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  1. LockjawsSaga

    Squigly Discussion Thread

    Heh, that reminds me of this pretty funny pic I picked up a while back: As for that Squigly pic, I can tell a lot of effort was put into it, but I'll agree that artsyle is a bit unsettling to me. She kinda looks like one of those flexible rubber figures.
  2. LockjawsSaga

    Zombie girl media

    http://unlifecomic.com/ Here's a cool webcomic I found a while ago that revolves around the lives of intelligent zombies. The main protagonist isn't female, but the cast does include some zombie girls. So cute! I would totally wear that tee! I really need to catch up on this show. Fortunately...
  3. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: Revamped!

    Glad you liked it, and yep that nod was pretty obligatory ;) I wanted to let everyone know that the Squigly route has been slightly updated with some new ending art by @Crazyzooka. The update will work with your old save, and you can download it here...
  4. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: Revamped!

    May I suggest removing the part about the Squigly route being scrapped from the OP now?
  5. LockjawsSaga

    Zombie girl media

    It's been a while, but I wanted to share these two adorable pics that feature everyone's favorite undead gals <3 Which zombie girl is the cutest? The answer should be obvious...
  6. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: Revamped!

    Hello everyone! So sorry for the wait, but I present to you the complete and final release of the Skulldate: the Squigly route! I'm happy to report that this should work with old saves, and that the battle system has been heavily trimmed down. Thanks for your patience, and I hope you all enjoy...
  7. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    Well at least you finally acknowledge I was put in a "bad situation" in that thread. Regardless of what I did, it's still bullshit that I'm made to suffer because of that.
  8. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    If that's the case, then why did you do absolutely nothing when people started attacking my original posts? My responses in that thread were the direct result of being refused help by all of you. I couldn't let it go because EVERYONE was treating me like shit, even the mods.
  9. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    Don't you dare "tone police" me. I have absolutely NO obligation to be "nice" to anyone when they rampantly attack me. I'm pissed, and rightfully so. @Muro, @StairwaytoDolphinCreature and @Denizen made the thread unstable when they caused conflict and drama by saying I was posting "disgusting...
  10. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    Are you fucking kidding me? I've been posting here since the end of last summer, and I had ONLY started posting in the Fanart thread late January. I'd posted DOZENS of non-sexual Squigly pics in the old Squigly thread. I have over 200+ messages, and of them, ONLY SEVEN contain sexual Squigly...
  11. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    My point stands. You're saying that the majority of what I post is sexual content of Squigly, and I'm saying that is complete horseshit. I have not twisted ANYTHING, that is exactly what you are saying. If that isn't the case, I don't need to learn how to read, YOU need to learn how to better...
  12. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    Again, you're saying that all I have EVER done is post/talk about Squigly in a sexual manner, which couldn't be further from the truth. Was I just invisible to you people before posting in the fanart thread or something? Also, if you weren't going to address any of my points, you should've sent...
  13. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    Don't talk like I'm not here. What he actually said is he told YOU to take your discussion to PMs when you posted on Denizen's wall that I'm getting lots of hate now. This is still a moderation/forum issue, and I am well within my rights to discuss it here.
  14. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    I have never once posted anything that could be even slightly considered NSFW in neither the current Squigly thread nor the previous one. Check it for yourselves and see. I even say in the opening post to keep pictures PG. The lies being told about me are outrageous. SEXUALLY provocative. There...
  15. LockjawsSaga

    Moderator Problems and Rule Clarification Requests

    I was recently unjustly banned from the General Fanart Thread by @Cellsai, and I demand to be unbanned immediately. Here is what happened from the very beginning: I make posts REPLYING to a picture of Squigly's butt posted in the thread by @Twisted Skull - I emphasize that this was a REPLY; I...
  16. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Looks more to me like he likes what he sees ;)
  17. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Posting cool art without it being a big deal is honestly all I've ever wanted. That said, here's some cool art!
  18. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I was just trying to contribute something nice, and hopefully not get attacked for it this time.
  19. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Great job on the pic, though I must say I'm surprised no one has made any complaints of "underage". On the contrary, it seems to be pretty well-liked. In that case, here are some pics of Squigly in cute and sexy outfits that I hope get as positive a reception! (these shouldn't need to be...
  20. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    For anyone who still has doubts that Squigly is indeed an angel, look no further source