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Search results

  1. Façade

    IAD: Impulsive Air-dash Disorder

    Just got back from XenoEncore. For being my first local, I didn't do too bad. I also met a lot of cool people and saw a lot of great matches. Now that I got a feel of Peacock's zoning pattern and performed both her midscreen and corner bnbs, I'm wondering what sort of good resets Peacock has.
  2. Façade

    [Jul 23, 2016] XenoEncore 2! Skullgirls, Uniel, SF5 (New York, NY)

    I'm at XenoZero rn and it's not open. Did the event change location? Edit: never mind they're opening.
  3. Façade

    USA [Dec 8, 2017] SALTY! Friday Weeklies @ Game Realms (Burbank, CA)

    Is the event being streamed or not?
  4. Façade

    IAD: Impulsive Air-dash Disorder

    I'm currently deciding to learn Peacock more in order to better understand how to beat her. So far I've gotten some feel of her specials and strings and basic combos, but I'm looking to learn her resets and zoning patterns/neutral. I'm also looking to know where she "best" fits on a team. I'm...
  5. Façade

    IAD: Impulsive Air-dash Disorder

    Between having to cut time due to Summer semester, building my first custom PC, and planning on going to XenoEncore2 and DTN, it's been a looooong while since I've last posted. I've been making subtle improvements in my game plan lately, but one thing that really bothers me is occasionally...
  6. Façade

    Audio Skullgirls VA Cast

    Also, shouldn't the OP be updated?
  7. Façade

    [Jul 29, 2016] Defend The North 2016 (White Plains, NY)

    Ok quick question. I finally made the decision and signed up for DTN. What sort of proof of payment do I need to show? I got an email from PayPal showing the receipt of the payment. If I print it out and show it at registration, is that accepted?
  8. Façade

    IAD: Impulsive Air-dash Disorder

    Right now, I'm looking to learn Double some more since I only use her on occasion and I stopped using her regularly for about 6 months. I'm aware of some of her combos, but I'm looking to learn her approach tools + resets more in-depth. Also, I'm developing a problem where in my mind I'm...
  9. Façade

    IAD: Impulsive Air-dash Disorder

    I'll try these resets in the lab later, since right now I'm on campus. I got another question regarding transitioning into Headless Fortune. Say I got my opponent in a corner combo as Head on Fortune and I want to go into Headless to apply more pressure. After I pass Stage 3, I do c.MP, s.MK...
  10. Façade

    IAD: Impulsive Air-dash Disorder

    Been a while since I last updated. So recently I decided to change the controller I use. I went from a standard DS3 to a Rock Candy DS3. Shoutouts to LightningSaberFlash for recommending this to me...
  11. Façade

    Skullgirls: Get GR8 (NA) with N and Three Dog

    For trying to learn a new character plus having to get used to a new controller, things didn't go half bad for me. I hope to play next week and not randomly jump when I don't want to. note: during the first game you might notice that I was doing j.LP from full screen, the reason for that being...
  12. Façade

    [Jul 29, 2016] Defend The North 2016 (White Plains, NY)

    I kinda want to go to the event since I live relatively near the area, but I've never been to a major before. I'm not sure what the experience would be like.
  13. Façade

    IAD: Impulsive Air-dash Disorder

    Since I'm currently in the middle of Summer classes, I won't be playing as much Skullgirls as I hoped. Anyway here are my Get GR8 matches from 6/4. Shoutouts to Joshb for channeling his inner Crank and forgetting to remove the overlay for the first match. Please note that I dropped a fuckton of...
  14. Façade

    Skullgirls: Get GR8 (NA) with N and Three Dog

    Sorry for my awful performance this week guys. I would say I'll get better, but with Summer classes coming soon, I probably won't have much time to practice for the next few months.
  15. Façade

    Steam - Windows Cannot view other player's avatars

    The avatar isn't supposed to be black. I haven't had this problem until recently. I can't see my own avatar nor can I see anyone else's. Again my specs are: Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200 CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X2 521 Processor RAM: 4 GB
  16. Façade

    Character models are a bit static-y

    I think this is a driver issue. I've recently installed some drivers for my (PoS) PC. If it is a driver issue, what can I do to revert this? My Specs: Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200 CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X2 521 Processor RAM: 4 GB
  17. Façade

    Steam - Windows PC Master Race a.k.a. the Steam Matchmaking thread

    Skullheart User Name: Façade Steam Community ID Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075555478 Region: North America (East Coast) ; New York, NY Main Character(s)/Team(s): Fortune/Filia/Bella (main), Parasoul/Filia/Bella (Practice) Skill Level: Intermediate