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  1. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    I have no idea. But a lot say that she's the reason why the Star Fox series went meh.
  2. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    If I recall, most of the Star Fox fanbase actually hate Krystal. I didn't find Star Fox Adventures ( Dinosaur Planet ) bad, but I don't think that's the reason why it's the reason why the Star Fox series went to pretty much meh. I did enjoyed Star Fox Assault.
  3. Light-Triforce


    I've been needing to find a science FPS game for some time now. Because Irrational Games ( the people that made Bioshock and Systemshock ) is shutting down. I know that Borderlands 2 is on PS Plus for free. So I know I will be renewing my sub for to play it. So when I do, what class character...
  4. Light-Triforce

    The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

    Wow didn't expect to know that. lol
  5. Light-Triforce

    Idea for a Valentine buff.

    If you're wanting to give Valentine a buff, then give her an extra air dash. lol
  6. Light-Triforce

    Tekken Thread? Sure, Why Not.

    I've been playing any Tekken at the arcades, restaurants, and theaters since I around 8. So I am sort of a Tekken veteran. But I only played it for the enjoyment.
  7. Light-Triforce

    Any fans of the Neverhood?

    Anyone remember this little PC gem? It's been one of my personal favorite video games for PC. Espeically when I loved it for the claymation and it's witty humor. It also had a really good soundtrack done by Terry S Taylor. Here's a good one for example.
  8. Light-Triforce

    Thrill Kill

    I think that's why some are complaining how horror themed games aren't "scary" nowadays. Because they gotten use to it so much it's not even scary to begin with. lol
  9. Light-Triforce

    Thrill Kill

    Oh yeah I remember this game. It's kind of ironic now due to EA publishes the Dead Space series. The only game series I gave a care that was from EA. I actually would like to see this game somehow magically get onto the PS Store.
  10. Light-Triforce

    What are you doing to sell SkullGirls to your friends?

    I got one friend of mine to get it. Mostly due to some of the pics of Valentine I have made during when Skullgirls was freshly out. lol
  11. Light-Triforce

    Skullgirls Original / Fan Character Thread

    This was just a simple moveset I came up for Dalton.
  12. Light-Triforce

    Skullgirls Original / Fan Character Thread

    Well some were curious about my OC so here is Dalton. Bio: Other Details: That's all I got for right now.
  13. Light-Triforce

    Skullgirls Original / Fan Character Thread

    I actually have this OC I have made. But I sort of think he's sort of meh.
  14. Light-Triforce

    What's your favorite animation in Skullgirls?

    That expression kills me every time. lol
  15. Light-Triforce

    Video Game Characters You HATE

    If I made an entire list of the characters I hate and reasons why. There would be a large wall of text.
  16. Light-Triforce

    Introduce Yourself!

    Ok I will a little nervous about joining the forums a few days ago. So yeah the name's Light-Triforce, I usually draw and stuff. I caught interest in Skullgirls when I saw the trailer of Peacock and thought the game looked really promising of being really fun to play. MvC3 did not give in to...