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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2016 Thread


Unwavering Hype
Sep 3, 2013
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A Dark Corner of the Earth
Peacock Painwheel Unknown
It's June, and that means not only the beginning of Summer (to most people), but also that E3 is right around the corner, which means we'll be getting tons of info for new, current, and maybe old games getting DLC.
As I have for the past 2-3 years, I made a thread for us to chronicle any reactions, trailers, or whatever is shown at E3

If it's shown at E3, talk about it here, reactions, hopes, who won E3, stuff like that, just talk about it here!
(Normally we have had a separate Nintendo Direct thread due to how much info those have, but due to the fact it's Zelda only this year, we probably won't do that)

This year, E3 starts a bit early, technically starting on June 12th, lasting until June 16th, so expect plenty of info

Here are the conferences planned this year, as well as their time, and date (When they come up I'll post a link to their twitch or stream, if possible)

While not technically an E3 conference, Square Enix is planning a Deus Ex: Mankind Divided centric press conference on June 8th, at 8:30 am (PDT) (11:30 AM EST), All focused on Deus Ex

After that, on June 12th, the real E3 conferences (kinda) start with an EA Not-E3 conference (Apparently they didn't want an E3 conference this year) on June 12 at 1:00 pm (PDT) (4:00 PM EST) , Will we see Minions again this year? Let's find out

Then, like last year, Bethesda will have it's own E3 conference, at June 12 at 7:00 pm (PDT) (10:00 PM EST) , expect Fallout 4 DLC, and maybe some Dishonored 2?

Bizarrely, shortly after that, Kadokawa Games will also have it's own conference, at June 12 at 9:30 pm (PDT) (12:30 AM EST). Maybe we'll get a new Suda51 game?

The next day, on June 13th, is when the rest of the big companies start showing their guns

Beginning with Microsoft, who start their conference at June 13 at 9:30 am (PDT) (12:30 AM EST), expect a Killer Instinct reveal, Sea of Thieves, and who knows, maybe Battletoads?

Mimicking last year, there will also be a PC Gaming Show at June 13 at 12:00pm (PDT) (3:00 PM EST), don't expect too much though, last years was lackluster, but maybe this year will be better?

Soon after, Ubisoft begins their annual conference at June 13 at 1:00 pm (PDT) (4:00 PM EST), It's already been confirmed Assassin's Creed will be taking a break this year, so what will be shown?

Then, to wrap up the day, Sony begins their conference at June 13 at 6:00 pm (PDT) (9:00 PM EST), expect Sony to win E3 again, maybe show Horizon: Zero Dawn and Playstation All-stars 2? Last Guardian maybe

Lastly, Nintendo begins their Zelda-centric show at June 14 at 9:00am (PDT), being streamed at their Treehouse. Though they said it'd be 100% Zelda, sources say there will also be Pokemon S/M, and some TSM#FE as well, who knows what else?

So theres your info dump about E3 times, conferences, and whatever this year!
Talk about hype before, during, and after it, and have fun!
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So Nintendo kind of lied about their E3 plans. Pokemon Sun/Moon, among other games like TSM#FE are going to be apart of their stream too.
The full scoop is day 1 will be Zelda and Pokemon Sun/Moon, and day 2 will have Monster Hunter Generations, TSM#FE, Pokemon Go, and other stuff.

I think this might've been a last minute decision due to backlash but ¯\_(:/)_/¯

Edit: Day 1 is 9 AM June 14th, Day 2 is 10AM the following day
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Until we get a proper Iwata replacement (And let's face it, that's not gonna happen anytime soon), I don't think we'll be getting many big Nintendo announcements

Anyway, hoping for Playstation All-Stars 2 (As in every year) and Parappa the Rapper 3, but I'm pretty sure we'll get Last Guardian, Sony isn't gonna blow the minds of everyone in the world like last year, but I still think they'll end up winning E3...somehow.

There was a "leak" saying that we might get Watch__Dogs 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, and another cool ass game that slipped my mind, thankfully there aren't as many leaks as there were last year but...

Also bet you we'll get Dark Souls 3 DLC trailer
and maybe
just maybe
they'll tease armored core 6 after that ;-;
Nintendo also tends to play close to the chest for E3 all the way up to their Presentation. The Zelda, Pokemon and Tokyo Mirage Sessions info is obvious. If you think about it Amiibo Announcements are obvious as well.

It's what's not been announced that is going to be more groundbreaking.
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Yeah, chances are there'll be some more surprises this year, though apparently eveyrone thinks we'll get details on those fancy new versions of the same console
Xbone Slime, PS4 Neo, no news on that fancy Xbox upgrade called Scorpio though.
I'm more concerned about the games because none of those interest me since I don't have a 4K TV
I'm just hoping for legitimate gameplay in my teasers....

And for a good selection of PS4 horror games.
Alright, a bump. But a bump because trailers are starting to roll in!
First off, Yooka-Laylee punched us with an E3 Trailer

Then, as see in the Final Fantasy Thread, Final Fantasy XII HD was announced, under the title "Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age"

And out of nowhere, we got our first interesting announcement
Volition Games (Known for Saint's Row, as well as Red Faction) has announced a brand new IP, Agents of Mayhem
Which is an open world singleplayer (At the moment) game, perhaps it's in the same universe as Saint's Row?

In a surprise, we got a Horizon: Zero Dawn trailer BEFORE Sony kicked everyone's ass

And lastly, to tease Watch_Dogs 2 at their conference, we got a video of Hipster-man playing with his phone
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For anyone whos hyped for ANY ubisoft game member

Honestly though I feel im going to be disappointed by this E3 imo watch dogs was a horrible game that didnt deserve a sequel. theres no games on sonys side yet that im interested in, im not an xbox person anymore, and nintendo...well Nintendo from what I heard is a huge joke this E3.

Im still holding out for a big reveal that will blow my pants off this e3 (theres always 1) so I hope its good and I hope im wrong.
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Ubisoft still makes good games, and hopefully they'll have taken advice as well as they did for Assassin's Creed Syndicate.
But see that's how they get ya. you think theve learned but they haven't. its rushed development time, I will gladly bite my tongue if an ubisoft game comes out and its just as good as it was shown in the E3 demo. but am I really wrong to be soured on their games after unity and watch dogs?

And as for their games I would argue that watch dogs was terrible, but once again its just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
I don't think it'll be rushed, because they again, learned their lesson and decided to take the year off w/ Asscreed instead of pulling another game right out of their ass

Also, not an announcement, but there's hushed whispers that there will be Dead Rising 4 at E3 this year.

and not only that, Omega Force is teasing a new title.
Claiming it will be "The Most Brutal Musou Title in History"
Berserk Warriors?
Im not a super big fan of the dead rising series but I do like the characters so it will certainty get my attention if it shows up.

Beserk warriors sounds rad. but honestly it sounds weird and 99% unlikely but I want some sort of Crash Bandicoot news from sony. yeah yeah it wont happen most likey but with last year (I think.) where the crash T-shirt was worn and the Crash level in uncharted 4 it seems a bit odd that hes starting to build slight traction again out of nowhere. granted it could be absolutely nothing at all but theres rumors.
YAY YOOKA-LAYLEEEE. There's some pop-in and some stuff could look cleaner but that'll be ironed out by release. Hype.
People are thinking the Musou title being teased MAY be the Western Musou collaboration that was mentioned a while back.
Bank on either Berserk Warriors, Star Warriors, or maybe even Devil May Cry warriors. We won't know until June 13th.

They indeed delayed Yooka-laylee to Feburary 2017, so it's possible they're delaying it for that very reason.
Agents of Mayhem actually looks.. pretty dang cool... you know for a CG trailer and all... if they stick to the art style... then.. yeah. sign me up.
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Reactions: Jutsei
I'm very Interested in Agents of Mayhem, just looks like fun.
Glad to see Volition trying something fun on a break from Saint's Row, kinda like Battleborn, but. You know. With actual Soul and looking fun.
What I have a great assumption is happening I want:


What is more than likely not happening I want:


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I'd even just take FF7 on virtual console
If we're talking shit we want on Virtual Console.
How about Gamecube Games on Virtual Console?
And how about the first game on it is Eternal Darkness?
Like, Jesus fucking Christ.
Talk about a game I'd like to play but I'm not willing to pay triple digits for.
If we're talking shit we want on Virtual Console.
How about Gamecube Games on Virtual Console?
And how about the first game on it is Eternal Darkness?
Like, Jesus fucking Christ.
Talk about a game I'd like to play but I'm not willing to pay triple digits for.
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Reactions: Jutsei
Dead Rising 1 kinda remake?
.... Ok...
4-player co-op? Interesting.
As long as it takes itself a smidgen less seriosuly than Dead Rising 3 did, I'm interested
If anything can sell me a tiny ass Xbone, it'd be Dead Rising.
What I have a great assumption is happening I want:

KI is that game I want to get into because the cast looks great, but i just can't find the time

also i need a better controller for it.
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I'm 99% certain we'll be shown both RAAM and the remaining Season 3 character at Microsoft's conference, perhaps with a surprise reveal for an extra character like Omen, since I don't think we'll get a Season 4.
Eyedol hype?

everyone knows that Eyedol was a mistake and bringing him back will do KI no good in the long run. We already have Gargos I think people are fine with return of that broken boss character.

heck Gargos right now is still pretty strong given with his tools. at certain ranges he just dominates. add in lance minion and the lock down can get real.
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Not that I'm campaigning for Eyedol, i just thought it'd make a neat twist for him to show up out of nowhere and fight Gargos with a way better design.

I really hope Rash paved the way for a new Battletoads game, though.

everyone knows that Eyedol was a mistake and bringing him back will do KI no good in the long run. We already have Gargos I think people are fine with return of that broken boss character.

heck Gargos right now is still pretty strong given with his tools. at certain ranges he just dominates. add in lance minion and the lock down can get real.

Still will never understand why people don't think he could be redone for the current game...