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USA [Jul 11, 2014] Skullgirls Encore EVO 2014 Official Side Tournament (Las Vegas, NV)

Going by the two pictures we got

These are the pool results:
01 - Guitalex, Duckator ;
02 - Negus, Worldjem ;
03 - Keninblack, Skarmand ;
04 - Taluda, WingZero ;
05 - Domo, Shadowstew ;
06 - McPeanuts, TOOD ;
07 - Spacedanny, Khaos ;
08 - Dekillsage, Hojimbo ;
09 - TJ, Chilldog ;
10 - NCV, Broseidon ;
11 - MMDS, RemiKz ;
12 - Winnie, Lethalmind ;
13 - MikeZ, 240p|Medic ;
14 - MrPeck, Inuchiyo ;
15 - Biz Casual, SkippyMcYay ;
16 - SonicFox, Grinta ;

This is how Top 32 went:

1. Domo - MMDS ;
2. Spacedanny - Dekillsage
3. TJ - MrPeck
4. Winnie - Sonicfox
5. McPeanuts - Negus
6. Taluda - Keninblack
7. Guitalex - MikeZ
8. NCV - Biz Casual

Losers (Top 32):
1. Shadowstew - RemiKz
2. KhaosMuffins - Hojimbo ; ? B
3. Chilldog - Inuchiyo
4. Lethalmind - Grinta
5. TOOD - Worldjem
6. WingZero - Skarmand
7. Duckator - 240p|Medic
8. Broseidon - Skippy

Losers (Top 24)
1. RemiKz - MrPeck
2. B - Winnie
3. Inuchiyo - MMDS
4. Lethalmind - Spacedanny
5. worldjem - MikeZ
6. Skarmand - BizCasual
7. Duckator - McPeanuts
8. Broseidon - Keninblack

Making for the following Top16 Pairings:

1. Domo - Dekillsage ; AW
2. TJ - Sonicfox ; BW
3. Negus - Taluda ; CW
4. guitalex - NCV ; DW

Losers (Top16):
1. MrPeck - Winnie ; AL
2. Inuchiyo - Lethalmind ; BL
3. Worldjem - Skarmand ; CL
4. Duckator - Keninblack ; DL

Losers (Top 12):
1. AL - CW
2. BL - DW
3. CL - AW
4. DL - BW

Some interesting matchups here!

2 out of Keninblack/Duckator/Sonicfox/TJ are guaranteed to take the fall, that's gonna screw up a good bunch of Top8 predictions.
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One of the stations (Were 4, later became 5) is being recorded. I don't know how good the quality of said recording is going to be, but I figure it's gonna be better than a Phone Video.
Based on the above, I'm predicting this for the rest of the bracket (winner in bold). Time to be horribly wrong!

Winners top16:
1. Domo - Dekillsage
2. TJ - Sonicfox
3. Negus - Taluda
4. Guitalex - NCV

Losers top 16:
1. Mr. Peck - Winnie
2. Inuchiyo - Lethalmind
3. Worldjem - Skarmand
4. Duckator - Kenin

Winners top 12:
1. TJ - Dekillsage
2. Taluda - Guitalex

Losers top 12:
1. Winnie - Negus
2. Inuchyo - NCV
3. Worldjem - Domo
4. Duckator - Sonicfox

Losers top 8:
1. Winnie - NCV
2. Duckator - Worldjem

Losers top 6:
1. Winnie - Dekillsage
2. Duckator - Guitalex

Losers semis:
1. Dekillsage - Duckator

Winners finals:
1. TJ - Taluda

Losers finals:
1. Dekillsage - Taluda

Grand finals:
1. TJ - Dekillsage

for a final ranking of:
1. TJ
2. Dekillsage
3. Taluda
4. Duckator
5. Guitalex + Winnie
7. NCV + Worldjem
I wouldn't have thought so in a vacuum, but based on this bracket, I think his chances are good. I play vs. him, Skarmand, and Domo quite a bit, and of the three, he gives me BY FAR the most trouble (not that I do well against any of them, mind you, but I've never taken a game from WorldJem, and only once have taken a character from him him).

If Domo somehow beats Sage, though, then Jem is fucked.

If you *really* think Jem won't make top 8, just mentally replace him with Skarmand or Domo in the top 8.
So is Sevy okay?

Is he still at least there? Play casuals?

I really want to see that alleged match.
\o/ FUCK YES!!! Let's go Lethalmind!!! \o/

I won't be working today so I can follow this closely!
So... in the end... who was Zuko?

Also, what happened to sev? Who did he lost to?
I know a bunch of people will be watching the finals from outside the US, so I've added a countdown to the top of this page and the forum index to make sure people have the right time wherever they are.
I know a bunch of people will be watching the finals from outside the US, so I've added a countdown to the top of this page and the forum index to make sure people have the right time wherever they are.
Thanks for adding that to clarify on the time! Sucks, I thought it was going to be in two hours, 1 pm my time :(
So who besides Guitalex has Cashed in on the Bounties?

The Duckator one is pretty big on it's own. But Duck or Ken will gt oe one for eachoher.

Also, I love seeing Inuchiyo back from Japan, Ihope he returns to Top 8
For people who want to type out their predictions, here the template:
Winners (Top16):
1. Domo - Dekillsage ; AW16
2. TJ - Sonicfox ; BW16
3. Negus - Taluda ; CW16
4. guitalex - NCV ; DW16

Losers (Top16):
1. MrPeck - Winnie ; EL16
2. Inuchiyo - Lethalmind ; FL16
3. Worldjem - Skarmand ; GL16
4. Duckator - Keninblack ; HL16

Losers (Top12):
1. EL16 - CW16 ; I
2. FL16 - DW16 ; J
3. GL16 - AW16 ; K
4. HL16 - BW16 ; L


Winners (Top8)
1. AW16 - BW16 ; MW8
2. CW16 - DW16 ; NW8

Losers (Top8)
1. I - J ; OL8
2. K - L ; PL8

Losers (Top6)
1. OL8 - NW8 ; Q
2. PL8 - MW8 ; R


Winners (Top4)
1. MW8 - NW8 ; SW4

Losers (Top4)
1. Q - R ; TL4


Losers (Top3, Loser's Finals)
1. TL4 - SW4 ; U


Grand Finals (Top2)
1. SW4 - U
(U has to win 2 Sets)
This looks a bit confusing, but I dunno how to put it better. If you just follow this from top to bottom, you should be fine.
If the same Letter appears twice (eg IW8 is in Loser's Top6 and in Winners Top4), obviously the Winner of IW8 is in the Winner's Bracket, while the loser of it plays in Loser's.


Here's my half prediction / half wishful thinking (best OS - if I guess right I knew it, if I guess wrong it's just what I was hoping for)

Winners (Top16):
1. Domo - Dekillsage
2. TJ - Sonicfox
3. Negus - Taluda
4. guitalex - NCV

Losers (Top16):
1. MrPeck - Winnie
2. Inuchiyo - Lethalmind
3. Worldjem - Skarmand
4. Duckator - Keninblack

Losers (Top 12):
1. MrPeck - Negus
2. Inuchiyo - NCV
3. Skarmand - Domo
4. Duckator - TJ


Winners (Top8)
1. Dekillsage - Sonicfox
2. Taluda - guitalex

Losers (Top8):
1. MrPeck - Inuchiyo
2. Skarmand - TJ

Losers (Top6):
1. MrPeck - guitalex
2. TJ - Sonicfox


Winners (Top4, Winner's Finals):
1. Dekillsage - Taluda

Losers (Top4):
1. MrPeck - TJ


Losers (Top3, Loser's Finals):
1. TJ - Dekillsage


Grand Finals (Top2):
1. Taluda - Dekillsage
(Dekillsage wins 2 Sets)

Negus might win against MrPeck; then Inuchiyo beats Negus, but still loses to TJ.
Else no tossups at all, everything else is clearly going to unfold exactly as noted.
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Isavulpes' predictions put MrPeck as 4th.
EU isn't free!
Gonna be tough, but still got a good chance :)

Who killed Izzmo, btw?
I would like to get character statistics, but I don't actually know what half the people play.

- Domo (Fukua/Double ??? Some 3rd?)
- Sage (Para/Bella/Double and/or Pea/Bella/Double)
- TJ (Pea/Bella)
- Sonicfox (Filia/Bella and/or Fukua/Bella and/or a Triteam with these in some order?)
- Negus (Double/PW/Filia)
- Taluda (PW/Fortune/Bella)
- Guitalex (Fukua/Squigly/BB and/or a lot of other teams)
- NCV (Para/PW in some order and maybe Double as 3rd?)

- MrPeck (Bella/Pea/Filia)
- Winnie (Fukua/Filia/Double)
- Inuchiyo (Fukua/Fortune/Double)
- Lethalmind (? I think Para/Pea/Filia but very unsure ?)
- worldjem (Pea/Fuk/Filia)
- Skarmand (Pea/Parasoul and maybe a 3rd Double or Bella?)
- Duckator (Val/Fil/Double)
- Keninblack (Para/Fukua/Double probably in this order)

Any help would be welcome~
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Winners (Top16):
1. Domo - Dekillsage ; AW16
2. TJ - Sonicfox ; BW16
3. Negus - Taluda ; CW16
4. guitalex - NCV ; DW16

Losers (Top16):
1. MrPeck - Winnie ; EL16
2. Inuchiyo - Lethalmind ; FL16
3. Worldjem - Skarmand ; GL16
4. Duckator - Keninblack ; HL16

Losers (Top12):
1. MrPeck - Negus ; I
2. Inuchiyo - NCV ; J
3. Worldjem - Domo ; K
4. Duckator - TJ ; L


Winners (Top8)
1. Dekillsage - Sonicfox ; MW8
2. Taluda - Guitalex ; NW8

Losers (Top8)
1. MrPeck - Inuchiyo ; OL8
2. Domo - Duckator ; PL8

Losers (Top6)
1. MrPeck - Guitalex ; Q
2. Duckator - Dekillsage ; R


Winners (Top4)
1. Sonicfox - Taluda ; SW4

Losers (Top4)
1. MrPeck - Duckator ; TL4


Losers (Top3, Loser's Finals)
1. Duckator - Sonicfox ; U


Grand Finals (Top2)
1. Taluda - Duckator
I'll never bet against my pal eyoel..but if he does lose...somebody put on a pair of sunglasses and tell him that he is donion rings.
Mr. Peck, and don't ask us why because we were all confused and sad, went solo Bella against TJ.
He told me he didn't want to do a peacock mirror with a team of three.

Domo was using fukua

Keninblack was using fukua

Inuchiyo was using fukua

Winnie was using fukua

Chances are if you don't know a character someone was playing, they were probably playing fukua
A couple of these are complete guesses. Others are hopeful thinking. Only some is rooted in the really real world.

Winners (Top16):
1. Domo - Dekillsage ; AW16
2. TJ - Sonicfox ; BW16
3. Negus - Taluda ; CW16
4. guitalex - NCV ; DW16

Losers (Top16):
1. MrPeck - Winnie ; EL16
2. Inuchiyo - Lethalmind ; FL16
3. Worldjem - Skarmand ; GL16
4. Duckator - Keninblack ; HL16

Losers (Top12):
1. Winnie - Negus ; I
2. Inuchiyo - guitalex ; J
3. Skarmand - Domo ; K
4. Duckator - TJ ; L


Winners (Top8)
1. Dekillsage - TJ ; MW8
2. Taluda - NCV ; NW8

Losers (Top8)
1. Negus - Guitalex ; OL8
2. Skarmand - Duckator ; PL8

Losers (Top6)
1. Negus - NCV ; Q
2. Duckator - TJ ; R


Winners (Top4)
1. Dekillsage - Taluda ; SW4

Losers (Top4)
1. NCV - Duckator ; TL4


Losers (Top3, Loser's Finals)
1. Duckator - Dekillsage ; U


Grand Finals (Top2)
1. Taluda - Duckator
(U has to win 2 Sets)

I think I did it correctly.

In any case, it would be awesome to see Duck run it back to the Grand Finals even though I'm ultimately hoping Taluda pulls it out. I'm also really rooting for NCV to do well. In any case, I think it looks like there could be a ton of potential upsets.

Thanks for everyone feeding us information ( especially @IsaVulpes ).

And lastly, wtf happened with Sev?

Edited to add: The Fukua bit doesn't really surprise me. I'm not really of the opinion that she's OP, but she doesn't have any real weaknesses either. In other words, why the hell not use her?
Man, if we had more than like 12 hours of down time, an SG Top 16 fantasy bracket competition would be cool. :P

Here's my shit:
Winners (Top16):
1. Domo - Dekillsage ; AW16
2. TJ - Sonicfox ; BW16
3. Negus - Taluda ; CW16
4. guitalex - NCV ; DW16

Losers (Top16):
1. MrPeck - Winnie ; EL16
2. Inuchiyo - Lethalmind ; FL16
3. Worldjem - Skarmand ; GL16
4. Duckator - Keninblack ; HL16

Losers (Top12):
1. Winnie - Negus ; I
2. Inuchiyo - NCV ; J
3. Skarmend - Domo ; K
4. Duckator - TJ ; L


Winners (Top8)
1. Dekillsage - Sonicfox ; MW8
2. Taluda - guitalex ; NW8

Losers (Top8)
1. Winnie - NCV ; OL8
2. Domo - Duckator ; PL8

Losers (Top6)
1. Winnie - guitalex ; Q
2. Duckator - Sonicfox ; R


Winners (Top4)
1. dekillsage - Taluda ; SW4

Losers (Top4)
1. Winnie - Duckator ; TL4


Losers (Top3, Loser's Finals)
1. Winnie - dekillsage ; U


Grand Finals (Top2)
1. Taluda - dekillsage
(DEKILLSAGE EDITION in 2 of the best sets ever played, hopefully.)
i dont see skullgilrs on the evo schedule
1 PM Vegas Time on twitch.tv/madcatz https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Br5Td2GIAAAXZhq.jpg

No problem Spencer, I'm just collecting bits and pieces from people.
@EVOpeople: Any further info (who won in the three Top 32 matches I don't have results for, what do the people play I don't have listed yet) is always welcome!!

And yeah, Fukua is super good and super versatile and super stupid. I wonder how Mike "She sucks, just throw her" Z feels about her after Evo :~
Clone assist is up for "dumbest assist in any version of this game".

Can someone tally up the characters represented in top 32 or 16?

I would but I'm going out soon.
Mr. Peck, and don't ask us why because we were all confused and sad, went solo Bella against TJ.
That's...disturbing. Especially considering how he hates playing against solobe-
waaaaait, thaaaaat's whyyyy... >_>