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Spotlight Skullgirls: Second Encore On Vita Has A Release Date


Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ms. Fortune Unknown
If you've got Second Encore and you want more, you can get it on the Playstation Vita store on the 5th of April (four days from right now). If you plan on playing Skullgirls on the go, or if you have a Vita TV at home and want the latest port of Skullgirls, mark the 5th of April on your calendar. If you are a resident of Europe, the date for Skullgirls on the European Playstation Store is not yet confirmed, but rest assured you will surely get the Skullgirls.

With this expansion on the horizon, Skullgirls: Second Encore will be featured on two more platforms alongside PC (Windows, Linux, Mac), PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and on Nesica Arcade Cabinets. With this, Skullgirls is easily one of the most accessible fighting games on the market.

In the event that you plan on getting the Vita version, and you aren't entirely sure the differences between that version and others available, Mike Z has got you covered.

Banner by Smile
Finally I'll be able to play as my favorite character of the entire game... George.

His Blockbusters are just so cool and powerful it's amazing that Mike didn't nerf him when he was first released. Here's to another good 5 years of SkullGirls, the best George Fighting Game out there.

[and happy april fools...]
Now I don't have to carry my laptop around if I ever desire to play this for brief sessions whenever I'm out.
I have Windows 8 Pro Tablet, otg and XB360 pad, as my on the go set up.

1 more FLIPPING day everyone!!! I'll be taking my PS Vita to work and hopefully be able to download it from their servers?
It's out now.

Didn't even realize my account was a sub account, so I couldn't buy it. Tried to see if I could add funds. Nope, you gotta have a master account to do that. Then, tried to see if I could upgrade my account. Can't. Logged in with master account so I could add funds. For some reason, PSN wouldn't accept it. I finally had to order a code from Amazon, add it to the master account (because, y'know, one can't do that on a sub account), then make the purchase.

Just a little rant I'd thought to share.
After a long 8 month wait, Skullgirls 2nd Encore PSVita is finally out! I was one of the first people to download it for free, the moment PSN gets updated! Vita's shaders are great! The shadows and everything, but the disadvantanges are the slow framerate and the long load. That being said, we are geting lobbies next, so we don't have to just wait for an opponent to join. Although, the gameplay has 2D graphics, but this is my first time playing on it. Now that the Vita version comes out, I just need to hope for Nights of Azure's Arnice and Lilysse to join Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition.
How bad is the frame rate? I know about the load times, but thought the frame rate was fine outside of specific situations like Big Band stuff based on that demonstration video they did.
Not sure what you're talking about regarding frame rate. Vita version maintains 60fps outside of edge case scenarios like Big Band's supers and both sides calling enormous assists at the same time.
We did a video demonstration of the framerate and loading times. Here is the worst possible instance of both:

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I am so excited I can't wait to play it I have been playing it on my pc, and I have a xbox 360 gamepad, and I like it but the 360 dpad is weak. I am so excited. I am going home and downloading it. I have played it with psnow and it was awesome. I am super excited you don't even know.
Was there a date for the Japanese release yet or it's still pending?

Okay trying my best to answer questions on the trailer video... and making sure they know that they can contact you LZ crew people on twitter.

Just to confirm the 2nd Encore extras are waiting as DLC on Pc right?
Ended up taking my Vita to work, to download and hopefully get some quick matches in(Vs. cpu). Turns out, my jobs server blocked out PSN so I couldn't download SG from my jobs wifi. You think that stopped me from downloading SG 2nd Encore on my Vita?

I enable mobile hotspot on my phone, tethered my Vita to it and got my free download(I already paid for the PS4 version, I don't have a PS4 btw). 145 minute wait?! Its cool though, I did this at 9:20am(Mountain Time).

By lunch time I got to watch the intro on Vita, play around with settings and configure my controls. Oh! And got in a quick match that Eliza and BeoWulf thoroughly whooped my ass in.

10/10 would neglect work and do it again.
Was there a date for the Japanese release yet or it's still pending?
It was like the 14th or 15th. Famitsu already reviewed the game so roughly a week away.
I downloaded the game last night and it runs so well on vita. The graphics are so so. But the game is already amazing
Its one of my favorite vita games and I owned a vita since December 2012
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Ok I need to ask does anyone else have compression issues on the vita? In previews it seems fine but my game the compression is blurry. Is it perhaps my vita model?
The graphics are so so.
This is why...
it runs so well on vita.
...you can say that.

(Also the characters are at native screen res, still in hundreds of colors and still interpolated. Some things are worse on the Vita, but that's not one. :^)

Ok I need to ask does anyone else have compression issues on the vita? In previews it seems fine but my game the compression is blurry. Is it perhaps my vita model?
Could you be clearer? Menus, fights, what?
The menus are blurry, yes. I am not sure we can fix that, it's a texture size issue. :^\
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Stuff like the menus yeah but also text is blurry like while testing out training mode the text on data like life, damage, hit and combo stage are are blurry to near the point of un-readable.

Also there seems to be some sound compression issue when I pick a character on the left side (player 1) the sound clips are just fine however when the character on the right is selected (player 2) it seems to be very quiet to the point that I can barley here the sound clips. I've tried this with both headphones and speakers and they seem to be producing the same issue.
I like the touchscreen macros they feel good to press to call my assist
This is why...

...you can say that.

(Also the characters are at native screen res, still in hundreds of colors and still interpolated. Some things are worse on the Vita, but that's not one. :^)

Could you be clearer? Menus, fights, what?
The menus are blurry, yes. I am not sure we can fix that, it's a texture size issue. :^\

Thanks for bringing it to vita. :D
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SG with GG on the go is quite the experience.

Loving the game so far. But I have agree about some of the texts being barely readable. Especially in training.

I also was hoping control config was going to be similar to SFxT on Vita. My plan was to have...
Macro 1: LP
Macro 2: LK
Triangle: HP
L Shoulder: Taunt
R Shoulder: Throw
But can't, its cool though because now I get to play around and find a suitable set-up.

Also R Stick assist, is there a specific direction for which member comes out? Example, left/right for 2nd member, up/down for 3rd member. Maybe I should have looked in manuals?

Amazing port. I think SG is my favorite PSV game? I am definitely enjoying this more than UMvC3.
Stuff like the menus yeah but also text is blurry like while testing out training mode the text on data like life, damage, hit and combo stage are are blurry to near the point of un-readable.
Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I don't know if there's much we can actually do about that. The textures had to be made way smaller to even fit in memory, and that's kinda a side effect. >.<

Also there seems to be some sound compression issue when I pick a character on the left side (player 1) the sound clips are just fine however when the character on the right is selected (player 2) it seems to be very quiet to the point that I can barley here the sound clips. I've tried this with both headphones and speakers and they seem to be producing the same issue.
I noticed that too! Unfortunately, only after we shipped. I don't think it's compression, it's just sending the wrong volume for some reason.

Also R Stick assist, is there a specific direction for which member comes out? Example, left/right for 2nd member, up/down for 3rd member. Maybe I should have looked in manuals?
Or tried for five seconds. :^P
Up is LK+MP, Down is MK+HP. L/R don't do anything specific because it widens the space for Up and Down, since UL and UR can all count as just Up.
Or tried for five seconds. :^P
Up is LK+MP, Down is MK+HP. L/R don't do anything specific because it widens the space for Up and Down, since UL and UR can all count as just Up.
I was moving the Right Stick left and right, but I noticed I do it in a downward motion. Which explains why I been only getting that same one member to assist and not the other.

Your reply helped me in Survival(at work). Manage to make it all the way to Marie(18th fight).

Be sure to advertise SG for Vita at SG Tournaments Mike. If I ever get decent at SG, I might enter, the stipulation is... I play it on my Vita >;^}
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When I adjust music, voice and effects volume there are still some effect sounds and voice clips that aren't being adjusted, any chance this will get fixed?
Monday is so close yet so far.
When I adjust music, voice and effects volume there are still some effect sounds and voice clips that aren't being adjusted, any chance this will get fixed?
A big chance! Give specific examples?

I was moving the Right Stick left and right, but I noticed I do it in a downward motion. Which explains why I been only getting that same one member to assist and not the other.
We did a bunch of testing, it's much easier for people to press the right stick to one side (left or right) and much more inconvenient for the other side. Which side is easier varies from person to person...but up and down are equally easy for everyone. So we made it up and down.
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Loving the vita port, but I noticed during gameplay, at some points during combos sound effects get dropped for a quick second, leaving the game weirdly quiet for an instant.
Give specific examples?
Honestly it's pretty inconsistent, biggest offenders are getting hit sound effects and narrator (Soviet) lines. If you just set everything to 0 and play survival for a couple rounds you'll see what I'm talking about.
Loving the vita port, but I noticed during gameplay, at some points during combos sound effects get dropped for a quick second, leaving the game weirdly quiet for an instant.
Honestly it's pretty inconsistent, biggest offenders are getting hit sound effects and narrator (Soviet) lines. If you just set everything to 0 and play survival for a couple rounds you'll see what I'm talking about.
These are related! Excellent! :^)
Also, on some of Beowulf's colors (tested Alex and Snake specifically) parts of the milk are transparent.
I didn't think Beowulf would be a big enough pansy to drink Skim milk.

But seriously I have gotten some transparency issues too with Egrets but I believe that someone already reported that.
Vita version had to use skim milk, not enough power to run whole milk.

We briefly considered making it coconut milk, but it turns out the Vita can handle a little bit of lactose.
someone already reported that

Yep! But thanks.
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Has anyone else noticed that the egret soldier that is summoned by parasoul has a transparent face? I noticed this while playing on the rooftop stage