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General Bug Report Thread


Silent Dolphin
Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Canada (East)
Ms. Fortune
When reporting a bug in this thread, please first announce for what platform you are announcing the bug.


Filia's Tutorial freezes when I do X, Y, Z

When getting to the "Hit Confirmation" part of the Poking tutorial, you can just throw the dummy into sweep and it counts. Doesn't seem right since you're not really confirming a hit from a potential block. Maybe make the dummy tech it sometimes?

Doing Savage Bypass for Val's tutorial doesn't count if you do it in the air.
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When 3 controllers are inserted, 1 xbox, 1 ps3 converted to xbox360 with ds3(motioninjoy), and 1 generic PC controller, the controller selection screen requires 2 controllers to be set, and is unresponsive to the input of the generic PC controller until 2 are set on the screen. My friend was rather annoyed at this issue, and ran circles around the menus trying to get it working.

The sound and music volume in menus and in story mode is jumping around if i lower it in settings first.
If i then change the Music Volume slider UP, music gets quieter, to the % it changed.
Also i have noticed volume change in main menu when the track starts to loop.

When doing Valentines' second trial the flew shot won't come out. You can load up with any type vial hazard you want, but the flew shot itself won't come out, instead you will get dead cross. Specifically fail the tutorial and when it just won't let you do it. This is the easiest way to reproduce it, thought this step of failing the trial first before trying doesn't always appear necessary. So for myself even if I get to the flew shot stage of the combo without issue I will dead cross instead. Running the versio 1.00 from European PSN.

Hope this helps :)

The sound and music volume in menus and in story mode is jumping around if i lower it in settings first.
If i then change the Music Volume slider UP, music gets quieter, to the % it changed.
Also i have noticed volume change in main menu when the track starts to loop.

This should be fixed with the latest patch update released today.


When doing Valentines' second trial the flew shot won't come out. You can load up with any type vial hazard you want, but the flew shot itself won't come out, instead you will get dead cross. Specifically fail the tutorial and when it just won't let you do it. This is the easiest way to reproduce it, thought this step of failing the trial first before trying doesn't always appear necessary. So for myself even if I get to the flew shot stage of the combo without issue I will dead cross instead. Running the versio 1.00 from European PSN.

Hope this helps :)

Disallowing Flew Shot until the part of the combo where it's needed is intentional. That move is locked until you reach the 5th step of that combo so that you don't accidentally get rid of your syringe. Once you pass that part, and advance to the 6th step, where you are required to use Checkmate Incision, Flew Shot is locked again. If you don't successfully do the last step (EKG Flatliner), you don't reload back to the spot when you initially loaded a vial, which IS a bug and I'll go ahead and fix. The fix will be included in a future patch update, most likely when lobbies come to consoles.


Bug concerning the replay feature enabled by the "-enablereplays" launch option.
If a match ends in a tie and is continued by the automatic followup match, only the second* match gets recorder and kept in replays.
*Or third if the second one was a tie as well, etc. Bottom line is, only the match not ending in a tie is saved.

Since my sticks don't seem to work on here I was using pad. I tried doing super jumps via down on pad and then up on thumb stick and vice versa... And this causes the game to glitch out and teleport the super jumping character.

May also be an issue on other platforms. Doesn't seem like a big deal since it only works if you are using 2 input devices on one controller, but it's still kinda interesting.

Was using robo fortune against Beowulf on class notes stage during training. The glitch only seems to happen one in 3-5 tries or so.
I don't know if it is something worth to put here.

But in my xbox version of SG. Ms. fortune mout (the teeth i guees), is transparent, i can see the background trough her mouth.

Is it something that can't be fixed, or no one noticed until now?
I don't know if it is something worth to put here.

But in my xbox version of SG. Ms. fortune mout (the teeth i guees), is transparent, i can see the background trough her mouth.

Is it something that can't be fixed, or no one noticed until now?
If I'm correct stuff like this goes into this thread.

This is super not highly important, but I thought that since it is simple and works every time you might want to know since it (might) have ramifications to other things:

Pw versus Eliza:

Pw does st.hk at point blank range, it hits twice and pw cancels into mp stinger on the second hit. On the 1 player side this always forces a crossup with Eliza landing on the 1p side from the 2p side.

Now do the same thing with pw on the 2p side to start and Eliza never gets crossed up. Same timing spacing and everything. I just thought you might want to know because it points to some discrepancy between the 1p and 2p side concerning at least these characters. Also, though it's not important at all, it's annoying to keep track of what with all the other character specific resets and burst baits there are... But that's neither here nor there. I know it's passed fix stuff phase, I just mention cause I find it interesting from a mechanical perspective because I thought sg was free from side shenanigans . Sorry if this is already a well known issue to you :)
Oh, it's cuz Eliza's extent box is 95.5 pixels wide, because it's 191 px at source res.
I figured that may cause problems, but nothing else really showed up.
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Oh ok alright then (acting like I know what that means) LOL. I tested every character and it also applies to Bella same sides as eliza.

No worries. Don't know if you got it cause I'm ignored, but there was also a glitch I found on ps4 on this page of this thread. Also not a glitch that probably needs to be taken note of, just a thing.

If I find any more discrepancies I'll start to catalogue them, was never interested in doing that before.

Also, while you are here... This isn't a bug per se, but against cm with my pw against his Val, he air reset me with st.lp which I reversaled with air super, he was able to cancel into flatliner super on reaction though and avoid the punish... I didn't think that was fair since he had a move stuck out meaty on my reversal. I had undizzy accumulated though, but I didn't think that mattered if a move was stuck out?

Not necessarily seeking a change, but wondering why he was able to avoid the punish since it basically means that in the future I can't call out that reset with my reversal and have to hold that against the obvious mixup and guess.
there was also a glitch I found on ps4 on this page of this thread.
Can you record that? Even phone cam is fine.
The input polling code explicitly doesn't care if you use the DPad or the stick, because of the problems SF4/MvC3 have if you do. It does things like L+R = neutral and U+D = neutral...so...I'd like to see this!

Also, while you are here... This isn't a bug per se, but against cm with my pw against his Val, he air reset me with st.lp which I reversaled with air super, he was able to cancel into flatliner super on reaction though and avoid the punish... I didn't think that was fair since he had a move stuck out meaty on my reversal. I had undizzy accumulated though, but I didn't think that mattered if a move was stuck out?
Undizzy lets the opponent block during Lv1-super-hitstop if the supering character has undizzy. Doesn't do anything for allowing them to move.
PW's air super has an active hitbox in front of her during the hitstop, but the extended spikes are only active after hitstop ends, so the fact that he could counter super you depends on positioning only. He wasn't touching the unavoidable part.
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oh ok then. I'll see about getting a recording together.
I don't know if this is a bug or intentional so I figured I'd ask here rather than make a separate topic. I'm on PS4.

Are the voices for 2P just not supposed to play during the match opening? I was running through Fukua's story mode and it was awkward because Fukua doesn't say anything on match opening, but then no one else did either.

Same thing happened when I went through arcade mode with a team, as well as me testing it in local vs.

I might be misremembering, but I don't recall it doing that in the PS3 version.
This is pretty minor, probably not even technically a bug, but "duplicate" stage entries seem to ignore the random stage select rule that you won't get the same stage several times in a row, or even within a certain interval.
For example it has happened to me several times that Great Cathedral is followed by Great Cathedral (Night), leading to hearing the same music twice in a row, and perhaps even with greater general frequency than stages that have no duplicates.
This isn't really a bug, but something that keeps me bothering:
Steam doesn't show people I recently played with on the site, but does show it in the in-game overlay


On the other side, it perfectly works in other games.
Hi everyone;

I bought this game yesterday and as soon as I installed it, this happened:

The gameplay is just fine; only problem I have in game is the background:


Any ideas? I am pretty noob at this stuff, but I looked around for a bit and saw nothing. Tell me if I need to provide more information.
Thank you.
PC -- Linux

Hello. I'm getting a segfault when I try to access the video options. This happens whether I'm running under Intel graphics or NVIDIA. I run Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon, 32-bit. I downloaded the game from Humble less than a week ago (shortly after the beginning of the Humble Bundle). Let me know if I can provide any more information.

Steps to reproduce :
I run the game from the command line (it doesn't matter how I start it)
The program returns "..Break.." and runs
Click through to main menu
Select the menu option "Help and Options"
On the following screen I select the option "Video Settings"
I see another screen for a fraction of a second and then the game shuts down reporting "Segmentation Fault" on the command line

Edit : This time the game returned
"Error: That operation is not supported" before shutting down, not "Segmentation Fault" on the command line.
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Cerebella's "arm diamonds" use the incorrect color on all 25 palettes

I went back to take a closer look at the bug I found here, and found another miscolored frame in her Merry Go-Rilla attack.
This affects all 25 color palettes (it's unnoticeable on palette 24), which is why I'm considering it a bug and not an actual problem with the frame itself.

Then I looked back on the original bug I had found with her Ultimate Showstopper attack, and tried it with all 25 palettes (I originally only tried palettes 17 and 19).
As you can see with palette 11, the arm diamonds change their color to that of a different color in the palette, most commonly the color used for her legs. That's why when I tested it with palettes 17 and 19, it gave the illusion that the colors were simply missing.
This technically affects all 25 palettes, but is only visible on palettes 4-8, 10-12, 14, 16, 17, 19-25.

I couldn't find any other frames in all of her attacks that had these "bugs", so I'm pretty sure it's only on these two attacks.
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This is kinda annoying, is there something that could be done about this?
Hope I'm not being a pest about this (especially since I want to be help here as a mod), but:
Palette 10 won't unlock on PS3 for Eliza, Beo & Robo, despite carefully entering it after each one released on the right screen.

It worked when I entered it pre-Eliza, thus giving me the color for everyone else.
I've seen other people mention this, so I guess the bug is the code won't work a 2nd time.

Too bad there's a code. It'd be fun & efficient to unlock #10 for each character through tutorial completion.
Maybe some possible solutions are to have a patch unlock #10 automatically or make it unlock by doing something.
Deleting data & redoing everything doesn't seem like a good way to me. Thanks for a great game!

Game crashed doing training mode.

Controller used:
Hitbox (PS360+ v1.66) (Legacy controller)

My team:
Parasoul (Pillar) / Double (bomber M) / Fortune (fiber H)

dummy team:
Fukua (drill H) / Double (bomber M)


Trying to do Launch > j.LP~LK > air tear toss > kara throw

After failing a bunch and finally getting the kara throw, i mess up the combo, hit Select to load the save state, then when I hit 2HP the game crashed.

Got a pop up saying to report it to Sony, but I'm not sure if you guys see those bugs reported that way, so I thought I'd bring it up here.

Part 2:

Crashed again in training mode.

My team is the same, but this time dummy team is squigly/filia with default assists and on the ballroom stage.

I was using the parasoul j.2MK stomp on a blocking Squigly.
I used j.MK float to give me some momentum so I could have her move forward a bit to mitigate the pushback on block. After staying in the air for a while the game crashed.



Found something else:

Trying get dummy to do Big Band's air timpani super on reversal and it just comes out as LK

The dummy is only reading 26KK instead of 236KK so he never gets a super on reversal.

Tried this with Peacock and her super comes out fine when played back as reversal even though it also only shows 26KK.

Playing back manually using the Select button works fine either way.
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Inputs for Diving Wulfdog (:F:+:K:) and Da Grendel Killa (:B:+:K:) aren't working on the Wulfmania portion of Beowulf's tutorial (he just does a regular kick instead). Asked a friend and he said it worked fine. I tried doing it in training mode and it works there just not in the actual tutorial, I've also tried with a 360 controller, 360 fightstick and keyboard but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
PC / Steam

When it comes to battle Double vs. Marie the game shuts down. I'm playing on Nightmare, Story Mode. Tried 2 times, same results.

after 9998 the game doesn't save any more replay, even tho it will appear 10001 replay saved they get deleted at the next relaunch of the game.
I closed the game and it returns back to 9998.


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You can just clear out your replay folder to get them working again.

Also replays aren't really.. finished.
They were added incomplete so I don't know if the bugs matter.

Here's a parry bug. The action happens at 0:43 and at 1:11 in the video, where Big Band fails to parry just as he's about to land, despite parrying literally everywhere else.

I've been stuck at 592 wins on the leaderboard for a while now. I think it started after the most recent update, the one that added best 3/5 to quick match. I have won several matches since this has happened and I have have not observed any change on the leaderboard. posting this here because it seems like a bug

I've been stuck at 592 wins on the leaderboard for a while now. I think it started after the most recent update, the one that added best 3/5 to quick match. I have won several matches since this has happened and I have have not observed any change on the leaderboard. posting this here because it seems like a bug
I let him know, he'll look into it soon.
I noticed the same.
Here's a parry bug. The action happens at 0:43 and at 1:11 in the video, where Big Band fails to parry just as he's about to land, despite parrying literally everywhere else.
I think this is actually you holding the direction for too long.

Also replays aren't really.. finished.
They were added incomplete so I don't know if the bugs matter.
Replay bugs don't matter, unfortunately.

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OK, fixed quick match. Updating now.

Hope I'm not being a pest about this (especially since I want to be help here as a mod), but:
Palette 10 won't unlock on PS3 for Eliza, Beo & Robo, despite carefully entering it after each one released on the right screen.
I'll check this.
Checked the code, there is not any kind of check for whether you entered it before. Can you provide steps for me to reproduce this here? You can start with "have the game, install Eliza etc" I can do it all really easily.

[reversals backward] This is kinda annoying, is there something that could be done about this?
This is on the list to fix, yes.

I was trying to find some info on Painwheel, but my quick search hasn't yielded anything current for how she's supposed to work. Regardless, I know from info I've read and playing the game myself that Painwheel gains one addition Hatred Armor when she uses Hatred Install. Except, I've noticed this buff is not applied to her level 3 Blockbuster, Buer Overdrive. This thing still only has the same 3 points of Hatred Armor that it normally has. This usually isn't that big of a deal since she uses this as a dashing attack. Many attacks either hit too much anyway, or they're also dash-like attacks where she'd absorb a hit and then use her Hatred Armor to win the clash. That said, I've been testing it against Blockbusters to figure out which ones it can counter, and Fukua's level 1 Blown Kiss does exactly 4 hits, which means that the final hit hurts Painwheel and interrupts her attack. Yet I can charge up her s.HP and tank the entire attack that way. I don't recall the in-game tutorial even mentioning she gets extra armor anyway, so I wouldn't know if this is intentional or not, but it comes across as inconsistent at best.

Also, sometimes Painwheel only absorbs part of the attack and just keeps moving through it. Though that seems like it's just her moving too fast to absorb the whole attack, or perhaps me activating it late and being invincible against a hit or two.

Edit: This might be intentional, but I also noticed that her c.HK only has two hits of armor normally, though it does get 3 hits if Hatred Install is active.
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I think this is actually you holding the direction for too long.

I don't get what you mean.

If Big Band is getting hit outside of the parry window, then he shouldn't be able to parry once he hits the ground, but he can.
I was trying to find some info on Painwheel, but my quick search hasn't yielded anything current for how she's supposed to work. Regardless, I know from info I've read and playing the game myself that Painwheel gains one addition Hatred Armor when she uses Hatred Install. Except, I've noticed this buff is not applied to her level 3 Blockbuster, Buer Overdrive. This thing still only has the same 3 points of Hatred Armor that it normally has. This usually isn't that big of a deal since she uses this as a dashing attack. Many attacks either hit too much anyway, or they're also dash-like attacks where she'd absorb a hit and then use her Hatred Armor to win the clash. That said, I've been testing it against Blockbusters to figure out which ones it can counter, and Fukua's level 1 Blown Kiss does exactly 4 hits, which means that the final hit hurts Painwheel and interrupts her attack. Yet I can charge up her s.HP and tank the entire attack that way. I don't recall the in-game tutorial even mentioning she gets extra armor anyway, so I wouldn't know if this is intentional or not, but it comes across as inconsistent at best.
Ah, you're right. It's never come up! :^P

Edit: This might be intentional, but I also noticed that her c.HK only has two hits of armor normally, though it does get 3 hits if Hatred Install is active.
Not a bug, yeah.

If Big Band is getting hit outside of the parry window, then he shouldn't be able to parry once he hits the ground, but he can.
Yeah, I just checked, it's a legit bug.
[edit] Annnnnnnd fixed. He was touching the ground, so air parries wouldn't work, but he didn't have access to ground parries in that state. Now he has them all anywhere.
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PC, Steam

I've seen Para's Egrets leave before if she DHC'd out or got hit out of Inferno Brigade but.. all she did was Egret Call.
So.. uhh... yeah?

Is this a bug? I seriously can't tell why this happened.
I've seen Para's Egrets leave before if she DHC'd out or got hit out of Inferno Brigade but.. all she did was Egret Call.
So.. uhh... yeah?
You don't even have to cancel it. Just get OTG'd by sniper shot, tech either direction, and super. They'll leave!

I'll fix it. :^P

One of the ways they leave is if Parasoul gets hit, and the check is "is her hitstun time remaining nonzero". Which is not the check I would have used had we made her later in the project, but it's the check I used at that point. Sniper shot has 100ish frames of hitstun to ENSURE you hit the ground. So the hitstun counter lasts longer than her tech animation. I'll fix it, by clearing her hitstun in the startup of the super. :^)
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You don't even have to cancel it. Just get OTG'd by sniper shot, tech either direction, and super. They'll leave!

I'll fix it. :^P

Alright, credit to @DoubleOrNothing because it happened to him. @Luweewu also researched it and found out what you just said.

Thanks Mike.
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