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Search results

  1. Rikers


    George confirmed for playable character in Skullgirls 3.
  2. Rikers


    George eggs at throw.
  3. Rikers

    USA [Sep 14 , 2013} Skullgirls Tournament at Super Arcade

    Thanks man and it'd be pretty interesting to see another rushdown pcock around Yeah its kinda laggy
  4. Rikers

    USA [Sep 14 , 2013} Skullgirls Tournament at Super Arcade

    It was pretty fun, yeah. I went back to watch the stream and man, mike and render's commentary was hilarious lol
  5. Rikers

    USA [Sep 14 , 2013} Skullgirls Tournament at Super Arcade

    Yayyy longer matches to get bodied some more c:
  6. Rikers

    USA [Dec 8, 2017] SALTY! Friday Weeklies @ Game Realms (Burbank, CA)

    Yeah Viro got 3rd and I got 5th D: ..I think, anyway.
  7. Rikers

    * Tournament is over!* The 240p+ Poverty Stream Presents: 240pBATS

    Eh sure I'll join Rikers Steam- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032581452/ Region- North 'merica West Coast So Cal
  8. Rikers

    Steam Cards Trading Post

    [H] Bella [W] Any SG cards except Peacock, Val, Painwheel and Fortune
  9. Rikers

    Steam Cards Trading Post

    XthAtGAm3RGuYX-I'll take Marie for a Val then
  10. Rikers


    Order a loyal crony to cook up some grub probably a terrible idea Do it anyway
  11. Rikers

    USA [Sep 14 , 2013} Skullgirls Tournament at Super Arcade

    Oh HELL yes I am so down to play P4A and GG! What's that game in the middle anyway?