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Recent content by Chrono_Tata

  1. Chrono_Tata

    The "social media updates" thread - now with 99% less drama

    The Skullgirls curse never ends But yeah this forum isn't supposed to have a non-gameplay or lore section so any discussions related to this go here for now, unless it gets out of hand then I'll move it to another containment thread
  2. Chrono_Tata

    Custom Palettes for the Cast

    @starshinea Your post have been moved to the appropriate thread. If you have multiple palettes you want to post within a short period of time, post them all together in a single post, and not as separate ones
  3. Chrono_Tata

    BSOD Within 2 - 4 Minutes of booting up SG

    Since it's the graphic card driver that is crashing, maybe try to go to the graphic card settings and check for game settings specific to Skullgirls, then try turning off/on options that look like they could be causing issues and see if that might help.
  4. Chrono_Tata

    Reforming a character

    I think the reason why her Origin Story was like was because the devs at the time didn't want to reveal too much about Cerebella's past in No Man's Land or how she came to join the Circus in the first place, probably due to some concerns about spoiling later plots. But yeah, it was quite poorly...
  5. Chrono_Tata

    Forum Feedback

    Since it's been a while and the Season Pass is finished (barring cosmetic stuff like voiced story), thought I would bring this up again. Would be great if the website could be updated for the last 2 DLC characters in the Pass, so it's all nice and complete.
  6. Chrono_Tata

    The Canon Info Thread - What We Know

    For the when, obviously some time during her gameplay development to her actual release, since as you say they are in the development sketches lol. As for why, I think it could either be just a practical consideration, which is that she was rescued and then put back together after being injured...
  7. Chrono_Tata

    YO LORENZO! YO MAMA! - 4th Medici portrait speculation + art by me

    Yeah, whoever the sons' mother is having dark hair would make sense. Although it's worth to note that it was also said that Lorenzo has been around for as long as anyone in New Meridian can remember. It is possible that there could be multiple mothers to his 3 sons, and there could be more...
  8. Chrono_Tata

    YO LORENZO! YO MAMA! - 4th Medici portrait speculation + art by me

    No prob! Yeah I totally support people building up theories and speculations. I just like when they are based around known facts, hence my earlier post. I think there is something interesting here but I think it could be polished by running it against confirmed lore a bit more. I do like...
  9. Chrono_Tata

    Could fukua be scary if she was canon?

    If I have to work with Fukua's connection with Aeon, perhaps her clones could be back-explained by them having a connection to Aeon's Parasite, Khronos, the same way that Squigly and Leviathan channels Venus's Parasite, Abaddon's power to manipulate space. If Fukua and Shamone are connected to...
  10. Chrono_Tata

    YO LORENZO! YO MAMA! - 4th Medici portrait speculation + art by me

    Firstly, Alex has explicitly confirmed that the 4 portraits in the Medici Tower are those of Lorenzo and his 3 sons, so the person in portrait #1 is Lorenzo by simple process of elimination. It doesn't look exactly the same as how Lorenzo appears in the actual story because, mainly, it's just...
  11. Chrono_Tata

    Could fukua be scary if she was canon?

    Fukua IS sorta canon now thanks to her appearance in Dahlia's story. Although given that she is most likely an alternate universe version of Filia that Aeon pulled off some timeline, it's possible there are different versions of Fukua existing in other timelines including evil ones. Personally...
  12. Chrono_Tata

    how can i connect my old xbox account to my steam account?

    Unfortunately they are separate games so there is no way to transfer progress from the console version to the PC version. There isn't that much you need to unlock through progression though apart from cosmetic stuff.
  13. Chrono_Tata

    The "social media updates" thread - now with 99% less drama

    Looks like some food gets throw to the opponent's side the causes damage or debuffs, and some get thrown to your side that gives health and buffs. Pretty neat.
  14. Chrono_Tata

    Me preguntó si sigue compatible skullgrils 2nd encore en xbox 360 o en xbox live?

    Yes you can play 2nd Encore on the Xbox 360 online if you own it
  15. Chrono_Tata

    The "social media updates" thread - now with 99% less drama

    Yeah the mini robo Brain Drain and Painwheel are cute and fun. I wonder who else we would get. If there is a Mini-Robo Robo-Fortune that would be so unhinged.