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[Oct 9, 2015] SoCal Regionals October 9-11 (Ontario CA)


Fox of the Stars
Sep 3, 2013
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Unknown Robo Fortune Filia
So it looks like Skullgirls is a main game here and you can sign up online. However it is on Friday! Lets try to pull numbers lol.

SoCal Regionals is in Ontario?
Me omw to to SCR. Dads will be diddled.

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SoCal Regionals is in Ontario?
I guess idk just copy pasted the stuff lol
Is it actual Main game? Just kind of looks like a Side Game seeing how its listed right next to DFC and Gundam which I don't think are main games either.
Wow, this is even further away from me than SCR's previous locations were.

....and damn, $53 just to register, plus another $10 to play SG? That's...that comes across as expensive, I must say. It's more expensive than 2 of the 3 Evo badges.
I am slightly put off by that, unless there's guaranteed stream time or food or something.
63 bucks to play one game sounds like something I wouldn't want to pay for, unless they really made it worth my while with extras and stuff. I guess I'm just old but I remember the 5 and 10 dollar tourneys with fondness. I'm not over paying evo that kind of big money, but to pay that kind of money for every major or whatever just seems like a form of gouging.

I can't see why they don't just get paid in volume. Charge 2 dollar for the various streams and like 20-30 dollars to enter and play as many games as you want sounds much more reasonable to me. The stream should be where they are making their money.
Wow that's so close to my house but I don't want to pay a lot of money to be there.
Just remember guys, for every one that doesn't go is giving me that much more of a chance to make top 3. Do you really want that?
I mean go if you can to support! But if you cant then whatevs.
If anyone can give me a lift, I can cover gas. And SG being done with on Friday means we don't have to worry about driving back and forth or hotel costs.

On the other hand: $63 JUST TO ENTER?????? Do we get anything at all for that outside of playing our matches and (maybe) a little stream time?
No one wants me to make it to grand finals do they? ;)
No one wants me to make it to grand finals do they? ;)
Where are you even from, dude?

If you're going to make the trek to SoCal, why not just come to Salty? It's $7 for the venue, the tournament is free.
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Make a Salty California Regionals
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Fuck it, I'll buy cake for that.

Is Alex Valle giving you cake?


He makes you pay $50 to play at his event. He should be giving you a cake.
When is salty lol?
Yikes... uh well, I mean I hope I'll have money when that rolls around but christ that's a lot of money. Erm ya and it looks like SG is on the list of MANDATORY COMPETITOR FEES for registration. Cool. Ugh.

And Salty is pretty much every Friday unless an Arc Divide is happening which is then a Saturday.
not going anymore aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA
Yo, us Salty folk are going to be talking about this whole SCR thing @ Salty on Friday.


According to MikeZ.

For the record though, no way in hell can I go to SCR.
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Someone from SoCal better go and defend their home turf lol. This is whats coming.

Kinda meaningless to destroy something uninhabited isn't it?

All of Salty (or all of socal) decided not to go because it's too expensive. This was decided around two weeks ago at Salty.

We're apparently doing a thing on the 2nd because Skarmand is coming for a visit so if you wanna, you can hang out with us there.
lol I won Hadocon too :3
Bang and Dawn will be there homie, chill
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Yeah, Jayford can come to Salty this week and enjoy cake and then still go to SCR and get bodied by Dawn and/or Bang.

I sincerely hope that one or both of them do a victory jig upon defeating Jayford.
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Jayford gets to wreck 6 people.

SCR2015 Online Registration Count:
USF4 - 191
UMVC3 - 62
Smash 4 - 40
Melee - 18
MKX - 125
KI - 26
DOA5 - 14
TTT2 - 13
KOF - 24
GGXRD - 70
GGXAC+R - 11
Gundam - 6
BBCCP - 33
P4 - 15
UNIEL - 20
SG - 7
DFC - 7
They're seriously streaming a 7 man side tournament at a major? Awfully charitable of them.

Not gonna lie, smells weird to me.