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The "I'm three years late" diaries


New Member
Oct 15, 2015
Reaction score
Ms. Fortune Cerebella
So I bought the game maybe a day or two ago after being in love with the art style for the longest god damn time, but never having an opportunity to actually own the game on my systems and computer until very, very recently now that the OS X port finally came out last month...

Current progress:

Maybe 40+ matches under my belt at this point, most of my time has been spent in lobbies with occasional ranked quick matches. I think I've had maybe 7 or 8 victories at this point and had a jolly rollicking good time getting blown up on a stream last night.

Finally figured out what the hell a Reset is after my first 20 matches, I've probably dumped a good 3 hours into training mode at this point experimenting with characters and practicing combos.

My chosen "Main" characters:

Ms. Fortune: She's a zombie cat girl that makes incessant puns and likes to casually wear a badass long coat. This is a match made in heaven for me, even if I'm not good at playing her. Yet. I've figured out one good corner combo and I'm working on my mid screen and air game and am trying to practice resets. Slow going but, any progress is progress right?

Cerebella: This one was a bit out of left field. Before I played a few matches with her I wasn't particularly interested in picking her up, but now I've come around to her. She's really slow and I can see how a much more skilled player can out speed and out maneuver her if I'm not careful, but that's just part of the game balance so I can understand that.

I have some extremely minor experience with fighting games beyond Smash, I fucked around with Makoto in Third Strike for a long time in training and can execute her moves and combos really well but never had a chance to play any matches with her, and I've played maybe two hours of Street Fighter IV at my college's commuter lounge as a Dudley...

Basically what I'm trying to say is, at the very least I'm not walking into the game not knowing what the buttons even do, so I think that's helped me enjoy it a lot more.

I might update this more as time goes on, here's hoping I can move out of beginner lobbies and not immediately, spontaneously combust when jumping into quick match!

Thanks for making a kickass game Lab Zero, and sorry it took me this long to get to it!
Day 2 of playing Skullgirls:

Got matched with the same dude 11 times in a row in Quick Match today. Got the shit kicked out of me by their Parsoul the first 4 times, got my teeth kicked in by Peacock's zoning game without getting a hit in the other 6 times. Each game had "Waiting for Opponent" stutters every 3 or 4 seconds that kept me trapped with no recourse.

Is this what a firing squad feels like?

Speedtest is telling me my connection should be good but their ping was showing up as sub 80 so I don't know who's connection was causing the issue.

Anyway, out of 30 or 40 matches played today I think I won one or two, not sure which. Don't know how to access win loss records either.

Gonna keep trooping on. They can't keep 100%ing me forever.


... Probably.
Glad you're learning from losses; that's like one of the most important things in this game. Feel free to add meh if you want to play sometime.
Glad you're learning from losses; that's like one of the most important things in this game. Feel free to add meh if you want to play sometime.
I'll add you when I get home for sure, though my play availability's gonna be wonky considering it's the semester.

I feel really bad, I could tell my firing squad was getting bored constantly perfect stomping me. Forgot to write their name down to send an apology message.

My worst habit at the moment is probably forgetting to continue crouch blocking because I'm super twitchy paranoid about the overheads?

Should I just sit down with every single character in training mode to figure out what their overheads, sweeps, and general reset maneuvers look like? Or are there so many for each character that doing that's completely impractical? (Open question to any one on the forums, of course)
You could do that, or you could figure out by playing people in lobbies. The latter sounds more fun, bur it's your decision. Playing all of the tutorials would help with that too.
My worst habit at the moment is probably forgetting to continue crouch blocking because I'm super twitchy paranoid about the overheads?

Should I just sit down with every single character in training mode to figure out what their overheads, sweeps, and general reset maneuvers look like? Or are there so many for each character that doing that's completely impractical? (Open question to any one on the forums, of course)
This isn't really necessary because over time you will learn which moves are overheads or not. Otherwise, you should be able to tell what is an overhead with a bit of practice. Usually, if they are in the air or are doing an attack that aims for the top of your head, it is an overhead. Use that as a general rule to help you. For the most part, get in the habit of blocking low if both you and your opponent are on the ground.
You could do that, or you could figure out by playing people in lobbies. The latter sounds more fun, bur it's your decision. Playing all of the tutorials would help with that too.

This isn't really necessary because over time you will learn which moves are overheads or not. Otherwise, you should be able to tell what is an overhead with a bit of practice. Usually, if they are in the air or are doing an attack that aims for the top of your head, it is an overhead. Use that as a general rule to help you. For the most part, get in the habit of blocking low if both you and your opponent are on the ground.

Tutorials I've gotten through already. Boy that drama meter one was a pain at first!

Alright, I'll consider both of your pieces of advice then. I have better luck in beginner lobbies but all the ones I was finding today had really poor connections that might have been the fault of my wifi that I'll check up on later...

... Speaking of tutorials I think I'm gonna have to start writing down combos I'm finding in matches and training mode.

It's gonna be a long long while before I don't have to think about what buttons in a combo I have to press to pull it off, but that's just the first (second? (Third???)) step towards the Holy Lands of GitGudia.

I'm going to guess that "reading" players is just something I'm gonna get out of experience, huh? Anyone got advice for that or am I right in thinking that reading is impossible to really teach beyond experience?

EDIT: Also everyone I talk to keeps calling me crazy for using a keyboard. Not sure what to think for that.
oh... btw Ms. Fortune isn't a zombie... she's just kinda immortal thanks to the life gem.

using a keyboard is one of the weirder control style to be playing with. There's nothing actually wrong with it, it's just that a lot of people find it awkward to play with, unless they are HitBox players.
Day 3:

Alongside my usual combo practice, I tested inputting Cerebella's Ultimate show stopper at least 40 times in training today and managed it at like... 80% of the time, I'd say? I'm starting to consider switching off keyboard but I like having all six buttons under my finger tips too much and sticks are an investment that's gonna have to wait until after college.

Did some arcade runs on hard difficulty to do some very, very rudimentary mid-combat combo testing. Ran into Marie for the first time... And promptly quit out after losing to her a bunch of times. >:V

As for character selections and match ups, I need to save up cash for the DLC characters so I can get used to fighting against them in training mode, at least.

Practice Combos more, probs.
Practice 360 input some more till I can nail it as quick as I can manage.
Start working on figuring out how the hell to do resets and where best to deploy them.

My brain starts melting around 20 hits into my longer combos so I need to practice uh

... Making it not melt.


oh... btw Ms. Fortune isn't a zombie... she's just kinda immortal thanks to the life gem.

Eh, fair. Still calling her a zombie. You think she'd be the type to hide her head in deep, Halloween candy bowls to scar kids for life with when they see a head moving around underneath the surface? I'd think so.
fortune is the best character, playing her is a good decision.

Preemptively blocking low is useful because you can usually react to the overheads and then block high.

Instead of going through arcade mode I'd suggest turning the AI on in training mode to help practice combos against characters that are doing things.

Don't go on quickmatch that place is bad for learning how to play, add people and play sets.

The reason why people don't like keyboards is because your common membrane keyboard has a limit on how many inputs are accepted at once so it makes inputting stuff harder sometimes.

yeah making reads comes from just playing the game more and recognizing patterns and common things people do.

Also the dlc characters should be available in the Endless Beta if you want to try them out and practice against them until its removed.
fortune is the best character, playing her is a good decision.

Preemptively blocking low is useful because you can usually react to the overheads and then block high.

Instead of going through arcade mode I'd suggest turning the AI on in training mode to help practice combos against characters that are doing things.

Don't go on quickmatch that place is bad for learning how to play, add people and play sets.

The reason why people don't like keyboards is because your common membrane keyboard has a limit on how many inputs are accepted at once so it makes inputting stuff harder sometimes.

yeah making reads comes from just playing the game more and recognizing patterns and common things people do.

Also the dlc characters should be available in the Endless Beta if you want to try them out and practice against them until its removed.


How could anyone hope to pawsibly compete, they should just turn and run home with their tail between their legs and I'm gonna stop before someone takes a cheese grater to my eyes.

Yeah next chance I get I'll take your advice on the training mode thing, don't know how the fuck in god's name I missed the ability to turn CPU AI on.

As for quickmatch, yeah I learned pretty quick that the ranking system doesn't matter so much as players with the lowest available ping. I've got a few people added but for the most part I'm jumping into beginner lobbies when I get the chance.

I noticed the issue with the membrane keyboard so the shortcuts are an absolute god send, super super useful!

As for the Endless Beta it's nots actually available on OS X yet so it'll be a while before I can dive into that.
You know that feeling you get when you're playing a game and like

The guy you're playing and just can't fucking escape because he shows up again and again and again and again runs a continuous train on you over the course of multiple days for so long they just give up and let you get pity hits in?

That's where I'm at now.

Boy that's...

It's not great.

It's really, really not great.
If you're playing QM, you'll get matched more often with people near you and it'll be much more likely that you play the same person. If the same person is joining your lobby and you don't want to play them, just select their name and kick them. If you'd like to play against someone new I should be on in like 2.5 hours or so
Day 7:

Got stomped on real bad in the few lobbies I can join. A lot of the beginner lobbies have nigh unplayably bad lag and connection instability. Quick match gets me actually stable matches but once again the players are still too good. Trying to do BnBs for the characters but all of the ones I'm seeing have timing too high level for me to approach yet, and even then I know that being able to do them in training means that it'd probably be another few dozen hours before I can try to do them in an actual match.

... Anyway.

Still trying. Just have to get good, somehow.
Day uh...

Fuck it, I don't remember anymore.

Haven't won a match still.

Today I kept a running tally of how many combos I got lagged/rolled back out of or dropped because the connection froze:

It's been every single one.

Getting decent at my BnBs seems pretty pointless now considering none of them work.