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Search results

  1. Slap

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    Orton's always great. Am I the only person not really excited for this ladder match?
  2. Slap

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    Pretty predictable card though for Fastlane.
  3. Slap

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    Damn. How bad does it gotta be that you've got THE ROCK coming out to put you over and you still get booed?
  4. Slap

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    Just start watching, best way to get into wrasslin'. sufferin' succotash
  5. Slap

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    Yeah.. Idk who's writing his promos because they've been really bad lately. Rumor also is the rock is in philly, so something interesting might happen.
  6. Slap

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    I just realized I haven't looked at League in like a few years. Man.
  7. Slap

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    Man, are you guys excited to see Roman win the Royal Rumble? I'm not.
  8. Slap

    Steam - Windows PC Danisen League

    Steam ID: derslap[free] Character(s): Parasoul
  9. Slap

    ayy rip

    ayy rip
  10. Slap

    rip b0nk

    rip b0nk
  11. Slap

    The 'git gud' Struggle: An attempt to learn how to punch games.

    Played a bunch of games today in lieu of studying for finals. Mistakes potentially were made? Played games with @gllt ; @Veritas and @ElkyDori I guess. I don't know if they're in the video or not. trigger warning: poor taste in music
  12. Slap

    The 'git gud' Struggle: An attempt to learn how to punch games.

    Cool Stuff! I want to apologize for having been not able to update for the last month or so, classwork has hit my like 20 freight trains and as such I've had my head down mostly. That said, I should be uploading a set by this morning. Woo. Uploaded. Rip into it.
  13. Slap

    wow rip you

    wow rip you
  14. Slap

    How to Psyche Yourself into Being Better

    hey good post mr man
  15. Slap

    The 'git gud' Struggle: An attempt to learn how to punch games.

    lmao pls have mercy Yeah, I'm down. Quick note I won't be super available until Sunday at the soonest because I'm being sucked into a hurt-vortex of work.
  16. Slap

    giveaway over - THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES

    wow someone fix this giveaway so i can win something