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  1. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Well, that video isn't officially tied to the project, and that audio was recorded almost a year ago and isn't going to be in the actual game, but I do understand your criticisms. I'll work with our VAs to try to produce the best-sounding lines possible for the actual in-game dialogue.
  2. LockjawsSaga

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    Hey Funky, I found a bug that's preventing me from progressing. At the part where the group splits up after the second Medici fight, the dialogue keeps repeating and the screen turns black. At first I thought it was because Squigly was at the head of my party(couldn't see that coming couldja)...
  3. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Cool, that actually works out perfect because I'm looking to put more voice acting in! I'll skype with you sometime soon over the details (and also tell you more about how you can make those skits)
  4. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Yes, that's what I was getting at.
  5. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    But that's just it, it's the tool to do that. It has no actual intentions of its own, it's just fulfilling the purpose of its creators. If nothing else that at least makes it Chaotic Neutral.
  6. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    It's the damnedest thing, I was LITERALLY about to make one of those. You beat me to it! Though my chart would've had some slight changes: Squigly - Lawful Good (Don't need to be part of law enforcement to be 'Lawful', so both she and BB work) Filia - Neutral Good (Going by Filia's...
  7. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Thank you, your audition was great! The only thing is sometimes it was slightly difficult to hear clearly. Might you possibly have a better microphone you could record with? Glad you guys liked it, and again, Topazius gets full credit for the writing, I just did the visual part. Since this...
  8. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    That Medici Tower sidequest I talked about earlier is now complete! I'm anxious to get it out, but I wanna get a little further in writing Squigly's route before I put a new version out for public release, so for now, here's a sneak peek. I gotta say, things get pretty intense. Also, here's...
  9. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    You don't gotta apologize, please feel free to post all you want! Your feedback is greatly welcomed and appreciated, and I'm glad you're interested in the project! :) Anyway, small update: after some thought Mc.Rad and I have decided to remove money from the game. Also, new title screen has...
  10. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    But again, why don't you ever complain about Filia 34 being posted? It lets ME know that you're either trying to be an asshole or you're just a gigantic hypocrite. God, Squigly gets so much disproportional hate. Just why.
  11. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I had/have no intention to make this a "Squigly booty thread". It's just that some people can't leave well enough alone, but I'm sure they'll let me know if they want more.
  12. LockjawsSaga

    Squigly Discussion Thread

    By the way, for those of you wondering, my new avatar is taken from this pic of Squigly (and Lev) looking ever so classy in some elegant formal wear. She looks ready to take to the dance floor! source (sorry her skeleton hand is missing from this pic, I know that's some peoples' favorite part...
  13. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Forgot to mention: to the people who constantly complain about her hand/hole/whatever not being present, where were your complaints when it was missing in the game during Eliza's story? If the actual game's art can get away with something like that, fanart has free reign to do whatever it wants...
  14. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    You know me better than that, don'tcha? ;)
  15. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    You're right guys, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight anymore. I'll admit that Squigly is 14 and a corpse and dead and gross and has a hole in her back and etc. There's no getting anything past you, it seems. :/ Please accept this as my condolences.
  16. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Artistic license, maybe? All the messed-up stuff in the SG universe, and the thing that grosses you out is Squigly, not the girl with the nails in her skin, or the girl who detaches her limbs and sprays blood everywhere, or the eldrich monster -- all of whom also have sexualized depictions of...
  17. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    You can never go wrong with a little(?) Squigglebooty, haha
  18. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Hello Dralith, and thank you for your feedback and support! Though your idea is interesting, it sounds like it'd be a technical nightmare to implement, especially across several different character routes. If it's any consolation, the player IS given options on how they want to interact with...
  19. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    @Crazyzooka I looked at all your edits, and after showing them to RPG and asking him if it would be alright, we've both decided that yours would be what we'll use for the game. Thanks so much to the both of you!
  20. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    UPDATE: The amazing and talented @RPG has stepped in and made the edits for us. Thanks buddy!