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Search results

  1. Covenant


    4kids version
  2. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    ....well he has a fireball. I guess you get a quarter of a cookie. From the smallest cookie in the jar. One of the pieces from the bottom that's all crumbly.
  3. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    Yeah, she deals with them fine. Ex spiral and her super go through projectiles; she has a high walk speed and a decent jump arc; and I think one of her spinning moves goes through projectiles, but I could be wrong.
  4. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    They're saying that compared to other characters in SFV, not her past versions, she's bland. Pretty much everyone else is either outright new or has new or requested features to spice them up. Cammy has "Hey look my moves have more hits/damage and a mostly unchanged animation for them! Also...
  5. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    We already have skullgirls....
  6. Covenant


    Can we not SNK our time into these silly puns?
  7. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    Honestly I expect at least one DLC new comer. Maybe not next year, but definitely by the end of 2017.
  8. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    MY guesses 1. Balrog or Haggar 2. Guile or new guy 3. Alex or Eisbahn or other new guy 4. Sakura or Ingrid 5. Juri or Ibuki or new Chick 6.Alex or Haggar or New Dude
  9. Covenant

    Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

    Not to my knowledge. Unless it was a general statement about licensing issues.
  10. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    This is by far my favorite piece of lore. I can't wait for Pom and Goat
  11. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    On some other forums a few people are claiming that the steam beta was datamined and that there's 18 characters. I have yet to see any links and I personally doubt the validity of those claims, but it's something to look out for. Additionally, don't forget your morton's
  12. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    I'd love to stand on my opponents head with a magically endowed goat...
  13. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    I considered all of the pulled funds and dont remember the exact numbers for what was due to hat refunds, so you may very well be correct. Fair enough, though I expect some trolls to have the funds. That said, the ones that pull funds are few and far between so I suppose the odds are in Mane6's...
  14. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Huh, I didnt realize that. That said, pledge pulling is still a thing. I've heard enough stories of pricks pledging hundreds or thousands, just to pull out.
  15. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Still, we need more. There's always a few people who donate and withdraw their pledge, or screw up their payment, or just don't have the money for various reasons.
  16. Covenant

    Street Fighter 4

    I only buy costume dlc when it's on sale anyway, so the default price doesnt bother me.
  17. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    My mother constantly tells me I'm not chinese or japanese, so I can understand that lol.
  18. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Because having a reasonable amount of money in my bank account before donating is important to me.
  19. Covenant

    Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

    I'd be down for TvC2. A ton of interesting characters never made it in and I'd love to see improvements made to the combat and online systems.
  20. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Ah, well. My meager donation I scraped together will have to be enough. And I still need to donate to Indivisible, but I'll wait till near the end of that campaign.