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Phantasy Star Online 2

Squire Grooktook

The wind blew all day long
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
The nexus of the universe
Squire Grooktook
Ms. Fortune Filia Unknown
This is a fantastic game so I thought I'd make a thread for it.

Pso2 is Sega's sequel to the enormously influential Phantasy Star Online, an online action rpg hack and slash that debuted on the Dreamcast and lived on through the game cube.

Pso2 is the sequel, and advances the combat from the legend of zelda style simple hacking and slashing of the first game. You can air combo, jump, ride your sword like a surf board, shoot guns from an over the shoulder perspective, parry attacks, etc. I personally find the combat, especially the bosses, to be very satisfying.

It's also not quite like most mmo's. There's no overworld or anything, just the lobby. You select the dungeon/world to embark to from the quest counter, and most of the layout of said dungeon/world is randomized (except for important things).

The amount of customization on characters is really amazing too.

The game is only out in Japan right now, but it's free to download and play via Sega's jp site. There's also an english patch that translates everything, and quite a few guides and faqs on the internet.

Highly recommended.

Also a few gameplay videos from me:

Some screenshots:









The music is also pretty solid (though not as much as the original game)

wish this one would come to the west oficially
wish this one would come to the west oficially

It's coming...EVENTUALLY. But it's taking a long ass time, and every new bit of news says that it's taking even longer. Supposedly, Sega wants to fix it up so it's nice and special for each region, with region specific holidays and costumes and whatnot (so I'm told). But geez, it's taking a while.

If you're interested at all, I highly recommend not waiting. There's really no reason not to hop in now, the game was easy to pick up and play back before the english patch, and it's even easier now.

Besides, by the time it's officially in English, it'll probably be WAY behind on content.
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I will look into this (haven't played since summer due to school), but...

Kotaku is pure sensationalist journalism. Also they are gigantic hypocrites (see: Dragon's Crown and their own sexy cosplay galleries and lascivious reviewers), but that's another matter. Regardless, I do not trust them.

2-4 months into the games life (about a year ago), a minor change was made to the terms of service, and Kotaku put out an article that read


When in fact, not only did the tos change say nothing of the sort, but Kotaku had (mis)translated that from a phrase that was not altered, had been in every previous Sega online game back to the dreamcast, had nothing to do with banning, and never got anyone banned from any of THOSE games.

When even professional game developers like George Kamitani, David Jaffe, and Hideki Kamiya, take the time to mock Kotaku, you know that site has a problem.
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I really...REALLY was looking forward to PSO2 this year...fully prepared to throw my days away...

Unfortunately. PSO2 never officially came NA bound. I messed with the Japanese Version a little bit since Open Beta...but couldn't read it...could never get the English patches working. So I gave up. Hoping it would just come stateside.

My Patience for nothing. By the time this hits stateside...I will probably have already moved on to something else, like Destiny.

Shame. I heavily enjoyed PSO back in the day on the Gamecube...and I didn't even get to play that online...just split screen with friends.

I'm actually furious about Phantasy Star Nova on the Vita. When PSO2 hasn't even been brought to other regions. Give me a break, Sega. Damn.
could never get the English patches working. So I gave up.

Maybe I could help you with that, it's really easy. All you do is unzip the patch folder and copy-paste it into one of the games directories.

I've probably done it like 20 times without issue. I've seen a few people get fluke bugs due to accidents, but it's still really easy to fix and do properly.
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I will look into this (haven't played since summer due to school), but...

Kotaku is pure sensationalist journalism. Also they are gigantic hypocrites (see: Dragon's Crown and their own sexy cosplay galleries and lascivious reviewers), but that's another matter. Regardless, I do not trust them.

Haha I actually don't like Kotaku at all either but the site where I first learned about the problem is a bit NSFW. It's Sankaku Complex and I do trust those guys. But I've been waiting for the western release forever and I was considering on just getting the english patch but then I heard about this and now I'mma bit reserved
Haha I actually don't like Kotaku at all either but the site where I first learned about the problem is a bit NSFW. It's Sankaku Complex and I do trust those guys. But I've been waiting for the western release forever and I was considering on just getting the english patch but then I heard about this and now I'mma bit reserved

Well, I wouldn't worry about it. Even if this is true (there seems to be some validity, since Sega recalled the patch, but it's probably been exaggerated), it'll probably be fixed soon, at which point it'll be safe to join.

Anyway, I cannot stress enough that getting into the game immediately is the best thing to do. When it was in open beta, I was going to wait too, but my friends convinced me otherwise and I'm glad they did (keep in mind at the time there was no English patch). The game is fun and there's nothing you're really missing by playing in JP, it's not like it's story driven or anything (and even if it were there are translations now and patches).

It was supposed to hit English in January of this year at most, and now it's already been delayed into some TBA time in NEXT year. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed again at this rate, and by the time it FINALLY makes it to English, it'll probably be way behind on content and have players stuck in the first two worlds as opposed to the JP version which is currently huge.
SanCom is a terrible news source, but 90% of what's there at least have something real as a base.

Changing the subject, could you post here or PM me with the instructions to play PSO2 in english? also, is lag too bad in this game? (japanese servers n'all)...
The netcode is really good. There's no input delay or slow down. Worst that can happen is (if your on a really bad connection) the game might desync slightly for different players and your friends might see you fighting something that isn't there. It's rare and not an issue though.

The original English patch can be found here


As it says, you just unzip the zip file it comes in, and move it into the win32 folder for the game (in where you originally installed the game to). Hit "replace all" or whatever on your computer, and you're done.

The original patch translates menu's, but not story dialogue or item names. Neither is an issue, since you don't need to pay attention to the story (and it's definitely not a story focused game), and anything useful (next objective etc) will be translated. Every item has it's own symbol, so the only time you might need to know the names is if you're searching through player shops, which you will only be doing once you've saved up vast sums of money (that shit is expensive), and for that you can copy and paste from the item wiki (http://cirnopedia.frostsabre.com/)

There's also a new fan made launcher that has the option to automaticly translate EVERYTHING including story and item names. I haven't used it to translate the rest, but most of my friends have, and they say it's easy.


For everything else, here's a good source of guides and faqs

(just keep in mind some of the names are outdated. The regirstation guide is still named "register for open beta" or something, but it's the same information on signing up I think).

It was supposed to hit English in January of this year at most, and now it's already been delayed into some TBA time in NEXT year. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed again at this rate, and by the time it FINALLY makes it to English, it'll probably be way behind on content and have players stuck in the first two worlds as opposed to the JP version which is currently huge.

Shout outs to Gearbox for fucking up Aliens Colonial Marines earlier in the year, a game Sega dumped MAD amounts money into and pimped very hard going into 2013. Which I firmly believe was a contributing factor in them delaying it.

I also hear the fellow in charge of bringing it to the English speaking audience isn't a fan of the fanbase here in NA. Calls us 'whiners' or something along those lines. So there's that!

I'll try to get the English patch going again. But I've tried all solutions with no result. :/
I'd like to add a couple more reference links if you really want to dive into PSO2 a bit more:
http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/ - PSO2 skill planner. Adblock advised because god those are some ludicrously annoying ads.
http://cirnopedia.net78.net/ - PSO2 item encyclopedia. Not a typo, it's actually called Cirnopedia. Actually a very solid resource.

I haven't played at all since that ridiculous hard drive wipe bug (I heard it's been remedied since then?), but if anyone wants to roll, feel free to hit me up. I'm on Ship 2. I'm also very experienced so if anyone has questions I can answer plenty of questions. :D

Also as a sidenote: The bug was because of Sega's launcher. There's an alternative unofficial launcher you can use to avoid a travesty like that if it were to happen again. Squire linked it previously: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207248
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Shout outs to Gearbox for fucking up Aliens Colonial Marines earlier in the year, a game Sega dumped MAD amounts money into and pimped very hard going into 2013. Which I firmly believe was a contributing factor in them delaying it.

I also hear the fellow in charge of bringing it to the English speaking audience isn't a fan of the fanbase here in NA. Calls us 'whiners' or something along those lines. So there's that!

I'll try to get the English patch going again. But I've tried all solutions with no result. :/

Yeah Alien Colonial Marines was fucked for a large number of reasons. The whole project was a complete train wreck.

I don't recall anyone at Sega saying something like that, though the Youtube channel for the game has been getting BOMBARDED with very whiny sounding complaints on like every video. I personally find it annoying myself, seriously it's the worst of the youtube crowd. Still, sounds more like something someone from the fanbase would say.

So what's your problem with the patch? What went wrong?

Also like Kiyobi said, Ship 2 recommended. Just stay away from the English speaking people on block 20. Even 4chan finds them obnoxious, which is saying something.
Everything seems like it installed smooth. But there is...simply no English. :/

Yeah im Reg'd on Ship 2 I believe. Forgot what Block.
Block doesn't matter, it's just channels.

Echoing the Block 20 sentiment. I call it the "filthy gaijin" block. Avoid at all costs, find English buddies ASAP, never talk in public chat, and just blend in with the JPs.
Everything seems like it installed smooth. But there is...simply no English. :/

Yeah im Reg'd on Ship 2 I believe. Forgot what Block.

It gets re-rolled after big updates, so maybe that's it.

Just redownload the newest one and try again.

Also are you sure you REPLACED the files that were already in the win32 folder?
I've watched my friend play it a few times, I'll download it tomorrow and see if I like it. I've tried out too many RPG's and only got hooked on a couple. Hack n slash sounds like fun though.
I've watched my friend play it a few times, I'll download it tomorrow and see if I like it. I've tried out too many RPG's and only got hooked on a couple. Hack n slash sounds like fun though.

Be sure to at least give it a chance. Like any hack and slash, be prepared to a small amount of time in the forest before you're able to go explore floating castles and fight giant spiders and whatnot.

That being said, the game is certainly not a grinder. The level locks on stages are so low, that it's actually possible to enter the final dungeon (of the first campaign, at least) in the first hour of gameplay if you know what you're doing. Leveling up is mostly for unlocking the higher up difficulty levels and challenge quests.
For the 2edgy4u anime fans out there, they are adding Madoka costumes and such. You can make your mag into a Kyuubey fammiliar too.

I'm more hyped for the next difficulty level though.
Sega doing a cross over with Attack on Titan now (skip to 0:40)

Would be cool if they reskinned one of the existing bosses as a titan. Wholghada, Chrome Dragon, or maybe even Zeshrayda would fit methinks.
want this game in the west so badly (as good as the patches are, it's stil not ideal)
(as good as the patches are, it's stil not ideal)

Ones mileage may vary on this. Personally I probably won't even bother switching over to the western servers when they go up. I pretty much have everything I want, and probably won't have the patience to relevel stuff and wait for jp content to trickle over to the west a month late on everything.




okay, but please this is actually a TRUE free to play game? i dont want micro transactions like in many other games. i really never got into PSO, but imma take a leap of faith if its not a pay to win model.

Btw this looks fucking beautiful
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okay, but please this is actually a TRUE free to play game? i dont want micro transactions like in many other games. i really never got into PSO, but imma take a leap of faith if its not a pay to win model.

Btw this looks fucking beautiful

It's free to play and not pay to win. You can put money into it, but only for aesthetic stuff like costumes. AND all that shit is gainable without microtransactions, it just takes slightly longer.

Also there's no pvp so it's not really a pay to win type thing anyway. The combat is designed to be fun as possible while hacking and slashing stuff single or co op, doesn't really have competition in mind.

The only thing that might be worth paying for is extra character slot. You can only have one character at a time I THINK (those of us who were around during the 2 year anniversary got a free extra character slot, not sure if this applies to everyone or just those who had accounts since than), however even that is not that big a deal since you can switch classes between your characters at any time without losing progress on them. Only real reason to have a second character is aesthetic (ie you'd rather play as both a guy and a girl), but even that is probably not worth the time you'd invest in unlocking everything with both of them.
Hate to double post but episode 3 just came out.

It's got a ton of new stuff including a Casino, new fields and bosses, remodeled lobby, and - WHO THE FUCK CARES FUCKING JET BOOTS



The game is now on par with a Platinum Games title for me. So much fun.

Oh yeah, Sega also had a stream a week ago where they showed off a pretty rad cosplay costume, competitive time attack races starring top players with pre made characters, and the lead designer sang the theme song and Burning Rangers

The upcoming areas also look real fun and pretty too

Oh yeah, that reminds me.

There was a pretty big DDOS attack on the game that forced a shut down of both servers and the games website. They were all down for a week, but when they were finally back up some players using certain internet providers were unable to connect. There is in fact several work arounds, including vpn's or more convenintely this. Whether Sega will fix this on their own remains to be seen, though.
Question, was the western release for this game cancelled at some point? I've always wanted to give this a try but I've been waiting.

Short answer: No, it's still apparently planned. There's just no date on it whatsoever.

Long answer: It's apparently still in the works, but it was supposed to be out two years ago and since than they've actually lost any semblance of a release date at all. A year or two ago there was some excuse given for the delays that they wanted to fix it up real nice and have a great localization for each region, but it seems unlikely that that's what's causing the delays at this point.

I don't think it's because they don't want our filthy gaijin dollars or anything. Given the complete silence on Sega's part on this subject, I'd be willing to bet the lack of a localization is the result of some monetary or legal issues on their part.

Anyway as I mentioned above somewhere or other, the English patch is really convenient (download a zip file, unzip it, copy and paste the contents into game directory, done). And even if you only play these type of things if a social aspect is present, you should be able to find peeps in and out of the game since the English player base is pretty big at this point.
I've been trying to get onto this game for a couple days now with no luck. I don't want to sound like one of those people who throws words like "gaijin" around, but Sega hasn't done a whole lot to endear itself as of late and this certainly isn't helping.

Anyone remember when they lawyered-up against Streets of Rage: Remake? Good times...
I've been trying to get onto this game for a couple days now with no luck. I don't want to sound like one of those people who throws words like "gaijin" around, but Sega hasn't done a whole lot to endear itself as of late and this certainly isn't helping.

Anyone remember when they lawyered-up against Streets of Rage: Remake? Good times...

What's been the trouble? I wouldn't mind attempting to help in any way I can.

The biggest problem most people have is the Japanese Captcha when registering an account. There's an online virtual keyboard that can let you copy kanji into the captcha, I could link if that's the issue.
Error 249

Yeah, that's the glitch I mentioned earlier I believe. It came up after the DDOS attack were fixed and it effects certain internet providers. You can get around it either by using a vpn, or more conveniently you can just use the fan made English launcher (PSO Tweaker) which comes with an option to automatically set a proxy server for you (among other things like auto installing the english patch).

If you’re using PSO2 Tweaker you don’t necessarily have to use a VPN. If you click the Orb, go to Other Tasks, and click PSO2Proxy Server settings, it will ask you to input a URL. If you paste in this:http://linode.cyberkitsune.net:8080/config.json, you should be able to connect perfectly. I haven’t had to use a VPN since. The little thing on the right side that shows the compatibility of patches on the Tweaker has a status showing whether or not the proxy server is up.

Here's the English launcher

my shit tier labtop barely runs swtor, let alone ps02
wait, paste the whole thing?

Nevermind, I see what to do.

Error 249 again...figures.

Well shit, that worked for all my friends. I'll have to ask my friends about this. By all accounts, the error is an issue with the internet provider, so a proxy really should fix it. I'll see what I can find out (and of course it might get fixed eventually anyway), in the mean time are you sure you did it right?

my shit tier labtop barely runs swtor, let alone ps02

You can basically turn down all the graphics settings to get borderline ps2/n64 level graphics. Probably about the same as swtor.
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Well shit, that worked for all my friends. I'll have to ask my friends about this. By all accounts, the error is an issue with the internet provider, so a proxy really should fix it. I'll see what I can find out (and of course it might get fixed eventually anyway), in the mean time are you sure you did it right?

It said it did it right after the first 3 times I tried it and is said failed. Unless there really has been server maintenance going on for 36 hours, but that just seems unlikely to me.
It said it did it right after the first 3 times I tried it and is said failed. Unless there really has been server maintenance going on for 36 hours, but that just seems unlikely to me.
Yeah there's been no maintenance today. I'll ask around and see what other fixes there are, or if there's anything else to it that I'm missing.
I'm just saying, I decided to redownload the game for the Virtual-On lobby and Temjin costume/Sleipnir weapon camo (managed to get both within a week of playing) and ended up gaining around 30 levels within two weeks. Game is literally crack when you get back to it.

I only got up to around level 14 when open beta started, I think I played into release but it was off-and-on so I only got around 10 or so hours...now I have 205 and I'm level 54.