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Skullgirls Slapfest! (Thursdays around 7:00-7:30PM EST)


New Member
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Squigly Painwheel Fukua
Alright so to begin with, Slapfest is basically what you can call a beginner friendly training camp of sorts. We all get together on Thursdays to play and make suggestions, feedback and what have you. Normally, we go for about an hour or so and after that some of us will do friendly FT5's for a while. Now the best way to talk with us during Slapfest is the Mumble chat at:

port: 40643

Otherwise, you can use the Steam group chat, and said Steam group is right here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/skullgirlsslapfest#

We also have a stream going for Slapfest run by our head, Krye, at: http://www.twitch.tv/krye07 so if you can't make it or are unable to play, feel free to hop on there and watch!

I should mention that while we usually start at 7:30, it's a good idea to see if anybody's around early and perhaps play a few matches or get tips, especially for the newcomers to Skullgirls. One final note, on occasion we'll shake things up a bit and do special events for Slapfest, you'll want to keep an eye on the announcements page for that. Anyways, I hope you'll join us, we have a ton of fun and laughs to the point Slapfest has become a personal highlight of my week.