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Recent content by Ribbon

  1. Ribbon

    Looking for someone I don't suck with. This might take a while.

    Looking for someone I don't suck with. This might take a while.
  2. Ribbon

    Isn't good at things.

    Isn't good at things.
  3. Ribbon

    Now I'm starting to like Beowulf. Dunno if that'll last, but for now...

    Now I'm starting to like Beowulf. Dunno if that'll last, but for now...
  4. Ribbon


    Crabrawler: Huh. Looks alright. Hyper Cutter and Iron Fist could both be useful abilities, probably. Surprised at not being Water/Fighting tho. Sandygast/Passoland: I'm not sold on Water Compaction, since it apparently requires taking a super-effective hit (Water is super-effective here...
  5. Ribbon


    That looks like Rainy Turtloid. Fire/Dragon seems interesting tho, here's hoping it's good. That looks like a tiny dinosaur to me. I dunno why, it just does. Still, Shell Trap sounds great, if only against physical attackers. This looks like it's gonna be a defensive wall, hopefully a...
  6. Ribbon


    Yes, it is. But it's alright. Ice types are used to getting the cold shoulder by now. Seriously tho, yeah I'd like to see Ice types get a buff of some sort. Not evasion tho. Maybe more (phys&special) Attack so they can deal more damage? Or make Hail damage more damaging, so their immunity to it...
  7. Ribbon


    Pyukumuku probably won't get Self-Destruct or Explosion, but if it did it'd probably do no Innards Out damage, since, like you said, you go to 0 and then deal damage. I think, I don't remember. Hopefully the poor sea cucumber gets Quick Attack or something tho so it can deal a little damage...
  8. Ribbon


    That is indeed pretty fast. Now hopefully they'll keep Raichu's speed either the same or buff it a little. Hopefully the former, so they can buff Surfer Raichu's Special Attack so it can get the most out of its moveset (which I'm assuming will have Thunderbolt/Thunder/Psychic, all special...
  9. Ribbon


    Well, maybe. They'll probably make Alolan Exeggutor decent enough, though probably not spectacular either. At the very least, Alolan Exeggutor will be a Grass/Dragon that doesn't require a Mega Stone, so you can run a different Mega with it. That's probably not much, but it's something. Here's...
  10. Ribbon

    Feelin' Robo Fortune at the moment. That'll probably change tomorrow. These things always do. *sigh*

    Feelin' Robo Fortune at the moment. That'll probably change tomorrow. These things always do. *sigh*
  11. Ribbon

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi, people on the internet. You can call me Ribbon. I just remembered that I bought Skullgirls back when it was on Steam sale in June, and decided I'd finally get into it. This game feels a lot like Marvel vs. Capcom 2... in that I have trouble with combos, mix up which input calls assist and...