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  1. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Another request to all my wonderful, artistically-inclined friends: I just made a bunch of sprites of Lev-less Squigly by cropping the pigtail from this picture onto her normal sprites. This is the result: As you see, I don't know how to change the color to match the rest of her hair, or how...
  2. LockjawsSaga

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Oh hey, so long as we're sharing some Squigglebooty: And in motion!
  3. LockjawsSaga

    Squigly Discussion Thread

    Yeah but it's Valentine, you have to consider that she's just generally a condescending bitch to everybody. I would say that at most Squigly just smells mildly of soil and/or wood, not the freshest one could smell, but certainly not that unpleasant.
  4. LockjawsSaga

    Squigly Discussion Thread

    I don't feel like typing out a whole bunch of explanation so I'll just leave my thoughts on that here.
  5. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    If someone wants to write for them.
  6. LockjawsSaga

    Squigly Discussion Thread

    Could it be that there's ANOTHER Squigly dating sim in the works? :O Lol, if only... That model is really cute and convincing, but the bosom is a bit too bountiful to pass as Squigly's IMO.
  7. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    I've finished reworking all the script and assets for the upscale, the only thing I didn't get around to was the fights. Man, rescaling all those attack animations is gonna be a real treat. :/ Here are some more screencaps to give a better idea of the new res:
  8. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Right then, 1280 x 720 it is. Hopefully it won't take too long to re-edit the sprites and adjust the script accordingly. I might even release it as an update when finished. Also, amazing job on that title screen art, Crazyzooka! Would you be able to upscale it to fit the new res, and also make...
  9. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    I have a very important question for everyone: would you like to see the game's resolution brought up to 1280 x 720? Not only will this show more of the bgs and of characters' sprites, but it will make it much easier to show two characters onscreen at one time (also it will remove the black bars...
  10. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Also, I just did a test and yes, it's very possible to have a slide show during the title screen. If that's the approach you want to take then go for it!
  11. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    800 x 600, but keep in mind the dimensions of the menu in the bottom right corner. I'd prefer if nothing gets obscured.
  12. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Something with the Skullgirls logo but reading "Skulldate" and a bit more romantic-looking without changing it too much. Basically, the same as what's there now, just a bit more refined.
  13. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Funny you should bring that up, clawmaster, as I actually just went and changed a couple things about the UI. I fixed up the menu a bit, and also renamed the buttons at the bottom screen to "Fast Fwd", "Skip Fwd" "and Auto Fwd", so it's clearer what they actually do. I never used them before due...
  14. LockjawsSaga

    Squigly Discussion Thread

    One thing that kinda bugs me is when people make a distinction between alive and dead Squigly by referring to alive Squigly exclusively as "Sienna". Squigly doesn't stop being "Sienna" after she dies. Squigly IS Sienna, and Sienna IS Squigly. I guess some of that confusion can be attributed to...
  15. LockjawsSaga

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    Don't forget we have to work on Skulldate, Mc.Rad. Helping out with SSgRPG in any way is great, but we still have priorities.
  16. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Minor updates to the battle engine: "Defend" and "Rally" have respective arrow animations. Healing moves now ignore defense, so the basic heal is guaranteed to heal every character for at least 100 HP, even if they've defended on that turn. I also want to mention: if a character's status...
  17. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    I hate to agree, but I'd rather see the money system go too. Like Funky's said, it seems really arbitrary, and the bones counter is a bit intrusive if anything. I thought about it, but the only thing I'd come up with so far is to have Squigly's "nickname" carry over into a second playthrough...
  18. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    To anyone/everyone looking to do art for Skulldate, I have an assignment for you: I would like you to make a sprite we can use for a Medici member. I just need a generic mafia-looking guy in a suit and holding a knife, with a transparent BG and preferably no larger than 450x750. The closer you...
  19. LockjawsSaga

    Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

    Well they didn't technically mention Skulldate by name or anything, they just said, if someone had the resources, that they would like to see a dating sim of Skullgirls made. It's very evident they weren't taking the idea seriously, though. I wonder if anyone does.
  20. LockjawsSaga

    Squigly Discussion Thread

    That's the most you took away from that picture? Well okay... Anyway, today I was randomly looking up Smash Bros stuff and I actually found out that Lauren Landa actually voices FemRobin! Listen for yourself! After discovering this, I couldn't stop myself from getting this ridiculous mental...