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Search results

  1. Smarts

    Dude, that's a sick avatar! I know what it is referencing, but there is some serious maskception...

    Dude, that's a sick avatar! I know what it is referencing, but there is some serious maskception going on there.
  2. Smarts

    "I DID IT" Gaming achievements/goals/triumphs

    Not really impressive achievements, but ones I am proud of. Completed classic mode on very hard as Ganondorf on Smash Bros Brawl. Went in with three lives. I was never a good Ganondorf player because I always played a speed character, so this was quite the challenge. I played very carefully and...
  3. Smarts

    "Nerd hunting"

    One reason why I stay inside. Too many crazies outside.
  4. Smarts

    If you could travel back in time and talk to anyone...

    I'd travel back in time to the time where I am about to travel back in time just to let my past-present self know what I did with this opportunity.
  5. Smarts

    Why do I exist?

    To enjoy life while you still can. You only get one ride, so make the most of it.
  6. Smarts

    Report Skullgirls @ Anime Expo 2014 - Eliza, Beowulf and Robo-Fortune information revealed!

    "Wolfamania's running wild" :PUN: I want to high-five that guy!
  7. Smarts

    Tattoo Assassins Thread

    The first thing I see is some bald old guy in a diaper, holding a bong. I don't know what the gameplay looks like and I don't really care anymore. I'll take ten copies just for said reason above.
  8. Smarts

    Fighters of your past

    I played some fighting games in my youngster life, and I sucked at every one of them. Awful doesn't even begin to describe how much I sucked at fighting games. I don't think typing up my entire fighting game experience is necessary and it would just be boring. I'll just talk a bit about my first...
  9. Smarts

    Mighty No. 9

    And this is why Pharaoh Man is and will always be the best robot master.
  10. Smarts


    I have played from gen 1-6, but never got into competitive playing. Mainly because it is too much work. You see, I play on my handhelds, not on emulators. So, trying to find my team of six, breeding them until I get the right nature and IVs, and carefully placing my EVs in specific stats is just...
  11. Smarts

    ShaqFu: A Legend Reborn

    I do believe something is terribly wrong with those people.
  12. Smarts

    Video Game Characters You HATE

    Oh boy, this is way too easy. Let the ranting begin. Kuma, Panda, Roger, and Alex from Tekken - Just why? It is way too stupid for me to comprehend. You have humans, robots, angels, devils, and ancient creatures. You could say that too is pretty dumb, but at least they can be cool. Plain old...
  13. Smarts

    Let's Buy Stuff from Capcom!

    Stop giving the mouse power! He has already created the ultimate Spirit Bomb from all the energy he received. No need to make that bomb bigger. Think about the Capcomonites! I don't know though. I mean, there is the obvious answer of Megaman going to Nintendo. Oh, here is one. I'm not sure of...
  14. Smarts

    The Game Gift Thread

    I can buy that for you. If that's okay? Sorry for the doublepost, folks.
  15. Smarts

    The Game Gift Thread

    Which kind of sucks. I sometimes want to be the mysterious guy who just leaves a present and disappears into the night, never to be seen.
  16. Smarts

    Your spirit animal

    I am quite lazy, so I believe the almighty sloth is my spirit animal.
  17. Smarts

    The Game Gift Thread

    I'll consider doing it. I rarely buy games for my friends because of money issues, but it is an enjoyable experience whenever I can do it.
  18. Smarts

    MikeZ Girls!

    I can't believe I am doing another one of these. What am I doing with my life?
  19. Smarts

    The Thread of Souls. A Soul Calibur Thread

    I only played 3 and 5. SC3 is an instant classic in my opinion. It was the first fighting game I played where the characters used actual weapons to fight. It was new to me, but damn enjoyable. There was a nice selection of characters to choose from, some very pretty stages, and nice music that...
  20. Smarts

    This weird-ass game controller

    It looks like if Dr. Frankenstein gave up on creating his monster and decided to work on game controllers instead.