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Kit needs a little assistance...

Kit Ballard

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Murfreesboro, TN
Ӄit ßallarɖ
Kit Ba11ard
Ms. Fortune Valentine
Hey guys... I'm actually a bit nervous about asking about this. Feels a bit selfish and feels really weird to ask.. So I guess I'll continue.. uhm.

About 3 months ago, my primary computer died. The mother board burnt out near the processor. Why's this matter? Well there's quite a number of reasons I used that computer. The Desktop in question was everything. Being a 3D animator, it had all my tools. Maya, 3Ds Max, Paintshop Pro, MMD, SFM, and BrawlBox. If I want to continue my projects, I'd have to replace the computer as everything's locked away on the hard drive. That Hard Drive also contains all my Music, games, movies, Editing Tools, and personal notes and documents...

So why haven't I already replaced it? I don't have a job. More like, I'm unable to have one. Many reasons why, but a few stem down to my driver's license being suspended and living situation. So any money I do make trickles in from Youtube, which isn't saying much... I don't get any money from any other sources either.

I've already projected the final cost and what I need. It's about $500, which is not only cheaper than my old computer, but also comes out more powerful. I'm planning on recycling a few parts, like the power supply, so it saves some money...

I talked about the desktop being the "Primary" computer. What I mean is, It's the beast of the house. I only had 2: The now dead computer and this laptop. The laptop is a joke. It can't even run Sony Vegas Pro to it's fullest. It's so bad.

If anyone would like to donate, even if it's $1, I'd be for ever grateful.. I really miss doing 3D animations and have plans to continue a few of my projects that featured Skullgirls, like my Cerebella project for Brawl, as I sent the model off to be repaired.

Thank you for reading this, if you did.. I feel really weird asking.. but I can't think of much else to do... and I wish to animate again..

If you want to help out, you can toss something at me here: https://www.gofundme.com/xs8zfv9w
It's no where close to where I live, unfortunately =\ Plus being here before, most of the jobs no longer wish to hire me, as I've already worked with quite a number of them.. A final nail is the fact most of the jobs that are in my "field" are actually in Smyrna, which no public transportation goes too.
Do you get income from your 3d animation?
Youtube usually. Starting to think about outsourcing, but I need to get my mits deeper into Maya before I do so. Source FilmMaker and BrawlBox animations are one thing, but Maya is one of the bigger named animation studios used and I plan on studying it when I can access it again. I mean, this is the best I did so far with it:

always have room to improve, ja?
edit: hey neat! It actually framed the video instead of the facebook page with the video in it.
I think it's really admirable that you're trying to make money off animation, but I would really recommend looking into some kind of employment, and you should really figure out whatever issues are preventing you from keeping work. One of the benefits of having a steady income is the safety net that creates for things like this. There are always jobs available, I'm sure there's a grocery store or fast food joint you could apply for. There's no shame in flipping burgers.
That's the crazy thing.. Most the places I apply either never return my calls (even after bugging em) or after the interview never call me back =\ Then most of my work history's in warehousing and factory, which isn't much left around here as I've been in TN for roughly 18 or so years (not counting the 3 years I was away). I wish I knew what was in my work profile that these guys are seeing =\ I do know my credit's shot to hell due to not paying the bills... which all stemmed from me loosing a job >.< But anyways... What ever it is, it prevented me from finding a new job in Texas which forced me to lose my apartment.. er... I'm not going to get into that =(

Need to get animating again though.. have to build a backlog of stuff I've done to show off. Only way to do that is keep doing what I love. Plus, I want to get Kit and Cerebella Brawl hacks out someday lol