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Art Gallery Freezing


I argue till I'm wrong or right
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Parasoul Robo Fortune
On certain pictures in the art gallery my game freezes when I try to view them. Kienan's picture, Lems guest art, Mira Onghcua, and Raf guest art freeze my game. Anyone else have these problems?
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I just beat all characters arcade modes and got those pictures. the ms victoria line up art, 2012 newyears card/offical movelist cover,holloween fun, all freeze my game too.
I'm playing the English version.
Were either of you able to view any of these images before, or is your first and only experience of them a crash?

Also, can you tell me if removing and reinstalling the game does anything?
I was never able to view them. I haven't tried re installing yet.

Can you give us any more details about how you play?

Keyboard? Joystick? 360 pad?
Fullscreen? Windowed?

AMD or NVidia graphics card?

Boxers or briefs?
windowed mode. I play on steam from an external hard drive if that matters. I use a PS3 controller. I don't know what kind of graphics card I have, but I have to run skullgirls in 2d mode for it to work properly. boxers.
I'm playing on windowed too, with a keyboard. Not sure how to check my graphics card 'cuz I'm computer illiterate, but otherwise the game runs with no problems at all.

>Boxers or briefs?

When the next patch comes out, please let me know if you still have trouble opening these gallery entries.
I reinstalled Skullgirls and the skullgirls beta and updated. Some of the pictures that froze work in the real skullgirls game but in the beta the same ones still freeze. also when i try to click on some pictures it won't let me look at thembut the game doesn't freeze. if i go to the picture before these types of pictures and click that picture then i press lk to advance to the one i couldn't see before i can then look at the picture i couldn't look at before. If it try to do this with the pictures that freeze my game the game still freezes.
Can you tell me which gallery entries freeze(in the real game) for you now?

And if possible, can you find out what graphics card is in your computer? It's possible that your card might be under our minimum supported spec.
i think this is my graphics card. mobile intel 4 series express chipset family. I'll list the pictures that freeze soon.
Yes, that card is way below Skullgirls' minimum spec. It's great that you're able to play the game as is with it, but unfortunately I can't change the art gallery to support your hardware.
oh ok. thanks anyway. I need a new computer anyway.
did you try putting nvidia's gpu dll into the same folder as the game?
i put an nvidia dll into naruto storm 3 and it made that game playable.
basically fools the thing into thinking your using a graphics card you arent using.