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How do I Practice my Neutral Game?


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New York
Ms. Fortune Filia Double
So I've been playing this game for a while and I feel like I've hit a plateau right now. I'm constantly wondering what I'm doing wrong and why it seems that I'm unable to improve. Then I went over some of my matches, most of them losses, and noticed one thing in common with most of them: I constantly scramble a lot in the neutral game. I often find myself constantly using jump-ins and getting caught out because of it. So I was told in order to decrease my chances of scrambling, I need to practice my neutral. I feel as though every time I try to practice neutral, I wind up making the same mistakes as I did before. So how exactly do I practice my neutral game?
The advice that was given to me, was to simply play the game in longer sets so you are forced to learn your opponent over a long period. Other advice that I have found useful, is to play other fighting games and bring that knowledge back into SG. Learn the game from other characters' point of view. Lastly, work on your fundamentals; this is a huge weakness of mine and is something I continuously try to rectify; it will help your reads, which may also be weak.
What other fighting games teach you stuff that sg couldn't teach you?
honestly just playing them helps. Like playing umvc3, street fighter, guilty gear, blazblue, etc. have helped me immensely in understanding what i wanna do in neutral. For instance, Street Fighter taught me to pay attention to my normals' ranges. Just pay attention to your play and see if you can translate that to SG.