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Search results

  1. FilliaFeind

    Fortune Technology: Resets, Mixups, etc.

    ShUt Up AbOuT My WaIfU.
  2. FilliaFeind

    Report Eliza Officially Released on XBLA/PSN/Steam!

    00ps I meant I want it on xbox 360 NOW. my p0st got deeleeted
  3. FilliaFeind


  4. FilliaFeind

    Totally fanboyingfor Eliza.

    Totally fanboyingfor Eliza.
  5. FilliaFeind

    Eliza Beta Combo Thread

    Wow, I would of never thought.
  6. FilliaFeind

    Moving to another account 0u0

    Moving to another account 0u0
  7. FilliaFeind

    I've never seen an Eliza, have you ever seen an Eliza?

    I've never seen an Eliza, have you ever seen an Eliza?
  8. FilliaFeind

    What's your favorite animation in Skullgirls?

  9. FilliaFeind

    Report Eliza Now Entering Console Certification, PSN Avatars on the Way

    Is Eliza free for the first three months, like with Squigly and Big Band?
  10. FilliaFeind

    Report Eliza Now Entering Console Certification, PSN Avatars on the Way

    Eliza better be getting quite the Lewd combo animation, lab Zero did a good job with Valentine's. :PUN:
  11. FilliaFeind

    Squigly General: Art of the Daisy Pusher

    Squigly is booty sauce. lel.
  12. FilliaFeind

    What are some of the more "creative" names you've seen when playing SG online?

    Would totally Solo-Fukua his ass for Ghits and Shiggles.
  13. FilliaFeind

    What are some of the more "creative" names you've seen when playing SG online?

    "I banged Fukua" That's what I saw little mates.
  14. FilliaFeind

    Report Inside Look at the Creation of Eliza's Stage

    Thank you, now let me go and die of embarrassment Mod.
  15. FilliaFeind

    Report Update: Alex Ahad's Art Books Now on Sale

    Far too long have I spent getting papercuts. now the hand lotion protects me.
  16. FilliaFeind

    Report Inside Look at the Creation of Eliza's Stage

    I see that Eliza statue there, maybe it could be a hint to her importance? Y'know.. Pharaohs and all.
  17. FilliaFeind

    What brings you back to SG?

    For the chance of seeing Valentine's lewd combo. Nah, I like the game for the actual design, mechanics. it reminds me of when I played my first fighting game. Tekken back in 2002.
  18. FilliaFeind

    Report Update: Alex Ahad's Art Books Now on Sale

    OHOHOO~ GLAD I ORDERED IT BEFORE IT WENT. *Stares intently at book next to hand lotion* :PUN::PUN::PUN: