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Recent content by J. Underground

  1. J

    Upstaged! OFFICIAL NEW Squigly 240 Undizzy Combo Thread

    Don't worry about sounding like a jerk. To be honest, this is my first time posting in Skullheart Forums. Please do correct me if you feel the need to, so we can avoid stuff any repeats. I don't know who knows what, and I probably should have read it all first. But, I was just messing around...
  2. J

    Upstaged! OFFICIAL NEW Squigly 240 Undizzy Combo Thread

    I don't play on PC or have the equipment to record things. I wish I could show it rather than explain it. I play on console (XBOX). I saw your double stance charge corner combo and decided to try it out in training mode, against Filia and other small, light characters. I was messing around and...
  3. J

    I meant to make one of these like 2 years ago.

    I meant to make one of these like 2 years ago.