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combo breaker?


Anti-infinite combo system...what a joke~
Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
Big Band Big Band Big Band
con someone tell me how to counter or brake a infinite combo?
There are no infinite combos in this game. You are probably getting reset and not noticing.
Please do some research next time, this question has been asked many times.
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There are no infinite combos in this game. You are probably getting reset and not noticing.
Please do some research next time, this question has been asked many times.
He's right, there are literally two mechanics on place to let you burst out of combos
hit any button when you see green or pink sparks
there was a tutorial that covered this i believe
i did the tutorial but seems like this reset thingy is the trick...why would a game have a combo break tutorial if you cant break them...thats kinda stupid
i did the tutorial but seems like this reset thingy is the trick...why would a game have a combo break tutorial if you cant break them...thats kinda stupid
It's a system to prevent infinite combos... not just something to let you burst out of combos whenever...
oh, well gotta get used to be a punching bag then
Combo: Series of attacks that, once hit, are impossible to defend against.

Reset: A break in a combo that, while hard to do, allows the defending player to block or reversal or whatever.

You're not seeing infinites, you're getting tricked by the resets. You can tell because your character will emit a spark every time they go back into the neutral state after a combo. This is just one of those things you have to learn to deal with--learn where the reset points, then block or tech the grab or whatever. Don't mash super though, people burst bait those things.
dam, so much freaking MvC3 right here...time to go back to SF
No...MvC3 has true combos that go on forever. Skullgirls combos don't go on forever. Skullgirls forces people to reset because if they don't, IPS and Undizzy/Drama systems kick in. You don't see those sparks because people have learned to not set them off (or set them off purposely).
seems like ill need to use the ultimate scrubby technic...spam brass knuckles
To clarify, essentially what is happening is that you are being put into a mix-up immediately after the end of a combo - "resetting" their combo. You can counter these if you read them, but in general a good reset isn't counterable on reaction. Unless they're solo and you're trio, there are no touch of death combos, and there definitely aren't any infinite combos.

seems like ill need to use the ultimate scrubby technic...spam brass knuckles
Something tells me that won't work out too well for you.
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He obviously has delath with true infinite combos in the past, wich means he knows how to play at least another fighting game (right?), he obviously knows the concept of combos and also heared about from the Killer instict mechanic..
Either this is a really bad trolling attempt... or a case of impulsive purchase of the game.
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ma'am i dont know what you are talking about~
that might be...i guess you can call it like that~
play painwheel, when you want to break a filia combo, hold sLP
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mister Glit...you are a true hero, ill keep it in mind~ O w O
thats a good advice let me take note~

1- S.Lp for filia
2- block and dont get hit~
the system isn't the problem you have a hard time predicting which attack the other guy's gonna try to do and get hit.
oh i thought you auto break out of those combo's so you have to press button or something? going have to check out the how to play mode.
When I started playing Skullgirls (day 1 of Xbox release) I wasn't really into long combos (but I loved MvC2 so I was waiting for SG) and I felt frustrated the first days when I go too much combo'ed, mashing the buttons in the hope of some magical combo breaker (which was of course the IPS when it was supposed to work)
But since I not only accepted the combo system of this game but also the patches made the combos shorter and added the undizzy. I remember that someone did a combo to Mike Z himself in the Vanilla version that lasted 1 MINUTE. This hopefully doesn't exist anymore.

Anyway, I tell you this story to help you understand that starting playing a competitive game like SG can be frustrating at first but then becomes super-awesome. The advices I give you are the same as I give to any beginner:

- Play with people of your level (and slightly better than you if possible) By playing ranked matches, by opening lobbies for beginners, by going on Skullheart and Steam groups, you will end finding people that you can play comfortably with. Add them as a friend, invite them in private matches and have endless fun.
- DEFENSE. MORE. Hold it and don't rush too much. The #1 mistake most people does is not blocking enough. Also READ THIS GUIDE.
- When you feel that you need to learn a few combos, even small ones, to get use to do in your matches, work on them in the training mode.
- Character specific threads on Skullheart are worth reading if you want to learn more about your characters.
- You will lose a lot. That is part of the process! But practice makes perfect like we say.
- Remember that you don't need to be the best to have fun!
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I like that idea. Do that.
or i could pick peacock and go all Touhou up their ass~
Good, another player who will be free to big band and bella.
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nonono cuz i have my master plan...fill the screen with shitton of things
nonono cuz i have my master plan...fill the screen with shitton of things
That's exactly what I want you to do :p
thats what im gonna do...O wO
make sure not to over spam peacock's the hole idea attack. only use it if you know your about to get hit by a super attack (i dodged Big Band's LVL 3 block buster by luck doing that)
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A Peacock that does only spamming & escaping to the corner is a bad Peacock.
A good Peacock uses zoning in an intelligent way, knows to defend & punish and is not afraid of close contact with deadly combos.
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don't forget to push block when you can. and if you have the guts enough and are PRO enough KILL WITH GOOD FELLAS!! finally did that to a parasoul felt so DAMN good after!!
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thanks for the tips, trying to get better with peacock, but seems like going solo is a really bad idea...
well, i rarely see any peacock solo online, they mostly go with BB or double
do you play this on PC or just PS3? also solo peacock is really hard for me IMO. i could never run that to save my life.
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If you want someone backing Peacock, which you PROBABLY REALLY DO because Solo Peacock ain't so great, try and go for a character with a DP assist like Filia's updo or Ms. Fortune's Fiber Upper. Or something that goes across the screen like Double's Hornet Bomber or Big Band's Rush Punch.
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here's my team set up.

Peacock=Shadow of doom HP (normal HP)
Big Band=Brass Knuckle HP
Fukua=Forever a clone HP

hopefully that will give you some ideas
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