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PC Trials and Challenge Mode?


Skullgirls Scrubgirl Notgirl
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Training Room
A Rather Sneaky Bastard
Not entirely sure what's going on with these for the steam version. Can't seem to find them or are they an unlockable mode? If so, what do I have to do?
Not entirely sure what's going on with these for the steam version. Can't seem to find them or are they an unlockable mode? If so, what do I have to do?
Politics mostly. Autumn paid to upsell the PS4 copy, its up to Autumn and Sony as to whether PC plebs are allowed to have it.
Aw...hopefully we can get something like that going. I'm essentially new to this game that I've already owned for like...two years but haven't really dedicated the time to learn since other fighting games just eat me up. Would suck if we didn't get it (paid/free/temporarily free DLC).
Aw...hopefully we can get something like that going. I'm essentially new to this game that I've already owned for like...two years but haven't really dedicated the time to learn since other fighting games just eat me up. Would suck if we didn't get it (paid/free/temporarily free DLC).

Unless you're willing to play on old emulators (From Masher to Master recommends this if you have a training partner, since the older games had less that had to be known all at once to be a passable player), SG is one of the best to start on.

I'd recommend doing the tutorials, the character tutorials, and sticking with a solo character for whoever you can naively operate the best. Bookmark the frame reference wiki so you can find which moves are "safe" when looking in to making combos. Memorize the hitboxes for whoever you play the most (this is a little harder to find, you'd have to search the forum for that.) Knowing your range and how to avoid your opponent instantly punishing you on block is probably the biggest thing to escaping the masher tier. (There's other skills too, but some of those require you to be post-masher to really appreciate.)