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  1. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Or we can have fun exploring the possibilities =P
  2. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    You make it sound like Dan is a bad choice....
  3. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    [shrugs] Depends on the type of magic. There's magic that lets you augment things without completely breaking the laws of physics, i.e. you cant make something out of nothing. In that case they'd need a source of meat or something in extremely high amounts of protein and nutrients that...
  4. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    It's just a Gief fanboy watching the real next characters duke it out.
  5. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    I see where you're coming from, but when the other half of the population's ways typically involve killing and eating the other half (not necessarily in that order) then just banishing them doesnt sound all that bad. That said, there's definitely possible grey areas on both sides. Did any...
  6. Covenant

    Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

    Yeah....I'm not done with P3 yet, but preventing your weakness from being target is very important....when you get a chance to. I remember going to a new flow or tartarus, getting into a fight, and immediately getting one-shot on my enemies turn because an enemy I'd never seen before (and didn't...
  7. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Sounds a lot like Mass Effect
  8. Covenant

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I see that you like em hairy... Not judging you, just making a note.
  9. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    What you quoted (not whatever you're arguing against) is valid because there are examples of all of those games and then some which means you have a choice of picking almost any of the games that fit your taste better instead of complaining that the creator's vision of this one game doesnt meet...
  10. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    That's the issue. People were simply saying that it's okay to have rosters disparate in either direction or to have an equally represented roster. We then used other games as an example of overall equality between games. Then you bring up racism to say that people doing one thing doesnt make it...
  11. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    It's not equivalent because in no cases is racism a good or acceptable thing. There are, however, cases where gender disparity or absence is fine: boy scouts, girls scouts, some sports, certain rehabilitation centers, prisons, most changing rooms, lesbian phone hotlines, etc.
  12. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Except it's not. Were talking about presentation that doesnt effect anything, not a mindset of hateful people. There are games where there are all males. There are games where there are all females. There are games with equal representation. There are games with disparate representation. That's...
  13. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    [hugs] I mostly agree. There'r plenty of games where playable characters are all males, yet they're still good games. There's plenty of diversity in this game. If the lack of males doesnt actually effect the story being told then I literally don't give a flying longma dump.
  14. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    I'm cool with a male or two and I fine with an all female cast, butI can only imagine the bs criticisms that would come with a male giraffe: "Why is the only male a walking phallic symbol?!?!; "It'so sexist that a male stands above the rest, ugh!"; "Ugh, I'm so tired of people pushing males in...
  15. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    It wasnt meant to be taken that seriously, hence the ":PUJNA:" That said, like any exaggeration there's a hint of truth. If the game is fun and broad enough to consistently entertain with those six characters, then they're good imo. It's not the size that matters, it's the motion of your sheep...
  16. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Honestly it's not that bad. They're two different genres, made by two different teams, tergeting different audiences. The only thing they share is the Z-Engine, but even then they're technically using different versions of it. Sure there may be some overlap when it comes to the targeted...
  17. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    I'm hoping the starting roster will get to at least 8 characters. Preferrably 10. That said a roster of 6 is fine and I'll support them as best as I can, though at the moment that only consist of tweeting, forums, and word of mouth....
  18. Covenant

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    That honestly one of my favorite doubles
  19. Covenant

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    The lamb has dogs, if that counts. That said, I expect some of the meat eaters to get through (literally a few, 3-5ish) at some point, though they'll be forced to eat veggies or eat wanderers. I'd love to play as a bear. I wonder if any of the meat eaters converted or changed their ways post...
  20. Covenant

    Street Fighter V

    So essentially Alpha Chun with a black jacket and midnight blue arm bands. I cant say I dislike it. Why not?