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  1. Purple_Peahen


    I loved the new update and the slosher n' clothes n' straw hat n' stuff Then I saw what changes were made to Arowana Mall + Moray Towers And now I hate this new update ;~; I nicknamed this update the, "Screw you, camping snipers update."
  2. Purple_Peahen

    General Beginner Q&A Thread!

    Uh... question! Ish. It would be nice to have an explanation of Pushblock-guard cancelling, like when it's supposed to be done and how useful it is anyway. I've heard that they're pretty difficult to pull-off. I was chilling in the training room the other day, but as expected, I couldn't do...
  3. Purple_Peahen

    The Beginner Match Finder Thread!

    PSN ID (Only have SG on this): Purple_Peahen Location: Canada East, I guess. Timezone: EST. I generally play around 6 PM ish, but it's summer vacation right now, I play randomly. "Skill level": Er, I'm still a beginner. I've had SG for about a year, so I've had experience. If sending me a...
  4. Purple_Peahen

    Music general discussion thread

    I so badly wanted to see somebody with the same taste of music as me and be like, "I'M NOT ALONE!!" But nah. Nobody else listens to video game music. And music from video games only. OnO;
  5. Purple_Peahen


    Yes, I know what Bubbler is, but I'm thinking that a lot of the "New Inkbrush" users will use the Bubbler as a shield, and charge right to the enemy, which is a mistake. They'll get pushed back and just stand there, swinging wildly and hitting nothing. Hopefully the New Inkbrush will teach...
  6. Purple_Peahen

    Which character fits with you?

    I think I'm most like Marie, with a little bit of Squigly / Leviathan thrown in. Friends have told me I have a monotone-like voice, and I do speak in a "posh manner" (as quoted), but I can't resist throwing out a little diss now and then.
  7. Purple_Peahen


    Inkbrush New..? What an odd name. I'm curious to see how well Ink Mines work with an Inkbrush, and I doubt the bubbler will be helpful to the brush. :P And Marshmellows. Marshmellows allll the way.
  8. Purple_Peahen


    As for Urchin Underpass and it's "maintenance", I've heard that the trees near spawn are being moved to the middle of the map. .-. I don't know why, there was no reasoning behind it, but yeah. Also, of you manage to push back the opposing team to their territory, it's easy to keep killing them...
  9. Purple_Peahen

    General Beginner Q&A Thread!

    (Hm, so my description of a BnB was really different....) Thank you both~! I understand now, time to go visit the training room again. n_n;
  10. Purple_Peahen

    General Beginner Q&A Thread!

    I have yet to read the Beginner's guide, but there's so much to go through and I might forget about this question so... What is a BnB? I have a vauge idea, but I'd rather have someone tell me the right definition. And is there some way where I could find out if (example) Squigly's Arpeggio is...
  11. Purple_Peahen


    Hi. I'm new, so you can check out my introduction in the Beginner thread! So, a Splatoon thread. Cool! I'm a level 20, rank NOT B BECAUSE CONNECTION ERRORS and my choice of weapons are anything that has good range. I'm best with Chargers (and Gold Dynamo Rollers). And I'm not like most...
  12. Purple_Peahen

    Heya! It's nice to meet you all! ^_^

    Heya! It's nice to meet you all! ^_^
  13. Purple_Peahen

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! My name is Purple_Peahen, and er... hi. Feel free to call me ANYTHING but Turkey. Please. .-. All that aside, I'm a 15 year old girl who plays Skullgirls. I was first introduced to SG a while ago, on the PS3, and I fell in LOVE with it. Skullgirls is the first fighting game I played and...