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Beating Marie 300%

Jason D.

New Member
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
So, I just did this. By actually taking away all her health, not by timeout. Since I wasn't able to find any strategy for this on the internet, just an old video of an infinite that was quickly patched out, I figured I should post up. And here's the winning strategy (in lazy form):

<JasonD> SO! Who has two thumbs and just beat Marie 300% by taking away all her life? THIS GUY!
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<Stuff`> congrats
<Stuff`> I guess
<Stuff`> but why?
<Luweewu> oh? nice job
<Stuff`> was there anything to gain?
<JasonD> Because it was there.
<c_wraith> it unlocks some art in the gallery
<c_wraith> do you like gallery?
<JasonD> Probably took me like ten hours, over three days.
<Stuff`> oh
<JasonD> Nah, this is on Encore.
<c_wraith> What strategy did you use to beat her?
<Luweewu> what was the motivation to beat her outright and not just time her out
<Luweewu> also strats are sekrit
<JasonD> Uh... it's a lot to say. Do you really want to know?
<Luweewu> sure
<JasonD> Phase 1. Start with low SBO ball, jump in with a meaty j.HK. This should put her into stun.
<Stuff`> I KNEW IT
<Stuff`> I knew that worked
<JasonD> Land with M divekick, s.LP, s.LP, s.MP, s.HP, s.HP.
<Stuff`> that one's new
<JasonD> Stancel the last HP, jump, 2 hits of j.MK, 4 of j.HK. This should re-stun her.
<Luweewu> standard setup
<JasonD> Land with divekick, repeat.
<Stuff`> really?
<JasonD> It usually works, though a couple moves make her magically invulnerable to stun.
<Stuff`> I just locked her in stun with multi hit move
<Luweewu> oh you do a different one than I did
<Luweewu> I used arpeggio loops
<JasonD> Re-stunning her if she gets out... there's a few ways. But let's just assume that works perfectly.
<Stuff`> and that same multi hit move un comboed
<JasonD> So you'll slowly push her into the corner and go to phase 2.
<Stuff`> what I'd like to know is how you got past phase 3
<JasonD> For phase 2, back up and Sing her just slightly out of the corner. About two Squigly body lengths, or so.
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<JasonD> In phase 2, she can either move or not move. I don't know why. Sometimes she just never moves. But you WANT this.
<JasonD> So assuming she doesn't want to move, keep super-jumping over her, and hit her with j.HK in the back. Repeat forever.
<Luweewu> yep crossups
<JasonD> She has a REALLY hard time hitting you when you do this. But she might get a lucky stray hit off now and then.
<JasonD> Right before she's about to shift again (when her life is almost at the start of the undizzy bar), push her into the corner.
<JasonD> Finish her, go to phase 3.
<JasonD> Stand right next to her in the corner, and WAIT for a clear opening.
<JasonD> Level 3 her in the face. This will give her a shitload of hitstun.
<JasonD> Oh, if you haven't been spending any meter except at the start of the fight, you'll have 5 now.
<JasonD> Anyway, assuming you do that without getting shadow-ed or hit with a bone dragon, jump up and j.HK - M Divekick her. A lot.
<JasonD> If she's a purple color, that means she's still in stun.
<JasonD> I think you'll get like 4 to 5 jumps off before she snaps out of it.
<JasonD> Now the hard part. Getting one more meter.
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<JasonD> Stay in her face, and block everything. Everything. Pushblock too, so you don't move. You do NOT want to get across the screen from her.
<JasonD> If you see an opening, maybe j.HK her for more damage and much quicker meter. Very risky though.
<JasonD> Anyway, when you're back up to three meter, wait for an opening again, and level 3 her in the face.
<JasonD> And then go to town. j.HK forever.
<Stuff`> so why not sbo?
<JasonD> She'll snap out of it around 2 j.HKs before death. So... get those in somehow.
<JasonD> I tried that. I had a nice stunlock going on off level 3, j.HK, M dive, SBO, (j.HK, M dive) x 3, SBO, (j.HK, M Dive) x n.
<JasonD> But in the end, she just had too much life left over, and I couldn't get enough clean breaks to take it away.
<Stuff`> oh
<JasonD> Getting that last meter for a second level 3, my strategy I came up with just about an hour ago, was much better.
<JasonD> Basically, spending all 5 like that does let you get another meter pretty easily. But with SBO, any little hit makes the ball go away.
<JasonD> And even if it doesn't, it doesn't actually stun her for that long.
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<JasonD> But that second level 3, assuming you're not hit out of it, is instant-stun. And long stun.
<JasonD> And... yeah. That's basically it. Though of course knowing her moves and patterns in general really helps too. But that's hard to explain. That's just practice.

So there you go. Good luck beating her!

(And remember, turning the time to infinite will affect the Marie 300% fight. Otherwise time will probably run out on you.)
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I gave you a like just because you decided to type all that shit up. All that effort shouldnt go unrewarded.
Wow congrats taking her out the straightforward method. Would be a treat to see video of this for reference.
Nice one! I've basically been running the same strats but I keep getting knocked away during her final form. Haven't really got to play for a while due to being busy with work but this motivates me to go back to try again.
I can j.HK > j.214MK until stage 3, then I level 3, try to do the same thing, and she gets out of hitstun. Not sure if it's me or if Marie just has a thing where she can randomly get out of hitstun.
Sekrit tech revealed. The Marie 300% club thrown into disarray.
Just going to reply here with the initial post minus all the non sekret strats parts. It's annoying to read that way :P

Phase 1

Phase 1. Start with low SBO ball, jump in with a meaty j.HK. This should put her into stun.
Land with M divekick, s.LP, s.LP, s.MP, s.HP, s.HP.
Stancel the last HP, jump, 2 hits of j.MK, 4 of j.HK. This should re-stun her.
Land with divekick, repeat.

It usually works, though a couple moves make her magically invulnerable to stun.
Re-stunning her if she gets out... there's a few ways. But let's just assume that works perfectly.

So you'll slowly push her into the corner and go to phase 2.

Phase 2
For phase 2, back up and Sing her just slightly out of the corner. About two Squigly body lengths, or so.
In phase 2, she can either move or not move. I don't know why. Sometimes she just never moves. But you WANT this.
So assuming she doesn't want to move, keep super-jumping over her, and hit her with j.HK in the back. Repeat forever.
She has a REALLY hard time hitting you when you do this. But she might get a lucky stray hit off now and then.
Right before she's about to shift again (when her life is almost at the start of the undizzy bar), push her into the corner.
Finish her, go to phase 3.

Phase 3
Stand right next to her in the corner, and WAIT for a clear opening.
Level 3 her in the face. This will give her a shitload of hitstun.
Oh, if you haven't been spending any meter except at the start of the fight, you'll have 5 now.
Anyway, assuming you do that without getting shadow-ed or hit with a bone dragon, jump up and j.HK - M Divekick her. A lot.
If she's a purple color, that means she's still in stun.
I think you'll get like 4 to 5 jumps off before she snaps out of it.
Now the hard part. Getting one more meter.
Stay in her face, and block everything. Everything. Pushblock too, so you don't move. You do NOT want to get across the screen from her.
If you see an opening, maybe j.HK her for more damage and much quicker meter. Very risky though.
Anyway, when you're back up to three meter, wait for an opening again, and level 3 her in the face.
And then go to town. j.HK forever.
She'll snap out of it around 2 j.HKs before death. So... get those in somehow.

And... yeah. That's basically it. Though of course knowing her moves and patterns in general really helps too. But that's hard to explain. That's just practice.
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