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The mega name-meaning and reference thread


When's Adam
Sep 2, 2013
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Where the sky's been tainted red
Cerebella Painwheel Unknown
Okay, I am bored again, so let's compile all the references in Skullgirls in here. I know some people like to find this stuff out so hopefully we can collect everything into this thread. I'm gonna organise this thread similarly to the mega lore thread, ie. by character and then factions/places/etc.

Unlike the lore thread, speculations on possible meanings and references are welcome, since we're not gonna go bother Alex about the sheer amount of references in Skullgirls. :p


Filia & Samson:
- Filia is Latin for "daughter", but also possibly a reference/pun to the Latin word, filum, meaning thread or filament; a reference to her hair-based power. Perhaps meant to sound similar to Millia, another famous fighting game character with hair-based power?
- Samson is a Biblical character imbued with supernatural strength but lost it when his hair was cut, which led to him being captured and blinded.
- One of Samson's previous and most important host, Delilah, was the name of the Biblical character who cut off Samson's hair.

- Name derived from the Latin "cerebellum", a medical term for a part of the brain used to control motor control. Likely a reference to her Living Weapon that she controls on her head.
- Her Living Weapon, Vice Versa, is from the Latin phase commonly used in English to mean "the other way round". Could be a reference to the topsy-turvy nature of Cerebella's acrobatic circus act/fighting style.

- Her first Synthetic Parasite, the Avery Unit, is a reference to Tex Avery, a prominent American cartoonist. A reference to its power that allows Peacock to create cartoon-like constructs.
- Her second Synthetic Parasite, the Argus System, is a reference to Argus, a 100-eye giant in Greek mythology. After his death, his eyes were preserved by Hera forever in a peacock's tail. Reference to the Parasite's many-eyed appearance.
- Peacock's name is hence a reference to the Argus myth.
- Her real name, Patricia, is a Latin name meaning "noble". Most likely just meant to sound similar to "peacock".
- Her small and big bomb friends are called George and Lenny respectively. They are named after characters from the John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men starring two friends, George and his large but mentally-slow friend Lennie. It's noteworthy that Lenny's name is spelled differently from the novel's character, since his name is also a reference to Lonesome Lenny, a Tex Avery cartoon.
- OBSOLETE INFO: The two bombs used to be called Little Boy and Fat Man, after the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WW2. The names were changed for sensitivity reasons.

Ms Fortune:
- Name is pun on the word "misfortune". A reference to the fate that befell her and possibly a reference to the old superstition that black cats bring misfortune?

- Name is pun on "parasol", meaning umbrella
- Her Living Weapon Krieg is German for war. Part of the Renoirs' living umbrella weapons' Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse theme

- Name is pun on the word "pinwheel". Her original blade design looked a lot more similar to an actual pinwheel.
- Her first Synthetic Parasite, the Buer Drive, is a reference to the demon Buer which is mentioned in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. Its appearance is sometimes depicted as a lion head surrounded by 5 legs, a reference to the Buer Drive's appearance.
- Her second Synthetic Parasite, Gae Bolga, is named after a legendary spear from Irish mythology. It is said that the spear splits into 30 barbs after entering a man's body, a reference to the barbs that Painwheel can summon from her body with the Parasite's power.
- Her real name Carol, is the European name derived from the Latin name Carolus, originally a male name meaning "free man". It is also now associated with the English word carol, meaning song. Could be a pun on the word "carousel", a reference to the Buer Drive?

- Her name follows a religious holiday theme with the rest of the Last Hope's ninja nurses, Valentine for St Valentine's day, Christmas for Christmas day, Patty for St Patrick's day, Hallows for Halloween's day and Easter for Easter day.
- Her real name, Valerie, is an English name derived from the Latin name Valeria, meaning "to be healthy/strong". Most likely just meant to sound like "Valentine".

- Double's name is probably a reference to her copying ability or the fact that she is usually seen in 2 forms (the nun and the monster). Also possibly a reference to the phase "Double, double toil and trouble", part of the chant of the three witches from Shakespeare's Macbeth. A reference to her connection with the Trinity, maybe??

Squigly & Leviathan:
- Squigly possibly a reference to her Parasite's "squiggly" appearance.
- Contiello is an Italian surname and Sienna is an English given name named after an Italian city. That keeps up with the Italian theme of the Medicis and their allies, but no idea what the actual names might be references of.
- Leviathan is the name of a sea monster from the Bible. It's name literally means twisted or coiled, so again a reference to the appearance of the Parasite.

Big Band:
- Name a reference to big bands, a type of jazz/swing musical ensemble.
- His surname, Birdland, is a reference to a famous jazz-fusion song by the Weather Report, which in turn is a reference to the name of a famous jazz club. Full name Ben Birdland probably meant to reflect the initials of his codename, BB. Ben might be a reference to Big Ben?

- Name is a duel reference to both Elizabeth Taylor, a famous film star who has portrayed Cleopatra (whose Egyptian theme heavily inspired Eliza's design, and was also said to have a beautiful voice) and Countess Elizabeth of Bathory, who was convicted of killing young girls in order to bathe in their blood in order to retain her youth, obviously a reference to her blood powers.
- Her Parasite, Sekhmet, is a reference to an Egyptian warrior goddess and goddess of healing. According to a myth, she was sent into battle by Ra, but continued to slaughter humans at the end of the battle due to her thirst for blood. In order to quench her blood-lust, Ra poured beer dyed the colour of blood, which she mistook for blood and got so drunk that she gave up and returned peacefully.
- Her bodyguards, Horace and Albus, reference the Egyptian gods Horus and Anubis respectively. Their animal heads, a falcon and a jackal, are also how the gods Horus and Anubis are portrayed.

- Name is a reference to a Scandinavian hero from an Old English poem, who killed the monster Grendel and its mother who was terrorising the subjects of the King of the Danes.
- (Skullgirls's) Beowulf lore with him fighting the Gigan Grendel and his rampaging mother is clearly a reference to the Beowulf story.
- His chair, the Hurting, is a pun of the poem Beowulf's sword, Hrunting, that was given to him before he went to fight Grendel's mother.

- Robo- is just a common prefix for robot equivalent of characters, such as Robo-Ky from Guilty Gear.

- Name literally explains itself.
- Her living weapon, Hungern, is German for hunger. Another reference of the Four Horsemen.

Bloody Marie:
- Name is a reference to Bloody Mary, nickname of Queen Mary I of England whose persecution of Protestants earned her the nickname. Also the name of a famous cocktail and a folklore (saying Bloody Mary 3 times to a mirror), although both are references of the original Bloody Mary.

Black Dahlia:
- Name is a reference to the infamous murder of Elizabeth Short, whose body was found mutilated in Los Angeles in the 1940s. The name The Black Dahlia was given to her as a reference to a famous movie at the time, The Blue Dahlia. Judging from B. Dahlia's appearance, it is possible that she was similarly mutilated.

Mrs Victoria:
- Victoria is a given name in real life and not really a surname. The only instance I can think of Victoria being used as a surname is Seras Victoria from the manga Hellsing. Alex is known to be a fan of Hellsing so it's a possible reference.
- Her given name is either Devannah or Diana. Alex said that both names are references to something. Diana is most likely a reference to Wonder Woman but no idea what Devannah is a reference of. Her initials, DV, is obviously meant to reflect her alter ego, Deep Violet.

D. Violet:
- Violet probably from her skin colour. Deep Violet possibly a reference to the rock band, Deep Purple.
- Her Living Weapon, the Pazuzu Whip, references the Assyrian/Babylonian god of the demons of the wind, Pazuzu. Pazuzu is usually depicted as having a serpentine penis, so the reference is obvious there.

- Her Parasite, Sagan, is named after Carl Sagan, a famous astronomer who wrote and presented the famous TV Series and book "Cosmos". A reference to her space-based powers.
- Following from that, she is likely named after Carl Sagan's widow, Ann Druyan, who is a writer for producer for astronomy and science-related TV programmes, including Cosmos.

- His surname is Whitefin, probably a reference to the great white sharks. His first name, Stanley, is a reference to the Stanley Cup since he is a huge hockey fan.
- Additionally, Alex is from San Jose, and the local hockey team there is called the San Jose Sharks.

- Name a reference to bee hives. Obviously a reference to her appearance.
- Her Synthetic Parasite is called Beezle Bomb. Apart from the obvious bee pun, Alex has referred to it as "B Bomb" which makes me believe that it is a reference to the term "B-Bomb" from the bullet hell game DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu (B-Bomb is when you choose B type ship with Bomb style). Or it could just be a reference to the fact that the bomb pickup in the DoDonPachi series is labelled B. The connection is with her bee motif, since DoDonPachi translate directly to "Angry Leader Bee" and bee symbolism is used throughout the games. Additionally, Beezle Bomb could be a pun on Beelzebub, the Semitic "lord of the flies" god whose name was later associated with a Christian demon, who is commonly portrayed to have control over insects.

- Name is a reference to the "nightmare state of Leduc", which is a term in animal slaughter by electricity. If the electrical shock is applied to the head incorrectly, the animal may enter a stage where it is fully concious but unable to move or vocalise. Reference to his electricity-based power.
- His Synthetic Parasite, Taranis Generator, is a reference to the Taranis, the Celtic God of Thunder.

- Named after a section of the small intestine, the ileum, since her appearance is intestine-like.
- Her Synthetic Parasite, Salamander Shell, could be a reference to the salamander's ability to secrete mucus from its skin, similarly to Ileum's power to secrete enzyme/acid from her body. Given that she was disfigured in the war and the Parasite has given her more or less an able body, it could refer to the salamander's ability to regenerate lost limbs. The "Shell" part most likely refers to the Parasite's appearance. In Alex's "x-ray" sketch of Ileum, you can see that under her gown, her torso and groin are actually covered in a shell-like armour.

Brain Drain:
- Name is a word play on the term "brain drain", where skilled workers leave their home to find jobs somewhere else with better opportunities. Also a famous album by the Ramones. Seems to be no deep references here but the phase is clearly a reference to his psychic powers.

Andy Anvil:
- Name obviously references the fact that he is an anvil. Similarly with his friend, Tommy Ten-Tons, who is a ten-ton weight. Also noteworthy that both their names are alliterate (the first letters of all parts of their names are the same), a common trait in old cartoons.

- Name derived from fenghuang (凤凰), also known as the Chinese phoenix. This likely references her bird-based fighting style. Feng is also a common element in real Chinese names derived from the same word. Also possibly a reference to Feng Shui, a Chinese system of philosophy, which references the origin of her ghost birds.
- Her black-and-white theme is also a reference to the Taoist Taijitu symbol, which represents the intertwining of black and white.
- OBSOLETE INFO: Feng used to be a Parasite user wielding the Parasite Salamander, which gives her fire-based powers. The salamander was believed to be a creature associated with fire in folklore. This was changed as Alex felt that there were already too many Parasite users in Skullgirls. Also, the Chinese phoenix symbolises fire or the sun, which means that her name Feng also referenced that aspect of her power.

- Named after Taliesin Williams, a famous Welsh bard. A reference to the fact that Taliesin is a bard in the Cirque des Cartes.
- His remote Parasite, Muse, is named after the Muses, the Greek goddesses of inspiration. The word muse is also used in modern term as someone's source of inspiration. Probably also refers to music, which is a word that derives from the Greek word Muse, a reference to Taliesin and Muse's music abilities.

- His name is a Dutch name which directly translate to "big heart", which obviously refers to his appearance and personality.
- His nickname, Hertz, is wordplay on the word "hurt", which is what he can lay down on people. Probably also a pun on "heart". Hertz itself is a common German surname meaning "brave", also the SI unit for measuring frequency, named after the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.

- Her name is Latin for "queen", a reference to the fact that she represents the Queen card in the Cirque des Cartes, and also to her leadership role in the circus.

- The name Beatrix is an English name derived from the Latin "Viatrix", meaning traveller. No idea what it could be a reference of.
- Her Cloak of Damocles is a reference to the Greek story of the Sword of Damocles, where the court courtier Damocles offered to switch place with the king to sit on the throne. The king then arranged to have a sword hung by the pommel with a single horse tail hair above the throne, causing Damocles to beg to depart after realising that with great fortune also comes great peril. A reference to the swords that Beatrix keeps stabbed inside her body.

- Name likely a reference to the Ottomobile, or the Otto Engine, the first internal-combustion engine designed Nikolaus Otto. Probably references the "primitive" look of the robot Ottomo.
- The model number of Ottomo is M3, Mighty Metal Man. Most likely a reference to the real-life M3 (man-made man) robots, designed by researchers at Osaka University.
- His pilot's name, Tom, could be derived from the name Ottomo. Also Ottomo+Tom = Ottomotom; a pun on the word "automaton"?

- Named after a type of Chinese food, fish balls (魚丸), which are pounded fish meat mixed with flour and then rolled into a ball. A reference to the fact that he runs a Chinese (or the Skullgirls universe-equivalent) restaurant. Funnily enough, Yu-Wan is a real Chinese given name, with different spellings/meanings, but it is a female name.
- His brother, Shu-mai, is named after another kind of Chinese food, dumplings (燒賣) made from chopped meat mixed with other ingredients and then wrapped with a thin dough and then steamed. Reference to his brother's Chinese food-themed name.

- Name probably a pun of minnow, a small fish. References the fact she is a fish girl. Minette also means "pussycat" in French, where it is also sometimes used as a colloquial term for you-can-guess-what.

- Probably derived from the word "scythe", a kind of bladed tool/weapon. Not sure about any references.

- Roxie is a pet name form of Roxanne, derived from the Persian name Roushanak, meaning bright star.
- Her real name, Rosie, is a reference to Rosie the Riveter, a famous American WW2 icon, who her appearance is based on.

- Panzerfaust is the name of a type of German anti-tank weapon used in WW2, which literally translate to "armour/tank fist". Obviously a reference to his appearance.

- A Hebrew name meaning "man". Likely a reference to the fact that he's so normal.

- A pet name form of Mary or Margaret. No idea what it could reference. Maybe related to the verb "mollify" or "mollycoddling"; something to do with her personality?

- A Hebrew name meaning "laughing". Maybe a reference to famous scientist Isaac Newton, or famous Sci-Fi writer Isaac Asimov. Both a bit of a stretch.

- Name from the Roman goddess of love, so could be a reference to her goddess status, but most likely a reference to the Venus flytrap, the carnivorous plant, due to her Parasite's appearance.
- Her Parasite's name, Abaddon, is a Hebrew term literally meaning "destruction" that appears in the Bible referring to a place of destruction and the angel of the bottomless pit. Most likely a reference to the fact that her Parasite usually manifests on Venus's body as mouths in her abdomen, and early Skullgirls concepts even referred to it as "Ab-addon".

- A Latin term meaning "life" but tended to mean "time". Usually used to refer to a very long period of time. References the fact she is the goddess of time.
- Her Parasite, Khronos, references the Greek god of time, usually spelled Chronos, who is depicted as a three-headed snake. The Parasite's appearance is likely partly a reference to this.
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The Renoirs:
- The surname is a reference to French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir, an early Impressionist painter. Specifically, it is a reference to his painting called the Umbrellas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Umbrellas_(Renoir_painting). When Alex was trying to come up with a name for the royal family, Alpha showed him this painting and Alex decided to call them the Renoirs.
- The living weapon umbrellas are references to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the book Revelation of the New Testament.
- The name of King Franz could be reference to Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose assassination led into the events that caused the First World War, a reference to the fact that he led his country into the Grand War with the other two kingdoms. The First World War was also known as the Great War, which the Grand War clearly references.
- Queen Nancy's name is derived from the Hebrew name Hannah, literally translating to "grace". No idea what it could reference. Interestingly, Nancy is an alternate form of Annie, which also derives from Hannah. Could she have been named after the legendary anti-Skullgirl heroine?

The Medicis:
- The surname Medici is a reference to the highly influential family primarily in Florence, modern-day Italy, during the Renaissance period. They gain great political power from their wealth acquired from their trading and banking businesses. The family produced several popes and married into the French royal family. They are now particularly well-known as patrons of the art. The surname is probably an art-related reference like the Renoirs, and the selection of an Italian surname, as opposed to the Renoirs' French one, is probably to convey some kind of cultural rivalry. Being the Mafia, an Italian surname is also appropriate.
- The name of the Medici patriach, Lorenzo, is a name shared by many prominent members of the real-life Medici family. Most notable was Lorenzo the Magnificent.
- The name of Lorenzo's son and Cerebella's boss, Vitale, translate directly into "life". This could be a reference to his mission to retrieve the Life Gem.

The Anti-Skullgirls Labs:
- Dr. Avian's name means "bird". Probably a reference to the fact that he created Peacock.
- Dr. Victor Geiger's, the founder of the Labs, name is most likely derived from Dr. Victor Frankenstein, the protagonist of the book Frankenstein's Monster, and H.R. Giger, the Swiss surrealist artist who is famous for his work on the Alien movie series with his "biomechanical" designs. The spelling of his surname is different though, so perhaps it's a (dual?) reference to Hans Geiger, the German physicist who co-invented the Geiger-Muller counter.

The Divine Trinity:

The Canopy Kingdom:
- The name of the elite military force, Black Egrets, are references to the bird black egrets (aka black herons) who use a method of feeding called canopy feeding, where they would form their wings like an umbrella on top of a body of water, then feed on fishes that swim under their canopy for the shade.
- The name of the main location of Skullgirls 1 is New Meridian (which is also a reference to the old Meridian Empire). A meridian is a longitude line going from the South Pole to the North Pole, and the Prime Meridian that goes through Greenwich is the reference position used to determine the locations of all the other meridians. Perhaps the city/empire was so called because of it's geographical location in the Skullgirls universe's planet?
- The Dagonian town Little Innsmouth is named after the town Innsmouth from HP Lovecraft's novella, The Shadow Over Innsmouth. The townspeople of Innsmouth in the novella were worshippers of Dagon, the god/ruler of the Deep Ones. They were required to mate with the Deep Ones, creating half-human, half-fish-creature hybrids. The name of the Dagonian race obviously references the same novel.
- The areas separating the Canopy Kingdom, No Man's Land, is also a reference to WWI terminology, where a no man's land is the area between opposing forces' trenches.

The Gigan Nation:
- The king of the Gigan's, Gilgamesh, name references a king of Uruk in modern-day Iraq. His legends were recorded in the Sumerian poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest surviving pieces of literature.
- The name of the Gigan race is probably derived from "gigantic", referencing their sizes. Gigan is also the name of a kaiju from the Godzilla series, although the kaiju's name is pronounced "gai-gan" rather than the "gig-an" that the Skullgirls version seems to be pronounced.

The Chess Kingdom:

The Dragon Empire:
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Mm, on Filia, there is also the Gregor Samson = Gregor Samsa from Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis reference. Which is why he turns into the insect wings when she charges.

Though that may not fall within the name meanings thing you meant, if you just mean their character names. Sorry. ^^;
Good topic. Having these things neatly arranged is always a boon.

As of now, I can only add these snippets:
- filia is Latin for "daughter"
- Eliza's bodyguards, Albus and Horace, are named after the Egyptian gods Anubis and Horus. Respectively, they also have a jackal head and a hawk head.
I think Double's name is more refering to her ability to copy others.
Yeah that is a good point. I'll probably add that. I'm pretty sure the "toil and trouble" reference is intended because of her achievement name.
Though that may not fall within the name meanings thing you meant, if you just mean their character names. Sorry. ^^;
Oh that's cool. I did intend to focus on character names first and then go into the movelist reference later, but posting these are still useful! I'm sure I'm missing a lot of references with the move names.
As of now, I can only add these snippets:
- filia is Latin for "daughter"
- Eliza's bodyguards, Albus and Horace, are named after the Egyptian gods Anubis and Horus. Respectively, they also have a jackal head and a hawk head.
Oh yeah, totally forgot about her bodyguards. Gonna add those. The filia thing is helpful too.
I think the toil and trouble acheivo was just them grasping for a acheivo name that played off the name double rather than double's name arising from it but I could easily be wrong on that.

I vaguely remember Alex saying that double was originally conceived as a canon friendly way to have mirror matches.
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I think the toil and trouble acheivo was just them grasping for a acheivo name that played off the name double rather than double's name arising from it but I could easily be wrong on that.
Yeah, I see your point there. Could very well be a retroactive thing. I'll probably keep it there anyway since we won't be worrying too much about "canon" info on this thread. I'm just adding any theory I like. XP
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Taliesin is the name of an existing medieval bard from Sub-Roman Britain who wrote "Book of Taliesin". It translates to "Shining Brow". This fits Skullgirls Taliesin as he is also a bard in the circus.


Muse is of course a reference to the greek legends of Muses, the daughters of Zeus who were supposed to give inspiration to artists.
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Birdland is also a song by the Jazz group Weather Report. I guess it's also worth nothing Manhattan Transfer covered Birdland
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In Feng's old design, she used a Living Weapon called 'Salamander' that controlled fire, a reference to the salamander of legend which is said to represent the element of fire.
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About Stanley: Mike was saying that Whitefin is reference to whitefin tuna (tuna with bacon, anyone?) and Stanley <- Stanley cup <- hockey <- San-Jose sharks <- Alex is from San-Jose.
It's Mike, so we can't be 100% sure =P, but it sounds pretty logical to me. At least Stanley Cup part. I believe Alex was confirming it, although I'm not too sure.
Also there was theory they named him after me but that wasn't true of course. It's coincidence I choose Stan as my alias several years prior to meeting with Scientific Shark and becoming huge fan =3
In Feng's old design, she used a Living Weapon called 'Salamander' that controlled fire, a reference to the salamander of legend which is said to represent the element of fire.
I guess it's irrelevant now.
I think Double's name is more refering to her ability to copy others.
also cinematic reference. although it looks like cinema style is only present in UI and terminology and not really affect canon itself.
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-Reference to the actual German tanks used in WWII by the same name.
-Also a reference to his appearance (Panzer = Tank, Faust = Fist).

-Actual name, Rosie, is a reference to Rosie the Riveter, another famous WWII culture icon.

-Did some research, apparently is most-likely Hebrew for "Man," in reference to his normalcy.

Knocked out a few of the Egrets for ya.
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Deep Violet is likely a reference to the famous rock band Deep Purple, who preformed such classics as Highway Star and Smoke on the Water.
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About Stanley: Mike was saying that Whitefin is reference to whitefin tuna (tuna with bacon, anyone?) and Stanley <- Stanley cup <- hockey <- San-Jose sharks <- Alex is from San-Jose.
Stanley cup makes a lot of sense, although I don't think "whitefin tuna" exists? As far as I know there are only bluefin and yellowfin tunas.
-Reference to the actual German tanks used in WWII by the same name.

Wasn't Panzerfaust the name of the german anti-tank rocket launcher made of cardboard? I mean I know it was named like that, but I didn't know about a tank named like that.
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Wasn't Panzerfaust the name of the german anti-tank rocket launcher made of cardboard? I mean I know it was named like that, but I didn't know about a tank named like that.
Panzers are the tanks. Panzerfausts are the rocket launchers. They are like super cheap RPG's. So yeah you're right.

Fun Fact: Panzerschrecks are a lot like Panzerfausts except that they are stronger and reusable.
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- Her bodyguards, Horace and Albus, reference the Egyptian gods Horace and Anubis respectively. Their animal heads, a falcon and a jackal, are also how the gods Horace and Anubis are portrayed.
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Wasn't Panzerfaust the name of the german anti-tank rocket launcher made of cardboard? I mean I know it was named like that, but I didn't know about a tank named like that.
Oops, you're right. That's embarrassing, considering I JUST took some WWII history classes....
Fun Fact: Panzerschrecks are a lot like Panzerfausts except that they are stronger and reusable.
"Panzercheck yourself before you Panzerschreck yourself."
I couldn't resist and I'm deeply and truly sorry for it. orz

Anyway, I don't remember specifics but I do recall some folks bringing up Ottomo. I think the name, besides sounding like "automaton" was somehow related with the invention of motor machinery? Some inventor named Otto? I honestly don't remember but it was pretty darn clever, even if not intentional.

And of course:
Venus - Roman goddess of love (EDIT: and of course, the Venus flytrap which is likely where the inspiration for all the nasty teeth derive)
Aeon (from Wikipedia) - originally means "life" or "being", though it then tended to mean "age", "forever" or "for eternity". Although the term aeon may be used in reference to a period of a billion years (especially in geology, cosmology or astronomy), its more common usage is for any long, indefinite, period.
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Anyway, I don't remember specifics but I do recall some folks bringing up Ottomo. I think the name, besides sounding like "automaton" was somehow related with the invention of motor machinery? Some inventor named Otto? I honestly don't remember but it was pretty darn clever, even if not intentional.
Something to do with this maybe?
Double's gross fleshy form is referred to as her true form, meaning that the name Double was assigned to that particular form.
Her two default forms are her true form where she can transform, Double, and the nun form that is shown to be not entirely human with white eyes and creepy stretchy crap.

Therefore, at any given time she is either Double or Nun-thing.
(Also I think Alex may have said her nun form is called Nothing but I don't remember where.)
(Also I think Alex may have said her nun form is called Nothing but I don't remember where.)
Are you sure he didn't mean "she's called nothing" because he hasn't thought of a name for her, rather than Nothing being a name? :P
I got a few for your list:

  • Leduc's name derived from the Nightmare State of Leduc, a condition of paralysis to livestock that leaves them unable to move or speak, but is fully conscious.
  • Hive's synthetic parasite "Beezle Bomb" is a play on words of 'Beezlebub', simply another name for Satan part of the bible; some depicted him as a fly.
  • Brain Drain is a reference to one of the Ramones albums. No actual reason why that is, but maybe Alex is a fan of the Ramones?
  • Cirque des Cartes is 'Circus of Cards' in French; every performer has a motif of the card suits:

Cerebella - Diamonds
Beatrix - Cubs
Hubrecht - Hearts (His name meaning "Bright Heart")
Feng - Ace
Regina - Queen
Talesin - Jack
Ringleader - King
Gigan Clown - Joker
Nameless Strong Man - Spades​
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Are you sure he didn't mean "she's called nothing" because he hasn't thought of a name for her, rather than Nothing being a name? :p
It's too late for that, even if it was just coincidental that's too perfect for him not to use.
Okay, updated the list a bit more up to Regina. Check it out guys!

Brain Drain is a reference to one of the Ramones albums. No actual reason why that is, but maybe Alex is a fan of the Ramones?
Yeah I can't think of any "deeper" reason for the name Brain Drain either apart from the fact that it sounds cool and refers to his psychic power.
Yeah I can't think of any "deeper" reason for the name Brain Drain either apart from the fact that it sounds cool and refers to his psychic power.
It's got a nice ring to it as well. Just a cool name that clicks then.
Sagan is named after Carl Sagan, who wrote the book and TV series "Cosmos ".

Annie coouuuld be named after Annie from Annie which was first performed around the same time that Cosmos was released, but it's just a wild guess as we don't have much information regarding Annie's background.
Okay, updated the list a bit more up to Regina. Check it out guys!

Yeah I can't think of any "deeper" reason for the name Brain Drain either apart from the fact that it sounds cool and refers to his psychic power.
Checked out the track list of that Brain Drain album:
Track #9: Can't Get You Out Of My Mind
Could just be a coincidence but daaaammmnn son it is a fine one indeed
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About Hubrecht and his nickname Hertz, could it be also a reference to Heart from Arcana Heart? Especialy since he has the hair and ribbon from her design.
Sagan is named after Carl Sagan, who wrote the book and TV series "Cosmos ".

Annie coouuuld be named after Annie from Annie which was first performed around the same time that Cosmos was released, but it's just a wild guess as we don't have much information regarding Annie's background.
Annie and Sagan are already on the list, although I should probably expand the Sagan part to say he was the writer and presenter of Cosmos since that's pretty well known. I'm pretty positive that Annie was named after Ann Druyan.
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About Hubrecht and his nickname Hertz, could it be also a reference to Heart from Arcana Heart? Especialy since he has the hair and ribbon from her design.
Oh yeah, Hertz could also be a pun of heart, not to mention his appearance is obviously a Heart reference.

Edit: Also I'm probably gonna go through all the name references first. I'll go back to design/appearance reference later.
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Also Minette means "cat" in French and... some other things =3
But it's kinda funny since cat is her best buddy.
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Also Minette means "cat" in French and... some other things =3
A small cat, particularly. :3

(Darn girl's name is a polyglot tour d'force of pornography...)