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Upback 2: The Downbackening or A Training Diary!? Is This the Work of Fizzxwizz!?


Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ms. Fortune Unknown
Hello my name is Fizzxwizz and I like to party.

Retroactive Warning From The Future: If you're reading the things I post directly after this post, I am probably saying something dumb and it'll make me look like a crazy jackass. If you're reading something from way in the past then its likely I don't still feel that way. I'd like to think the further you go into this, the less stupid I sound, but it is still incredibly possible I'll think the things I'm saying in the present are incredibly dumb in the future. Its all a dumb bullshit cycle of realizing how dumb I am don't worry about it.

This is my training diary. In this thread I will most likely discuss my problems in this open forum in order to have a concrete location for improvement as well as feedback, as is the norm for training diaries. But what if instead of that I just populated this thread with lots of other things that don't make sense. That would be crazy. Ha ha he he ho ho ha ha he ho ha.

Here are a list of my problems, I will put a line through them or something when I solve them. (hahahahahahaha)
Lists will grow and shrink depending on things.
Gameplay Problems​
  • Can't Block
  • Don't Know Combos
  • I choke sometimes
  • I don't think (specifically with fortune)
  • Bad Habits
  • I don't use my assists
  • I don't tick throw well
  • I block and get tick thrown
  • I pushblock late and get hit
  • Make things safe with the head you dingus!
  • Spend meter doofus!
  • Stop trying to hit assists when they come out, jackass.
  • Tech throws you scumbag
  • Use big band's shk in combos instead of chp ya dweeb
  • think critically about which assist to use, dookieface
  • pose a threat on offense and defense dork
  • consider doing reversals, fartbrain
  • don't just call brass for funsies ya troglodyte
  • don't commit so much to blockstrings bootyboy
  • being predictibo is TOO EASY for your opponent and makes you die ungrateful death you windowlicker
  • consider not leaning on upback so much, donger
Me Problems​
  • I don't like learning combos
  • I have shit reactions
Ok so the above will serve as a kind of to-do list. Don't expect the second list to change much or ever. I'll see about recording sets and getting match footage up in here for analysis. When I do post, I will try and make an effort to make every post kinda different for reasons.

Thank you for visiting.
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To begin, I think I'd like to talk about


To start, like it says up above, I don't do very much of the thinking when it comes to fortune. I tend to autopilot a lot and I'd like to make an effort to play more intelligently. I would like to be able to play fortune by making reads. The only problem is that I'm not sure how to do that. As far as I know, of the few players that do play fortune, none play her "smart." By this I don't mean that they play poorly, its just that they don't rely on that kind of play to win, which is what I find the most enjoyable to do. This might be the point where someone would say that it might be better to drop fortune because she isn't exactly built for this kind of thing. But I enjoy fortune and don't plan on dropping this character.

tl;dr When I play fortune I just do things instead of do things smart. I want to be able to use fortune's tools to predict what the other person will do and beat that. I say fortune's tools because I care more about smart fortune play than smart player play. If anyone wants do discuss that'd be cool I guess.
This might be the point where someone would say that it might be better to drop fortune because she isn't exactly built for this kind of thing. But I enjoy fortune and don't plan on dropping this character.

Well, there are cases of players not playing well to the character. For example, Justin Wong only just now actually dropping Rufus in SF4 to play someone that better fits his style (someone who's better than most at being lame and defensive). You don't have to play by the same rules and do the same things other people who play your character to do well, but you have to think of it like this: if you aren't applying your character's tools to their strengths intentionally, you have no one but yourself to blame and are doing your character a disservice.

Also its worth mentioning that "playing smart" isn't the same thing as "playing on reads". Playing smart involves things like understanding spacing, understanding how to pressure the opponent and taking your opportunities and risks not wildly but with thought and a process behind it. Any character can play smart; playing on reads is usually a specific kind of character who lacks a bunch of tools that can impose a will/fear with low commitment but has good tools that work with high commitment. BB is more like a play-on-reads character, so it's good you can play that guy, but you can't play everyone like that.

It'd be like, say I play parasoul because I hate airdashing, then I go to pick up Eliza and try to force myself to play her without using or abusing her airdash. Yeah I could still do a bunch of things, but I'm avoiding one of her primary strengths and missing her potential when I do that.

What it I'm saying is this: it's okay you look at other fortune's and think "I don't want to play like that", because variety in playstyles is a good thing, but if you want to really get better, you need to understand and take advantage of the strengths the characters you play really possesses. You can do your own individual fortune things the way you want to, but take into account the way she's "meant" to be played and don't shy from that or you'll just be stuck because the characters' tools aren't in sync with your gameplan. Being in sync with your character and their gameplan is critical.
Hey @Fizzxwizz just a random question have you tested your reaction time by any chance?
Usually people with fast reaction times are better suited to play characters known as "punish" characters due to their high start up moves that are highly damaging (BB, doubs, and some times bella)

I have not played a long set with you so I completely forget how you play (gomenazi...)
But I would suggest you narrow down how you play fighting games and then develop your game around that :)

I hope this helps :)
For example, Justin Wong only just now actually dropping Rufus in SF4 to play someone that better fits his style (someone who's better than most at being lame and defensive).
Er, when was this? He was still playing Rufus at Capcom Cup which was only 3 days ago.
Er, when was this? He was still playing Rufus at Capcom Cup which was only 3 days ago.
Officer Peanuts is on the case -_-


and more or less with this tweet too https://twitter.com/JWonggg/status/544375320875261952

Probably not like "never going to play again" status, but it definitely looks like he's pocketing Rufus and going to try and put another character on point.
To me this reads like he's salty about going 0-2 in Capcom Cup. But I guess we'll see who he's playing at the next big tournament.
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@Fizzxwizz we should play sometime when my finals are over (so after this Wednesday). I think I have a pretty good grasp on Fortune and I've been wanting to play you for awhile.
helpful stuff.
Appreciate the help. You're right about not using a character to its full ability If I could narrow down more on what I want, I'd say that because I don't think when I play fortune, I would like to incorporate things that involve thinking, and reads seem like the most thinking I can think of because that's how I enjoy playing. You're right though, not everyone is big band. The other character that would fit best would be bella, but I don't know something about her makes me not want to play her seriously.

My tools for reads with fortune that I can think of: Headroll on some reversals (grab vuln, headon only), hk fiber through some reversals (headon only), cat slide during things/on wakeup to call out upback (mostly head off), el gato to call out downback/throw reversal (mostly headoff), c.lk/sweep to call out upback (universal), reset into a block (anybody can do this).

@joshb911 Not really, unless blocking para b.hk is a reaction test, in which case I haven't done so well.

@FuLLBLeeD sounds good fullbleed: I'm down to clown whenever you are.
I'm actually not a master at this game or anything, like every other person posting here... But. Once I get my internet stuff sorted out, I would happily play some matches with you.
Episode 1: Sad rap edition​

Casuals with @Dreamepitaph

The audio desyncs pretty early on so thats a thing. It also sounds pretty dooky. Starts off with videogame music but then I change to sad raps cause today's a rainy day. The font of the day is GalaxyFaceReg
Helped me learn some stuff, updated the first post with stuff I forgot to put there.

If there's anyone who wants to play just add me and send me a message whenever you want a set.
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So I've been watching your casuals at work, and there's one huge thing I noticed which is a problem with the whole Skullgirls community in general.

You don't spend meter!

Noticed it with both characters but mainly Big Band. During the first (second?) match, you do a combo and it with Cymbal Clash, A Train while sitting on 3 bars when Eliza has like maybe 1/8 life left. SSJ would have killed her, but you didn't do it. Then, later, you get a confirm on two characters with big band with c.HP xx HP Brass and have THREE BARS and both characters are hurt really bad and you don't spend any meter and opt to go for A Train, taunt instead. Spend meter! You're getting hits and letting characters live for no reason.

Also, use slide more sparingly, and make sure you're correctly using the head to make it safe when you are using it in neutral. You should be hitting HP as soon as the move recovers to make it safe.
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Thanks man. Most of the time I choose to go for taunt its because I want the bonus damage for ssj and also because a lot of people will want to punish the taunt, so I cancel it into ssj for counterhit damage. However this doesn't often work against a lot of players and I end up jumping the gun and getting ssj blocked. You are right about slide, it became habit to delay it at the end of a blockstring to catch upback/pushblock but it has definitely developed into a problem for me.

Updated the first post.
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NP. As far as taunting goes, the goal of versus fighting games is to kill all three (or in this game, sometimes 2 or 3) characters. This is no better outcome to landing a hit than killing the character. If you have the means to do it, this is priority number 1. It makes sense to end combos early to do A Train for oki and to setup your taunt, but if you can kill...you need to kill.

Another thing is, your neutral with Fortune is pretty good, but work on using the head to do true blockstrings. That's the advantage head off fortune has over head on, better blockstrings, and pressure/mixups once you actually have some body blocking. I noticed a lot of the time you would do an LK Axe Kick or something and wouldn't headbutt/delayed headbutt after to continue the pressure.
Second Punch: The Man Who Wants To Git Gud​

Casuals with @FuLLBLeeD

Notes: Still not using overhead enough, lots of misinputs, bad habits, can't confirm lp brass into ssj, alpha countering into situations where I get hit, still forgeting about assists once bb gets in. Bad calls overalls.

I got kinda upset today because I thought that I recorded two sets today prior to this one, but I left obs on preview and got none of them so I gotta hold that. Today's font is Selznick Remix aka The Skullgirls Font.

video games.
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Day Three: Night of the Living Lowverhead​

Casuals with @fenster

Notes: getting hit and still not talking shit, lots of failed mashes, lots of times I go for level 1 even though I have enough for level 3, beat extend works pretty well, getting a little better with confirms, solo para is brutal, not doing a good enough job baiting pillars, s.lp > shp makes a really good pushblock/backdash bait head on. Still gotta remember to play like a team.

So far I've only been recording sets with people whose names start with F. I'm not in the secret F illuminati I promise. I would totally tell you if I was though. No font for this one because I messed up, so you can assume every song is Darude-Sandstorm from the La Mulana soundtrack.
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Act Four: Moon Shoes Enter the Scene​

Casuals with @gllt

Notes: Not a ton of stuff because lots of goofin' and inputs being bad. I get hit SO OFTEN by dash up grab, that shit ruins me. These superjumps don't exist anymore though so ok. I'm gonna have to watch this again to get more info. Gimme a hit, gimme a hit, gimme a hit. Good lord my reactions are bad. FUCK what happens at 7:41

Proof that the F illuminati does not exist. Though if you REALLY look at it, I am actually playing through the F players in reverse alphabetical order, and then moved onto G's. I'm not insane its just a coincidence I promise. Both videos in this post use Wizardry font because I thought this one didn't work so I kept it for the second one.

Chapter Five: M-My Inputs Are Moving On Their Own!​

Casuals with @FakeangeL

Notes: Solobella damage, played a little smarter, try to bait pbgcs, I messed up a lot of things that I normally can do, a lot of hitting with l brass expecting it to knockdown but that only happens against air, NEVER HEADROLL BELLA YOU DUNCE, avoid getting put in the corner with your head at all costs against solobella THAT SHIT HURTS, I think I did a sick crossup roundstart with lk fiber and brass on accident but I can't remember when. I think it was on the rooftops stage. Quite a few times I was in the middle of a combo and thought "well I've been upbacking he'll probably do a low now because of that" and then I block low and get thrown. That showed that sometimes I need to rely on what they'll do and not what I think they'll do. I feel like in most games it takes me about 10 matches more or less to really get a feel for the other player, though I might have to look into this. I wonder if he's recyclable?

Pretty good non-laggy matches. Once again I play with an F named player to really make you wonder if the previous set was a mixup and there actually is a f illuminati. There isn't though so don't ask about it everything is fine. Damn I wrote a lot of stuff in that paragraph. Kinda makes this one look small.
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Round Six: Menage A Trois​

Casuals with @gllt and @Midiman
Notes: Theres actually quite a bit of not fighting in this one due to some issues occasionally happening and my internet being my internet. If this training diary was an anime this would be the filler episode ( and also wrong ). Lately my inputs have been getting more weird and I'm not sure whats causing that because I don't think anything has changed. I've been getting rush punch e-brake during blockstrings when I've just been trying to do clp lk giant step. I think this means I'm getting a 6 or a 3 when I want a 4. Also just getting other things more often than I should. I will have to scan this footage to gather more information points for future stat allocation.

Enjoyable matches, this went on for a lot longer than any of my previous sets. I mostly wanted a set for something to put in here and I also needed a reason to listen to music. Today's font of the day for today is Comic Neue.

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Seventh Beat: Something Music Related​

Casuals with @A Fucking Meanie

Notes: Not using airgrab enough, getting hit by grabs a lot, I kinda burst a lot when he wants me to so he can go fullscreen I should stop that, I started doing low air dash j.hp with fortune cause I know how to do that now, advancing against squigly is gross, advancing with big band is squigly fanfiction tier gross, video games.

Found out that calling assists when you jhk with bb is actually pretty useful and can make it safe. The font of today is wrong and banned in 12 countries.

@Luweewu good job ya jerk
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It does say you Down-Backing.
Yeah I fixed it.

unrelated to that I recently read over that second post I made a while ago, and I gotta say I feel like a chump reading most of the stuff I said there. I guess I was feeling frustrated that I wasn't able to play the character the way I wanted to, so I said a lot of dumb stuff in stupid essay language. I'm gonna keep it there to remind myself of how dumb I am. Hopefully I can come back to this paragraph even sooner and feel like a chump about what I'm typing right now.

Unrelated to that unrelated thing I gave myself a real bad haircut but I'm just gonna try and let it rock.
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Watched over the inferno video

In general, the things I would say about your play is that its very loose. Your combos and resets feel like they aren't very practiced and are instead very free form, and while I do that myself sometimes it more often than note leads to very inconsistent play when you end up dropping things when you should've killed. For example, I would say that your BB knows how to reset since you do it a couple of times, but the way your combos work they are always awkward or you don't set yourself up for them often enough. The same for your headless fortune. They both have okay pressure, but its when you land the hit things get weird and your resets, while sometimes work, are often just too wild and look like they mess up your own play. You didn't play a lot of head-on fortune but weirdly enough your resets with her seemed clean.

So a lot of my advice below is basically little details in cleaning up your play. Its trying to get you to realize the times where you could've killed but didn't. I don't think there's anything wrong with just being a little free form with combos, since I basically do that too, but its also important to buckle down and realize when you have the killing combo and go for it. The sugesstion to better that is to go and practice the situations in training mode so you know how to convert and how to go into super whenever. Or in the case of Big Band, some different combos in general.

Spoilered below is time stamp stuff

1:28 - Umm, a second taunt? why? Also in general I dunno if I said this before, but taunting nowadays, in a lot of BB's preferences, isn't the best cause we'd like to close the gap in more. BB would defintiely prefer to get in closer and maintain pressure, so while I know taunting is a concious decision I'd just like to throw in my 2 cents on that.

1:49 - I think ending your blockstrings into L A Train is fine, but don't do cHP since thats the easiest part to pusblock. If you see your cLK is blocked, just go for cMK (the usually confirm button so thats fine) and just go right into L A train.

1:55 - you could've killed. Imo, if you have the setup and meter to kill, always take it.

2:10 - You do cymbals into A train, which wasn't really worth it I think (unless you just wanted to do super xx dhc and mesed up, thats okay). If you land a cymbals, I think its always better to just do M brass and otg for more combo from there which does more damage and you get reset points as opposed to just oki.

2:21 - Using soundstun twice, gotta stay on top of that.

3:21 - This isn't bad but I just want to mention it, its pretty obvious you prefer headless which is okay, but I definitely would prefer of instead of starting upclose neutral with headtoss that you really learn a combo that goes headon->headless, something that we know Khaosmuffins does. Its just safer and more ideal I think.

3:35 - This sequence was fine, but here you mess up your combo when you should've just done ground chain to super for the kill instead of doing launcher.

3:46 - At this point, I think snapping out robo and going for fukua would've been best. It seemed like you just didn't know what to do and ended the combo with jHK, but if you don't know how to finish a combo and they aren't close to dead, just end with a snap on their low life character (especially if they just tagged out or have a ton of red life damage).

5:26 - Extremely important headless air throw conversion that you missed. I normally don't even know if I see those from you, but if they aren't something you have down 100% yet you really have to make it that way.

6:17 - You probably already know this, but instead of jumping you should've at least gone for El gato overhead to mix it up after the cLKs. It just works faster

6:44 - another example of "You have the game winning combo, but instead of finishing with simple ground chain at the end you do launcher and things get weird"

8:20 - unnecessary reset when you pretty had the kill combo

9:28 - another case where I think snapping would've been a good option, especially since you didn't seem to have any resets in mind and did a weird combo

10:14 - at this moment, when you had the taunted super and 2 bars, you could've killed with a better BB corner combo into super xx dhc. And seeing that you did two cymbals in a combo twice, one after the other, do you need a better BB corner combo? Cause I can talk about those, just not sure if you know

11:15 - Again, I don't think anything about this section was particularly bad, but I noticed in this whole section that he's doing a lot of blocking + assist calls to your high/low pressure. In that case, I'd say that you need to recognized that too much blocking leaves to people being vulnerable to throws. When he techs out of the corner at this moment is when I thought in my own head "Okay a throw would work here". I don't want to say so much the general unuseful tip "throw more!", but try to recognize this situations faster, esp within the same round cause they can really help out.

18:30 - This is oddly specific, but I felt like in this moment that you knew he was upbacking but didn't know how to get in. Here, when you did the l fiber, I was thinking you could do the thing khaos tries to do which is L fiber rise up + air throw. It's pretty fast and hard to see and is at least worth exploring to put into your repetoire.

28:32 - A MU specific thing, but here you should be looking out after Double jHPs not only for fast fall/low/throw, but the flesh step as well. If they flesh step, you usually should try to jab or throw on reaction. Just a note to deal with that better.

28:55 - another time where I don't think you converted off of throw right. In that case, I think super + head to convert would've worked and from there it could've been game. Technically you could level 3 as well though you had no idea about the meter so its a gamble.

32:22 - I think he's air super'd you here every time you went for this. If he mashes a couple of times, okay that's fair if you get hit, but at this point you really should've known and just baited instead. In case you don't do this already, you really need to keep track of what your opponent does during/out of resets for cases exactly like this.

33:36 - At this point, with that meter, this taunt really was just a waste. You could've just confirmed into any ssj or level 3. Unless you did specifically to chip (which is weird since you could've confirmed off of the brass anyways?)

34:32 - AT this point, you should've reacted to seeing double in the combo and snapped. I realize that its a fats reaction, but you had 2 clk + heads that confirmed which is a lot of time to realize the situation your in and snap. Just a thing to work on.
I appreciate the analysis.

If I ever do an airthrow and I don't pick it up with the head or super, its because I tried to super and it didn't come out. I've been having that problem lately and I'm not sure whats causing it. I've been having that problem with big band sometimes too, I'll try to ssj after a train and sometimes I'll just get nothing. I want to say its the same reason I got pbgc jhk instead of tympani during SNS.

If I ever just go for knockdown instead of super to kill, its because I've sort of become a one track minded player. When I want to do something like get the other person to the corner, thats all I focus on. Its the same as when I want to open up the other person, I keep going in and have trouble shifting gears and stopping, which is why I always get hit by downback + dp assist. I see the assist come in and think "I need to hit them before they can dp." and then I get counterhit dp'd. I get really caught up in trying to hit the other player and this messes me up.

Honestly when I play I like to just try things. The big band combo into two cymbals is just a dumb bait I like to try out every once in a while because if the other player mashes then the bait gets delayed until a mostly specific time, then I can parry the burst. It doesn't really accomplish much, as it would be safe in that case, but its kind of unpredictable. Since I don't like to learn combos, I focus more on controlling the opponent and getting in their head. This is partly why I focus so much on getting people to the corner first and establishing pressure, because without that momentum I have a hard time getting the upper hand.

Things like fastfall resets with crossunders and flesh step mixups mess me up a lot because I have a really hard time with being able to tell whats happening and react to it. This is also the reason why I lose games when I have to block, evident in my set with claws. Because I have such problems reacting to things on defense, I try to push the offense as hard as I can.

I've been trying to find a way to say this and a place to put this for a while, but regardless of how much I enjoy them, I'm not built for fighting games. I don't enjoy learning combos and I don't have the reaction speed to deal with the slowest resets. Most of the stuff I do is counter-productive to winning. I prefer long sets because it lets me understand how the other person is going to play, and I have trouble winning in 2/3 because I don't get enough time to get a grip on the other player. I just like to play, which is why I play and do it competitively. This is the kind of speech that is preceded by or following "thats why I'm going to take a break" or "and thats why I'm done playing this game." That's not the case though. Skullgirls and other fighting games are fun, and I'm going to continue playing them until they aren't. I don't believe in playing a game you don't enjoy. This "speech" isn't me giving up, it's just an explanation.

Hope someone enjoys or can relate to this super melodramatic essay I just wrote.
I appreciate the analysis.

I've been trying to find a way to say this and a place to put this for a while, but regardless of how much I enjoy them, I'm not built for fighting games. I don't enjoy learning combos and I don't have the reaction speed to deal with the slowest resets.

Gonna stop you right there.

Pretty much nobody enjoys practicing combos, burst baits, resets, setups, etc. At least I really don't. To me, that's the least fun aspect of fighting games. However, it's something you have to do to be able to play the game. I love the way fighting games actually PLAY, and if you do too (and it sounds like you do) then you are built for fighting games.

It's like practicing an instrument, practice isn't the fun part, PLAYING is, but you have to practice to get there.

I have two monitors, and I practice while I'm watching TV shows on the other monitor, or listening to podcasts. I only ever practice when I'm doing something I enjoy, and as a result I can effectively learn combos because I associate it with something I enjoy. I should clarify that I don't "hate" learning combos, I actually enjoy practicing fighting games, it's just not fun and a grind. When you understand it like that hopefully it helps.

Resets are good in Skullgirls, and improving your defense can be hard. You have to know different types of resets and know WHAT is coming rather then WHEN it is coming. Gain matchup experience and learn where resets are and what options your opponent has in different combos and go from there. Sometimes you just have to guess. It's hard to react to stuff in this game, so you just have to know what options your opponent has and what they are most likely to go for and go off of that.
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Aside from Fullbleed's post,

I prefer long sets because it lets me understand how the other person is going to play, and I have trouble winning in 2/3 because I don't get enough time to get a grip on the other player.
I would say that playing a long set, understanding the opponent's tendencies, and then acting on them .. is kind of the "pinnacle" of fighting games.
If you are good at this, you are BORN for FGs. Moreso than any combo, reset, reaction, whatever; knowing what your opponent is going to do before they do it is "what's important".

You may not win a lot of tournaments if you can't adjust to some gimmicky bullcrap in a 2/3, but people who lose short sets and then triumph in long ones IMO understand FGs a TON better than vice-versa.
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6'ing the last two posts about your mindset. In any case, you don't have to practice stuff if you don't want to, I just wanted to point out the things to you so that it's clear.

If I ever do an airthrow and I don't pick it up with the head or super, its because I tried to super and it didn't come out. I've been having that problem lately and I'm not sure whats causing it. I've been having that problem with big band sometimes too, I'll try to ssj after a train and sometimes I'll just get nothing. I want to say its the same reason I got pbgc jhk instead of tympani during SNS.

For the BB thing I understand sometimes messing up the buffer, but picking up with the head after headless air throw should definitely be something to just lab it up/practice during casuals all the time till its second nature. And trust me, I know full well about execution errors (see me and DPs), so I'm not deriding you for them but rather just encouraging you to consider focusing on that since it would help out your play a bunch.

If I ever just go for knockdown instead of super to kill, its because I've sort of become a one track minded player. When I want to do something like get the other person to the corner, thats all I focus on.

I can understand some of this if you considered corner carry more important than combos with reset points and such. I actually do the same with Big Band. But either way, neither of those things should get in the way of just finishing your plate. If it's because you have this mindset like you said, change it. I think you can do it, otherwise I wouldn't be posting here.

Honestly when I play I like to just try things. The big band combo into two cymbals is just a dumb bait I like to try out every once in a while because if the other player mashes then the bait gets delayed until a mostly specific time, then I can parry the burst. It doesn't really accomplish much, as it would be safe in that case, but its kind of unpredictable. Since I don't like to learn combos, I focus more on controlling the opponent and getting in their head. This is partly why I focus so much on getting people to the corner first and establishing pressure, because without that momentum I have a hard time getting the upper hand.

In addition to what the others said, just trying weird and new things doesn't preclude getting the basics/fundamentals down. Look at it the same way I told sharpie in her thread: you can go for whatever variation or cool thing you want, but that shouldn't get in the way of you actually being able to do a solid combo when needed, most especially if that combo can kill.

Also, practicing combos/resets doesn't preclude controlling the opponent either! In fact, resets are usually pretty decent at that already. Just keep that in mind if/when you practice that they are tools that can help you establish more control.

Also, how is 2 cymbals a bait? Like, it CAN be, but that wasn't the combo you were doing, you were just doing normal air series into the second cymbals which always knocks down. I can get it if you meant a delay cymbals to bait out a throw tech or something but that's not what you seemed to go for.

Things like fastfall resets with crossunders and flesh step mixups mess me up a lot because I have a really hard time with being able to tell whats happening and react to it. This is also the reason why I lose games when I have to block, evident in my set with claws. Because I have such problems reacting to things on defense, I try to push the offense as hard as I can.

I'm not saying that you should practice against them or that your defense specifically was crap. A lot of defense in this game can come from you just playing the game and seeing those things over and over. Eventually you'll start to see it clearer and you'll naturally remember what to expect; you won't guess right everytime still but it will give you a higher chance for certain. I just wanted to point out that specific thing to help you grow that sense of defense, so that eventually you'll be able to go "Oh, he can go for flesh step here, maybe I should look for that and prepare the jab button in advance" which is better than nothing.

Consider that old Big Band mixup that everyone did soon after he released, which was DP -> cMK -> whatever for a reset. It's certainly not the best reset point, but it was fairly decent which is why it worked for a while. But eventually, that became the only reset certain Big Bands tried to do, so everyone learned to look out for it better. Now that reset doesn't really catch any decent players anymore. Keep this in mind when people give you advice about specific resets or gimmicks like I pointed out, cause remembering things like that are all a part of building defense.
Also, how is 2 cymbals a bait? Like, it CAN be, but that wasn't the combo you were doing, you were just doing normal air series into the second cymbals which always knocks down. I can get it if you meant a delay cymbals to bait out a throw tech or something but that's not what you seemed to go for.
This is the fastest thing to respond to, so I'll do this then get back to the other responses when I have time.
The second cymbal triggers IPS, and if the other player tries to burst when they notice this, the burst is delayed by the hitstun for a mostly reliable amount of time.

I'd just like to say, even though most of the stuff applies regardless, all the sets I have recorded are of casuals. Even though I still want to win, I'm not going to dedicate as much attention to the match. This sounds kinda like a shitty excuse so it probably is one.

I'll be back to the other stuff in a bit.
My problem is that, even if I can get the read it doesn't do much for me in the long term because I don't space out each reset with an actually damaging combo.

Also dp > cmk is still a totally legit reset man.

I really don't like learning combos.
Also dp > cmk is still a totally legit reset man.

I didn't say it wasn't. I said that its a reset that a lot of people now are able to see because of how heavily it was used. And the visibility of resets is pretty important for how good they are. If you mix it in with other resets, its probably still fine.

It's also completely not the point I was talking about. The point I was talking about was recognizing situations to react in, like double jHP or flesh step or reset points since that's a part of defense.
I understand what you're saying, and I realize that its useful to know what a person can do in their combo. The problem that I have is that even if I recognize the other player can do something, like double jhk into crossunder crossunder crossunder low. I can't tell whats happening when that sort of thing is going on, and the solution would definitely be to realize there is a button I can press in that reset to counter what they're doing. The problem I have is that even if realize what they're capable of doing is possible to be jabbed out of, the other player still has options to beat that sort of thing, and I don't want to put myself in that situation. Then again the other option is get hit so maybe intelligently pressing buttons is the way to go.

Against claws you can see me getting hit out of the jabs I'm doing to beat filia resets, and yeah it works but he also adjusts and hits me the heck out of it. I don't want to condition myself to jab double out of flesh step, because assuming I react in time to hit him out of it, the updo/assist that is always called at the same time would hit me, and then I'd be in a combo. Unless of course I do it fast enough to cancel the assist. Or I could ssj and win.

In short, yeah I agree its a good idea to react to what the other player is capable of doing, whether that is to jab them out of it or otherwise. My other option is getting hit. I just hesitate to do that kind of thing because I don't want to get punished for it.

I can record myself doing milia blocker if that helps anyone out.
Casuals with @Dhoppler

Shuffle wasn't giving me very good songs.
In the video you can see me messing up parrying the second half of argus every time, so I think its pretty clear that dhoppler cheats.
I was doing pretty well in the middle, but I feel like I got discouraged near the end because of the supers that weren't happening. That and/or he continued to adjust to my play.
I also managed to mess up all my things, and never dhc'd when I should have.

I had this happen twice in one combo, and a time or two as fortune. Its something I've been running into lately and I can't figure out why it's happening. It LOOKS like I should get the super, but I get jHk instead. I don't know if this means that I'm somehow pressing hk then lk, because if I pressed both at the same time I should be getting lk. It could also be that I am pressing jhk first, and the cancel period on that move doesn't allow for a super, but I'm pretty sure I should be able to get the super. I remember there being a change about kara'ing with jhk.

Edit: Looking at the input display at the bottom, I'm getting the two inputs separately, and I'm not sure why because I'm pressing them at the same time.

Maybe someone can help idk.
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I had that problem, it really just comes down to making sure you push both buttons at once. Even though you think you did, something was off. Check your stick/pad to be sure. I don't know why it gets super strict on some things but not on others.
long set of casuals with @Zephyrel

I have a really hard time not getting hit by run into 360, especially as a crossunder
kanchou hits me a lot too.
kanchou more like kanchouch
more like kanchout
more like can'tchou

the video quality will stop looking bad in a little bit I guess.
Man I hated that netplay and I hated that I wasn't using the controller I was accustomed to, I need to go fix that jam in my pad. (Which is why I left 2 matches in, for anyone else who watches)
I have a awful time with Fortune and I hate that she can low profile Big Band's jab by just crouching
I don't ever think I've seen a combo that has irritated me but I have now, headless fortune please
I should've respected you less and used Beat Extend more
The beauty of tumbling showstopper is that I can do it counterhit from low-to-the-ground overhead or kanchou feint it. I did it cause you'd fall for it
Same with the kanchou resets. I did it cause you'd eat it. You picked up on blocking it eventually
I need to figure out what to do against Brass assist, goddamn
I should've been countercalling LNLH more, but it's rough cause you could run up and just get on me
You're incredibly in my face and I need to work spacing more, along with finding my duo synergy again because god I hate duo damage it is ridiculous
One mistake for a trio versus for a duo is a matter of losing a whole character and being incredibly gimped as I come out
I had some really weak dropped opportunites for punishes
I need to improve my Fortune matchup and figure out how to deal with Brass H assist again, those two things, especially together, blow me up hard
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