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  1. Light-Triforce

    The Skullheart Birthday Thread - Celebrate Yours Here!

    My Birthday is on the 23rd of March next week. ^^
  2. Light-Triforce

    Any fans of the Neverhood?

    Well for those who don't know. Doug Tenaple had a kickstarter making a spirtial successor to the Neverhood called Armikrog. It's already funded and it is coming to both PC & Wii U.
  3. Light-Triforce

    Any fans of the Neverhood?

    I actually still have a copy of Skullmonkeys. And it is still good for it's difficulty lol
  4. Light-Triforce


    Maybe, I could start off on trying out Kreig the Psycho since I also got the GotY edition of Borderlands 2.
  5. Light-Triforce


    Is there an easier way to level up more quickly then just missions? I mean I have a relic that gives me an extra 5.8% EXP.
  6. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    I'd main the shit outta Shrek. lol
  7. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    Yeah I'd go if the Pokemon trailer is represented as a Gen VI with Chespin, Braixen, and Greninja.
  8. Light-Triforce


    Well I got a copy of the GOTY edition for an early B-day gift and just finished the regular campaign. I'm doing Captain Scarlet and her Pirates booty campaign. I'm now at lvl.30 with Maya.
  9. Light-Triforce


    Well I renewed my PS Plus Subscription and have been playing Borderlands 2. I can say it's pretty awesome. Also...
  10. Light-Triforce

    Salty Updates 7 Mar 2014

    Ok just wanted to be sure. :)
  11. Light-Triforce

    Salty Updates 7 Mar 2014

    So does this mean Big Band will be coming out onto console on Tuesday?
  12. Light-Triforce

    Delete thread please.

  13. Light-Triforce

    ShaqFu: A Legend Reborn

    Well this was an awkward way of hearing some news today. ._.
  14. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    Wait, Japan hasn't got Yoshi's New Island yet? That doesn't sound right.
  15. Light-Triforce

    Your first fighting game. GO!

    Oh yeah... :)
  16. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    It's not like we knew that in Brawl. Even though it was rendered useless.
  17. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    There's Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, LoZ: Wind Waker HD, Wonderful 101, and Sonic Lost World. There's some games. But I would also get it due to Earthbound finally got ported to the virtual console for it.
  18. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    I hear there is still a huge scene with Project M. They are still working on five other characters for the clone engine.
  19. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    You forgot K.Rool. lol
  20. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    Peppy Hare.