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Your game of the year


Delicious chewable Hubba-Bella
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
South Cackelacky
RedRummage and for 3DS 3695-0329-5107
Cerebella Peacock
Seeing as its about that time, why dont we all talk about the games we played this year that just spoke to us.

For me, the game that I have to give it you is the Last of Us. A great take on the zombie genre, incredible writing, great characters, a really great world that has both post apocalyptic and new hope on the horizon at the same time. and it doesnt have to kill off a baby or a dog in order to be emotional

I feel Joel is also a character of the year. Troy Baker really showed how he could do more than one voice this year and I certainly think his Joker role isn't the best when it comes to Joel. He just has a great country accent and a great performance in general.

its also great to hear Ashley Johnson as Ellie AKA Gretchen Grundler with a potty mouth. and fuck you if you think she's garbage. I don't care what Matt and Pat say, Ellie is great. her gun however.... yeah that thing is garbage.

so yeah:

Also no spoilers please. unless they're like "OMG dat ending." be respectful.
The Last of Us wasn't game of the year.....it was game of the century. I don't think I'll be more hype for another game like I was for The Last of Us.
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I have to be uncreative and say The Last of Us, it was just that good. 2nd place goes to Super Mario 3D World though.
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Reactions: Dagwood
The Last of Us wasn't game of the year.....it was game of the century. I don't think I'll be more hype for another game like I was for The Last of Us.
Well considering that Naughty Dog said they werent done with the world of the Last of Us COULD mean they might plan a sequel.... and if so. I eagerly await it. Because give Naughty Dog a game and they'll make it great, give Naughty Dog a sequel.... and ZOMG! ILU NAUGHTY DOG!
My personal favorite from 2013 is Bioshock Infinite. Although I can see why Grand Theft Auto: V and Last of Us are good contenders for the title, even if I'm not a huge fan of either.
I Got the Last of Us for Christmas, but I have yet to play ti or any of my other games.
So I'm gonna say Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
dude... you should tell us your reaction to the first 15 minutes. because thats the part that sets the bar for this game.
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I sadly saw that. But after that I refused to watch anything else.
That's something I've wanted to see in a Zombie Apocalypse game for like the past 10 years.
And of course Naughty Dog's the one that delivers it.
Trust me, this is something Naughty Dog will be remembered for.
Have to agree with TLoU.
That game made me want to cry manly tears at several points.
My vote goes to Dragon's Crown. Because it's awesome and because I'm a rebel.
I'm a rebel.
Oh my such rebel. Stop it you're going to make your mom cry with your rebellion
The World Ends With You
favoritest use of a dual screen handheld system of any year

It's implied that this is for games released this year, not just games you played this year.
I'm gonna go on a limb and say Megaman Unlimited. Yeah, it's a fan game with plenty of flaws, but after 2012 and SFxMM, I realized it was exactly what I needed this year.
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Reactions: Jutsei
Um, I got a kinda strange one.
Project X Zone.
I love crossovers and I love crossovers with lots of character interaction and really good character representation and,
it's complete and utter fanfiction right down to a pair of OCs and fanservice of EVERY kind, but in such a magical way,
I've played through it like 3 times now and I never get tired of it.
It's implied that this is for games released this year, not just games you played this year.
mmm...then I withdraw from the subject (contrary to what people think/know about me 2013 was a very bland year for me in general. games included)
Oh my such rebel. Stop it you're going to make your mom cry with your rebellion
I disregard the constabulary on a daily basis.


Personal GOTY - Dragon's Crown
What IMHO deserves the GOTY accolade - The Last of Us
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Reactions: Lethalmind
I'm gonna go off on a limb here and say The Stanley Parable. I might also explain why if I wasn't so fucking sleepy.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. I love Platinum Games and their over-the-top action games.

I also enjoyed Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R, Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (Didn't finish it yet though) and I'm not sure if I should count Skullgirls because it's a 2012 game.

I'm sad that I didn't get to try out Shadowrun Returns, Guacamelee, Rocksmith 2014 nor Disgaea D2 this year.

Don't want to derail this topic, but I hated the Last of Us. I found it incredibly boring.
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Reactions: Sanger Zonvolt
This decision would be very hard as 2013 was a great year for games.

In my opinion it would be either Company of Heroes 2 or Bioshock Infinite.
I´m gonna have to go with Persona 4 Arena. Because I´m a tool and I only play fighting games on console. And yes, Europe got it in 2013. ;-;
Well considering that Naughty Dog said they werent done with the world of the Last of Us COULD mean they might plan a sequel.... and if so. I eagerly await it. Because give Naughty Dog a game and they'll make it great, give Naughty Dog a sequel.... and ZOMG! ILU NAUGHTY DOG!
If Naughty Dog made a sequel to The Last of Us.....
Mine is probably quite different than most people's, but I couldn't possibly give anything besides this gem the title of My Game of the Year:


This game is not only my GotY, but the very first game to overtake my previous selection of My Favorite Game I Have Ever Played (which was Sonic 3 & Knuckles, for those curious). This game is an absolutely astounding work of platforming fun, bringing about everything I could have wanted from a non-Sonic 2D Platformer. The levels were brilliantly designed, the UbiArt Engine allowed the game to be freaking beautiful, the game controlled great (fixing all of my nagging nitpicks with the game before it), the soundtrack was fantastic, and... I'm sorry, I just love this game.
This year I very much enjoyed The Last of Us, Rayman Legends, Ni No Kuni, Dragon's Crown, and A Link Between Worlds - but my personal game of the year would probably have to go to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle The Last of Us.

On that note, I do want to give a few shout outs to some others:
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle for being stupid fun even though it's not "good". Might have actually spent more time playing it than the other games I've mentioned, haha.
- Bioshock Infinite for being the biggest disappointment in years. It wasn't a bad game, I just don't think it knew what it wanted to be and fell flat on its face. Play Zero Escape for a better story about multiple realities.
- Killer is Dead for being exactly as crappy as expected and reminding us all that Suda 51 may never make a game as good as Killer 7.
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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Just based on hours played and actual enjoyment. I liked TLoU, but I only played it through once (and felt no compulsion to do so again). It had a good story and characters that I felt were written well for a video game, but overall, I like to enjoy my games, and DD:DA had far more of that than any other game for me this year.

Honestly, though, I might have played more SG than anything else since the PC version dropped. Skullgirls Encore for GOTY.
I'm going to be the total odd man out because honestly, I haven't even touched The Last of Us and all those other games everyone's talking about for GOTY.


MY personal GOTY is this game. No game has brought me just this much fun. So many characters, so many things to do, mooks to kill. It was a great local multiplayer experience (which is a dying breed), it looks great, the music is amazing and overall I highly recommend it, regardless of if you're a One Piece fan or not. ... though maybe play the first one first. It summarizes the story and has a different type of story mode that's also great!
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I forgot dark arisen came out this year.

All in all, I do feel that it deserved a game of the year... it just didnt come out this year. I count DA as more of an expansion if anything.

Honestly, though, I might have played more SG than anything else since the PC version dropped. Skullgirls Encore for GOTY.

thats coming next year.
Not having a PS3, I never played TLOU. I haven't really bought many games that came out this year, but i'd say Risk of Rain, because i'm a hipster asshole and that's been my favorite game for a while.
I dunno, freakin'...Mega Pony? It was fun. Had the best challenge of recent MM fangames; wasn't too easy like Mega Man: Rock Force or Mega Man Revolution but was still fun unlike Mega Man Unlimited. Bosses were challenging, graphics were pleasing, music was good enough, and gameplay was of course right where it needed to be. It helps that I like those candy-colored ponies. *Readies Flame Shield*

...Stop staring at me. I played, like, three games that actually came out this year. ;-;
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Reactions: juju_for_president
I forgot dark arisen came out this year.

All in all, I do feel that it deserved a game of the year... it just didnt come out this year. I count DA as more of an expansion if anything.

thats coming next year.
it is out on PC though
it is out on PC though
no thats REGULAR skullgirls. Encore is the updated console version coming hopefully in Jan.
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