hit can lead to full combos including restands and possible resets. Be ready to tech her air command grab or regular air throw at the peak of a launch or during j.LP flurry. Her armor can only be beat by c.HK or Omnom, so remove your head as soon as the situation will allow it. When the head is within her sweep distance, make sure to use dp+HP to put it safely behind or under the opponent. If you expect an armored run, b+HP xx qcb+HP to stop her. Watch out where the head is; one Titan Knuckle and she will blow it back beyond your comfort zone. Keep an eye out for any ground blockstrings. Pushblock every chance you get, especially after s.MP or c.MP, and always try to dp+LK,LK before every s.HK's second hit.

    Ms. Fortune - Well, at the very worst, assume the other player has read and memorized this guide, as well as added some more tech to the mix. dp+LK,LK against any IAD attempts, and beware doing any normals from IAD for the same reason. Keep your head on as long as your opponent does in order to have an invincible startup move at your disposal. As soon as your opponent removes their head, use your head and f+HP/b+HP to hit the head, almost ignoring the point character. A good idea is to cancel f+HP/b+HP into something that will hit the point character, risking of course the longer recovery time. While the opponent is guarding your head move, manually attack the head. Try to never hit the head out of any recovery in order to not let it become available quicker. Always use sweep with c.HK to hit the head, using your head to keep your opponent at bay (or dp+HP on an incoming opponent if you're stuck doing c.HK still). Never try to ground reset a Fortune for fear of dp+LK,LK into followup into full combo.

    In this chapter you've learned:
    - Filia will rush you down, so LK Fiber Upper can be helpful. Be careful when rushing, unless you are timing a crossup. Try to minimize air resets, and preferably use crossup resets.
    - Cerebella will try to get close. If your head is out there, Nom should be tried a lot since it grabs her run. Hit your head ASAP on block to keep doing it. DP+LK her aerial approach.
    - Peacock will throw bombs, so throw your head and Sneeze to move it close enough for Peacock to want to stop throwing things. With an assist, it will be difficult to approach, but possible.
    - Painwheel will do crossups and rush you down with armor, so dp+LK her non-armored options, and with the head off your outtake is likely to knock her out of the air. Try to minimize air resets, and preferably do crossup and crossunder resets.
    - Parasoul can zone from a distance, so if you face that remove your head to make her think twice, and dp+LK her aerial approach. Be careful about crossup resets being thwarted by Pillar.
    - Valentine will try to approach through the air or dashing, so dp+LK if you predict properly. With an assist, she will usually call it and follow up, so pushblock guard cancel into a dp+LK if she follows the assist too closely. If not, hit it with a j.HK. Try to minimize air resets, and preferably do crossup resets.
    - Double will likely use gun or Hornet Bomber canceled into Cattelite Lives in order to approach. Block low, but keep in mind throw resets by pushblock guard canceling into dp+LK or qcb+P (head on).
    - Fortune should know everything you know, so respond appropriately. Bait dp+LK with an empty jump, and be wary of her doing the same to you. Try to minimize air resets, and preferably do crossup resets.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
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    Performing Combos and Resets
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    First of all, chains are the way to go because they cancel one lighter attack into another, heavier attack without much recovery. Her standing, jumping and crouching chains are LP->LK->MP->MK->HP/HK (meaning either of the two will chain but it would be the last). If you've gone through the tutorials you were told you can skip normals in the chains as long as you still hit them in sequence. Past that, some experimentation will show you which special moves. Here are some helpful ground chains. Note that c.LK has longer range and thus is usually the most useful option, although s.LP is quicker. The chains that end in s.HK result in launching.

    c.LK, s.MK (2 hits), s.HK
    c.LK, c.MP, s.HK
    c.LK, s.MP (all hits if head is on), s.HK
    c.LK, s.MK (2 hits), c.HK
    c.LK, s.MK (2 hits), s.HP (head on)

    There are other chains, but let's start with these. You can end all these chains with s.HP (head on) and cancel it into other moves. Now, assume that you hit one of the chains that ends in s.HK. Now, you can hold uf to jump forward and do one of these chains.

    j.MK (2 hits), j.HK
    j.HP (head on) xx dash, j.MK (2-hits), j.HK
    j.LK, j.MP, j.MK (2 hits), j.HK

    These are a few examples. Now, let me show you ways to extend those combos. Instead of the last j.HK, try:

    qcb+P (head on)

    In the first three cases, you can follow up for more hits and damage. The last option can only be followed by a headless head attack with correct positioning, so don't worry about that just yet. For the first two options, land, then hit the opponent with an OTG c.LK->s.MK (2 hit) and continue from there. For the third option, wait until the opponent is just about to hit the ground, and hit qcb+HP to restand them with an OTG OMNOMNOM. This will give you enough time to do other things, such as another ground chain into another launcher. Be careful about not repeating the first normals in multiple chains.

    Now, let's look at the aerial chains above. For any chains containing j.MK, you normally have to be careful about waiting until the second hit of it connects because it doesn't have much hitstun. This is where a reset comes in. Since the first hit doesn't have much hitstun, a useful reset is j.MK (1 hit) xx dash xx throw. Note the dash has to be cancelled by the throw since the timing is very fast. So basically they turn into:

    j.MK (1 hit) xx dash xx throw
    j.LK, j.MP, j.MK (1 hit) xx dash xx throw

    You can also throw after some timed light attacks, although those resets are easier to spot.

    s.HK, j.LP, j.LK, wait, air throw
    headless dp+HP, j.LP, wait, throw

    I've had a good amount of success with crossunder and fake crossunder setups with LK Fiber Upper and j.HP setups. All of them are weight-dependent, so watch out for that. Here are a few examples you can try!

    dp+LK->K, j.LK, j.MK (1 hit), j.HK (whiff)

    This one involves canceling the first hit of medium kick like other setups, but if canceled fast enough it will not suspend the momentum from the Fiber Upper so she will keep falling as normal, and land before the opponent does. From here, you can do different things:

    - If the opponent is mashing LP/LK from every possible opportunity, you'll need to time the dash carefully (unless it's against Fortune, Cerebella or Double because their j.LP/LK cross up very easily so it does not matter), but from the dash you can do s.LP/c.LK and continue.

    - If the opponent is mashing air supers to get out of resets, or if the opponent above is Fortune, Cerebella or Double, you can do LK Fiber Upper to smack them out of what they're doing.

    - In both of te previous situations, you don't have to dash under at all, just move forward enough to make it ambiguous and continue.

    This second one is tricky but catches people off guard a lot.

    s.HK xx dp+K->K, j.MP xx dash, j.LP

    Same three rules apply as above. The kick strength is determined by size and weight, so basically against Double you do MK Upper, against Cerebella it's also a good idea. Try out the setup and see what feels right. Against Double and Cerebella, however, it's a better idea to try the next one.

    s.HK xx dp+MK->K, j.MP xx dash j.MP, j.MK (1 hit), j.HK (whiff)

    This lifts the opponent high enough to be actually able to land and dash crossunder if you desire.

    In this chapter you've learned:
    - Nadia's chains are LP->LK->MP->MK->HP/HK standing and crouching, and LP->LK->MP->MK->HP->HK in the air.
    - Hit confirming with a c.LK->s.MK can net you a launcher into an aerial chain.
    - In the air, you can set up resets from j.MK's first or second hits, but the first hit allows for resets that are harder to respond to.
    - j.MK (1 hit) xx throw/j.MK is an easy air attack/throw mixup.
    - A quick air dash j.LP from an aerial chain can catch the opponent off guard to a ground low/throw mixup, allowing you to block on the way down if necessary.
    - From an aerial chain or dp+LK you can use j.MK (1 hit) -> j.HK whiff to land and much faster than the opponent, setting up possible crossunders or low/throw resets.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Bread and Butter Combos
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    These are short bits you can piece together.

    1) Head on, c.LK, s.MK (2-hits), s.HK, j.HP XX air dash forward, j.MK (2-hits) xx qcb+HP
    2) Combo 1, then OTG c.LK, HP, s.MP, s.MK, s.HK, j.MP, j.MK xx qcb+HK
    3) Combo 1, then dp+HP, j.MP, j.MK (2-hit, character specific) XX qcb+MK XX qcb+KK
    4) Air throw XX OTG air qcb+PP
    5) IAD j.LK, j.MK (2-hit), qcb+MK, land, Combo 1
    6) s.HK, air throw XX qcb+KK/qcb+PP (will not work as written for Double)
    7) s.HK, j.LP, j.LK, air throw XX qcb+KK/qcb+PP (will work on anyone)
    8) s.HK, j.LP, j.LK, air throw, j.LK, land, s.LK, s.MK...
    9) dp+K->K, j.LK, j.MK (2-hit) XX qcb+MK, land, OTG c.LK, s.MK (2-hit), s.HK...
    10) Combo 3, then qcb+HP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2-hit)... (will not work against Double, Cerebella, Filia because of hitbox properties not allowing qcb+HP to hit them after the one OTG has been used up)
    11) Combo 3, then dp+HP, jump, j.LK, j.MK (2-hit) XX qcb+MK XX qcb+KK
    12) Combo 3, then dp+HP, jump, qcb+KK
    13) Headless, head behind Fortune about 1/3 screen away, qcb+KK, dp+HP, jump, qcb+KK, dp+HP, jump, qcb+KK...

    In this chapter, you've learned a series of combo sections to mix and match, but the list is not a full list of possibilities by far.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
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    The easiest mixups Fortune has involve a high/low mixup off an IAD (thanks to OneSanitarium for the IAD j.HK whiff idea).

    IAD j.LK, j.MK (2-hit), qcb+K (all hit high)
    IAD j.LK, j.MK (2-hit), j.HK (whiff, land), c.LK... (first three hits hit high, last one hits low)
    IAD j.LK, j.MK (2-hit), j.HK (whiff, land), throw (first three hits hit high, last one counter to low block)
    IAD j.LK, j.MK (1-hit), j.HK (whiff, land), c.LK... (first two hits hit high, last one hits low)
    IAD j.LK, j.MK (1-hit), j.HK (whiff, land), throw (first two hits hit high, last one counter to low block)
    IAD, j.LP/j.lLK, land, c.LK (high, then low)
    IAD, j.LP/j.LK, land, throw (high, then low block counter)
    IAD, j.LP, j.LK, c.LK... (two high hits, and a low hit)
    IAD, j.LP, j.LK, land, throw (two high hits and one counter to low block)

    Another mixup involves a crossup. This one can be done off an IAD with half of the cast, but for others the dash has to be slightly delayed.

    IAD/air dash, j.LP xx qcb+LK

    j.LP has great crossup potential because the hitbox is a semicircle under Fortune (think a less enormous version of Valentine's j.HP), and it can combo into qcb+LK. Her air qcb+K also have good crossup potential for the same reason, but move slightly forward. At a certain height, qcb+LK will crossup when j.LP does not. At certain heights also j.LP and qcb+LK may both cross up or neither may crossup. The beauty of it is you don't have to keep track of whether they do cross up or not. It is not only relatively safe, but you don't need to correct your inputs on crossup in this game. Only the opponent is left guessing. On hit you can simply do light attacks to continue. s.LP is recommended for being the fastest one.
    Speaking of not having to correct your inputs, a fun mixup involves simply jumping on top of the opponent's head and simply doing level 3. The level 3 goes straight down, so the opponent has to guess which direction to block. This isn't very practical but it is very sneaky. It is best used when super jumping above the opponent's head so they are out of sight. Otherwise the player will be able to tell which direction to block based on which direction their character is facing.

    In this chapter you've learned:
    - IAD into a light can help set up mixups
    - j.MK (1 hit), j.HK (whiff) forces a quick land from an IAD setup, giving on hit or block the chance for a low/throw mixup
    - IAD j.LP xx qcb+LK sets up an ambiguous crossup

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
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    The mixups listed in the previous section help with applying pressure to the opponent. Know the following:
    - All chains are true blockstrings, with or without the head.
    - Cancelling anything from the chains is unsafe except medium/heavy attacks into qcf+LP rekkas.
    - Rekkas are safe on block, except the last qcf+P
    - One safe way to end the rekkas is headless, hold HP during them then let go of HP after the third one, cancelling that into dp+HP
    - You can make the overhead followup to the rekkas (qcb+K) safe on startup by holding HP, doing the motion, then letting go of HP and cancelling into qcb+HP to keep the opponent pinned town. On hit, end result is a connected Nom.
    - qcf+LP rekkas are positive on hit if the head was hit by the last rekka and connects with the opponent. The advantage is enough to link s.LP easily, c.LP with more difficulty.
    - If you're not doing something with your head in a matchup where you SHOULD, you're not moving the head around enough. b+HP is enough to make the opponent remember that the head still exists, cancelling it into qcb+HP is always a good idea unless the opponent is jump happy (for which you cancel into dp+HP).
    - Every time you IAD or jump into an air-to-air j.HK, if your head is on the opposite side of the screen always try qcb+HP after hitting j.HK (or slightly before). If the opponent fails to tech correctly, an Omnom should give you a followup combo. Just remember the OTG was used by doing this. You may be able to avoid using up the Nom if you do HP xx qcb+HP instead.
    - Against airdash- and jump-happy players, s.HK on your own head will control the skies. If your s.HK doesn't hit, the awkward launch arc for your head will prove to be more than annoying. On hit, you can even connect qcb+PP or other blockbusters if spaced correctly. On block or even trade, the opponent will be in no position to retaliate, especially if you cancel s.HK into a tapped (not held down) head call (qcb+MP). Always remember; after the head is hit, it will immediately be available for a move, so b+HP will place it in range of your s.HK again, or you can cancel that into either Omnom or the Sneeze (dp+HP). OneSanitarium notes that you can jump cancel if your s.HK hits your head, even in block. This can allow you to keep the air pressure going with IADs.
    - When you hit any headbutt (headless HP) in a combo, you will have frame advantage (unless you are doing it to try to make a VERY unsafe move safe; see the aptly titled "Protect Yourself by Giving Head" section for more info). Use it to set up a low/throw mixup, or a IAD j.LP xx qcb+LK crossover mixup. Sometimes you can set up a cross under this same way.

    In this chapter you've learned how to apply pressure. It's pretty short, so read it.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Protect Yourself by Giving Head
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    While headless, it is possible for the head's HP to give you enough advantage from an otherwise-disadvantageous position. Think about this scenario:

    qcf+MP, qcf+MP, HP

    If the rekkas don't hit the head, you'll be at enough advantage (with proper timing, although it's not too strict) to link any medium attacks and keep going. This scenario as written is hard to come by, considering the head can't be hit with the rekkas for it to provide you with the HP headbutt. However, if you remember the Head Games section, you'll remember a bullet point about negative edge.

    While you're holding down HP your head will be invincible to your attacks, and by letting go you will negative edge the HP headbutt, as long as your input direction is neutral. So in reality, the scenario above is perfectly viable, so long as you do this:

    qcf+MP, qcf+MP (hold HP before it connects), release HP

    This allows the head plenty of time to recover from being hit by the first rekka. You can hold HP at any point after the first rekka comes out, so long as you hold it before the second one is active. This will look very awkward; the hitstun on qcf+MP is a lot longer than you'd think, so it sometimes looks like it will not combo (and sometimes you'll want to use it as an opportunity to do a low/throw mixup).

    Additionally, every time you're holding HP and the head is near the opponent, it can provide you with cover in the form of a tiny frame trap. With enough pressure, the opponent will have a hard time pushblocking.

    Try these combos in the corner, head and opponent in the corner as well:
    1) s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, qcf+MP, release HP xx qcb+HP, qcf+PP, OTG HP, dash, s.LK, s.MP, delay s.MK, qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.LP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP xx qcf+PP

    2) s.MK (2 hits), HP xx (before the animation for MK is over) qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits), HP xx (before the animation for MK is over) qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, qcf+MP xx release HP xx qcb+HP, qcf+PP

    And maybe now you're ready for the big ones. These combos fully utilize grounded IPS, and require the head to be close to the corner and a cornered opponent. These incorporate the rekka loop. Combo 5 is Combo 4 adopted for Double, although Combo 5 works on everyone except Parasoul as well.

    3) IAD j.LK, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+MK, land, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.LP, s.LP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP xx qcb+HP, qcf+PP, OTG HP, jump forward, j.qcb+PP/j.qcb+KK

    4) IAD j.LK, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+MK, land, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.LP, s.LP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, dp+HK->HK, j.LK, j.MK (2 hits), j.HK xx OTG f+HP, land, s.HK, j.MP, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+MK xx dp+HP xx qcb+KK, dp+HP, qcf+PP

    5) IAD j.LK, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+MK, land, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, s.LP, s.LP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, release HP, dp+HK->HK, j.LK, j.MK (2 hits), j.HK xx OTG f+HP, land, s.HK, j.MP, j.MK (2 hits) xx dp+HP xx qcb+MK xx qcb+KK, dp+HP, qcf+PP

    In this chapter, you've learned:
    - Holding HP to make your head invulnerable to your attacks can help provide hit advantage to continue with another chain while preventing an IPS trigger.
    - On blocked attacks, releasing HP can provide a frame trap or keep the opponent in blockstun.
    - Examples of combos where this is possible with correct head positioning. Try some on your own.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Midscreen-To-Corner Combos
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    The basic midscreen to corner combo depends on a head-on strong rekka combo into qcf+PP. Here's an example:

    IAD j.LK, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+MK, land, s.MK (2 hits), s.HP xx qcf+HP, qcf+HP, qcf+HP xx qcf+PP

    The qcf+PP blockbuster leaves you at a slight advantage; enough advantage to link an OTG c.LP/c.LK and continue with the combo.

    qcf+PP, c.LK, s.MK (2 hits), s.HK, j.MK (2 hits), j.HK, HP, s.MP, delay s.MK (2 hits, restand)...

    So when midscreen, if the combo starts toward the direction closest to the corner, it's possible to combine both of these (still obeying IPS) into one combo.

    IAD j.LK, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+MK, land, s.MK (2 hits), s.HP xx qcf+HP, qcf+HP, qcf+HP xx qcf+PP, c.LK, s.MK (2 hits), s.HK, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+P, c.LK, HP...

    If you're looking for a headless combo that will do the equivalent, you'll need to do a rekka/headbutt loop, with proper head positioning. The loop required depends on the positioning of the head, and unfortunately there's not set combo here. If the head is behind the opponent before the rekkas, you'll need to add the extra HP that combos 1 and 3 of the Rekka/Headbutt loop include in order to move the head slightly further back. If the head is further back it will not be necessary. You'll need to try different things and find what fits you. The rekka combo, when done properly, should carry you and the opponent to the corner for a corner combo, much like combos 4 and 5 in the Rekka/Headbutt loop section.

    In this chapter, you've learned a few possibilities for midscreen combos with a long horizontal movement, all involving head-on qcf+PP. For headless options, see the Sandwich Combo section.

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    guitalex2007, Mar 13, 2013


    Graniteville, South Carolina, US
    Cerebella, Ms. Fortune, parasoul
    PSN ID:
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    Stuff You Can Learn to Make People Hate Your Guts And Ignore You Online (Sandwich Combos, etc.)
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    Otherwise known in other guides as "Advanced Tactics", this extremely vague title wouldn't do justice to the kind of disgusting collection of ideas I'm throwing your way right now. The title I went with does it justice.

    There are plenty of dirty tricks up Nadia's sleeve, most of which involve the sort of shenanigans that make people want to punch you in the gut and/or praise you for the awesome time. So let's start!

    Sandwich combos are a pet name generally used for shadow characters for times when the character and the clone/puppet/shadow are in different sides of the character. I prefer to call them delicious Tuna Sandwiches.

    So there are many ways to set up Tuna Sandwiches for Nadia to gobble up. Some require spacing, and some create their own space. To start a sandwich combo, try any of the following setups. When the last HP hits, you will successfully be in a Tuna Sandwich combo

    Head on:
    1) combo into s.HK, j.HP xx dash, j.MK (2 hits) xx qcb+HP, land, jump forward, j.HK xx f+HP, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP

    Let me take a break to explain the delay thing. s.MP while headless has a ton of htistun, enough to wait a tiny bit of time then doing s.MK to result in a restand. Try that out.

    2) dp+LK->LK, j.LP, j.MK (2 hits), qcb+HP, OTG HP, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP

    Head off, behind you:
    3) combo into qcf+PP, OTG HP, dash, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP

    Head off, underneath you:
    4) combo into qcf+MP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP xx qcf+PP, OTG HP, dash, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP

    Head off, underneath the opponent:
    5) combo into qcf+MP, (hold HP) qcf+MP, qcf+MP, release f+HP, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP

    Head off, full screen behind the opponent:
    6) combo into qcf+LP, qcf+LP, qcf+LP, HP, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP

    Head off, behind opponent but closer than full screen:
    7) combo into HP, s.HK, j.MK xx qcb+LK/MK xx qcb+KK, HP (may OTG), s.MP, delay s.MK, HP

    In all of these combos, if you already used s.MP or c.MP in a stage 3 by the time you need to start the sandwich, remember that you can do s.LK, s.MP or s.LP, s.MP instead if you have not used that normal yet.

    In any opportunity where you hit j.qcb+KK or qcf+PP with the head behind you, you can use HP, dash, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP and continue. As stated before, you can s.LK, s.MP, delay s.MK or s.LP, s.MP, delay s.MK instead if the IPS is keeping track of MP. Particularly for j.qcb+KK, if the head is further than HP distance, you can use b.HP instead, dash in, s.MP, delay, s.MK, f+HP, s.LK, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP instead. This is crucial for heavy characters with smaller bounces.

    Now that you know how to start a Tuna Sandwich, let's put some tuna in it.

    1) s.MP, s.MK, HP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP (hold HP), release HP, s.LK, s.MP, s.MK, HP...
    2) s.MP, s.MK, HP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP (hold HP), qcf+LK, release HP, s.LK, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP... (will not work for more than one rep against Parasoul and will use the OTG)
    3) s.MP, s.MK, HP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP (hold HP), qcf+LK, release f+HP, s.LK, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP... (will not work for more than one rep against Double and will use the OTG)

    Combos 2 and 3 have the potential to work midscreen, but combo 3 is more likely to work. The trick is to delay s.MK as much as possible to allow the head to recover from f+HP and be able to do HP.

    How do you finish a Tuna Sandwich?
    1) qcb+HP, qcf+PP/qcb+PP/j.qcb+KK (1 to 3 meters)
    2) corner, dp+HK->HK, j.LP, j.MK (2 hits), j.HK, HP, land, s.HK, j.MP, j.MK (2 hits) xx b+HP (whiff) xx qcb+KK, HP, qcf+PP (2 meters, will not work as written against Parasoul)
    3) corner, dp+HK->HK, j.LP, j.MK (2 hits), j.HK, f+HP, land, s.HK, j.MP, j.MK (2 hits) xx b+HP (whiff) xx qcb+KK, OTG qcb+HP, qcf+PP (2 meters, will not work as written against Parasoul)

    A full sandwich combo into any finishers is likely to build one or more meters, making the cost of ending them not hurt nearly as much.

    What if you want an open-faced tuna sandwich? You can choose to cut the combo short and go for a reset. In these combos, it is difficult to see the kind of reset that is coming, since you are almost always at a great frame advantage. So try these resets and mixups with your combos.

    1) s.MK, HP, IAD j.LP xx qcb+LK

    The IAD j.LP may or may nor cross up, as will the qcb+LK. On hit you'll be on stage 1, landing into the free stage 2, head behind you. Cue combo starter #4: c.LP/LK, s.MP, s.MK (2 hits) xx qcf+MP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP xx qcf+PP, OTG HP, dash, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP and congratulations, you've put the opponent back into the same nasty ass predicament.

    2) s.MK, HP, throw forward

    Obviously, a throw can be done as well. After the throw, you can choose to start another sandwich combo by OTG HP, dash, s.MP, delay s.MK, f+HP, s.LK, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP. Or do whatever, like OTG HP, jump, qcb+PP/KK. If you expect a chicken block, jump and throw instead (and on whiff you can j.LP coming down for a crossup possibility), and OTG HP, land, s.MP, delay s.MK, HP and restart

    3) s.MK, HP, delay c.LP/LK

    There is always the possibility for the low/throw mixup after any HP. To make it harder for the opponent to guess, crouch continuously after every HP, having him expect the low, then stand up and throw. A few reps will be enough to allow a c.LP/LK to go through, if the opponent is still standing afterwards. Obviously on hit not only does it restart the sandwich, but outside of the corner a c.LK is likely to hit your own head and push it back a bit further in case the midscreen sandwich combo is putting the head too close to the opponent.

    There are a couple more resets worth mentioning, one of which involves combos 2 or 3. During any rep, substitute with:

    4) s.MK, HP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP (hold HP), qcf+K, release HP almost immediately after qcf+LK hits

    Unlike the regular combo, which lets them bounce from qcf+LK and then hits HP, this one will hit almost immediately, cutting hitstun to be the hitstun of a HP and not the bounce of qcf+LK the opponent is expecting. Against everyone except Fortune, it is possible to cross under to the other side, for a c.LP/LK or throw mixup. Even against Fortune, the hitstun of HP will be less than qcf+LK so she will still be susceptible to the same low/throw mixup, regardless of not crossing under.

    Another very successful reset can be done against everyone except Parasoul and Fortune, from combo 2.

    5) s.MK, HP, qcf+MP, qcf+MP (hold HP), qcf+LK, HP at the peak of the bounce, dash, c.LK/throw

    The bounce from qcf+LK plus the bounce from HP allow for a cross under reset and a low/throw mixup. To be quite honest, it doesn't need to cross under, but it makes the blocking low option less obvious of you are also reversing the direction.

    Soon you'll find that the more you incorporate these resets into more sandwich combos, the easier it gets. Soon you'll have a few perfects on your belt because most of these resets are pretty damn invisible.

    In this chapter you've learned:
    - s.MP can help with restands if the head hits an aerial opponent or as an OTG
    - Delaying a s.MK after a s.MP is usually enough to trigger a restand
    - After a restand, if the opponent is between the head and Fortune, a sandwich combo can be done.
    - There are different setups for sandwiches, different things to do in the middle and different ways to end them.
    - Sandwich combos are easy moments to set up low/throw or crossup resets.