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Search results

  1. NutellaCrepes

    Audio Skullgirls Voice Actresses Playing the Game

    Me too. I'd really like to hear "My pants feel tight." and "Am I ruining your boner?"
  2. NutellaCrepes

    What is your main team? Why?

    I like to play as either solo Fortune/solo Parasoul. I would use them as a team, but I want to learn how to use assists effectively and that kind of stuff so I switch between them.
  3. NutellaCrepes

    Audio Skullgirls Voice Actresses Playing the Game

    If I am correct, we will be getting a Drunk Announcer dlc pack. And Skullfaced is almost over that makes me sad
  4. NutellaCrepes

    The Skullheart Birthday Thread - Celebrate Yours Here!

    Today's my birthday! I'm now 14!
  5. NutellaCrepes

    Lot of happy little fanarts, coz fanarts need friends too.

    These are really cute and cool, and I second everyone else, you should try to make these stickers!
  6. NutellaCrepes

    The Skullheart Homestuck Thread

    Two of my friends are caught up, I don't really know the status of my other friends. I'm currently on Act 6 Act 3.
  7. NutellaCrepes

    The Skullheart Homestuck Thread

    I seriously need to catch up/get back into Homestuck. Skullgirls has slowly pulled me away from it.
  8. NutellaCrepes

    The Misadventures of Peacock!

    Minette don't take shit from no one.
  9. NutellaCrepes

    Official Valley Girl Painwheel Thread

    How is it that I don't have ideas for this? I have surprised/disappointed myself.
  10. NutellaCrepes


    Ultimately decide that the mix is good enough and start mixing.
  11. NutellaCrepes

    Skullgirls Stage & Background Discussion

    I'll join ya'll in saying that Maplecrest is one of my favorite stages. My 3 favorites would probably be Maplecrest, New Meridian Rooftops and probably Streets of New Meridian.
  12. NutellaCrepes

    What's your favorite animation in Skullgirls?

    It's so hard to decide on a favorite animation... For now I'm gonna say everything Peacock and Squigly's outtake.
  13. NutellaCrepes

    Can we just line up some casual fights?

    To add a friend, you go the the person you want to add's page, and somewhere there will be a "send friend request button" of sorts. Once you've sent the request, just wait for them to accept, and then you've added a friend! Hopefully this helps. Gilt, I'm gonna add you in a bit, just gotta do...
  14. NutellaCrepes

    Can we just line up some casual fights?

    I don't usually play during the week due to school, but I'm more or less free on the weekends. I have next Monday too. I'll be willing to play whenever I'm online. But be warned: I suck very badly.
  15. NutellaCrepes

    Bo's doodle adventures

    I followed you on tumblr after I saw some au stuff of yours that was posted in the General Art Discussion thread. I think your art is very nice and cute and I love your human Taranis and Beezle Bomb designs! I would like to come up with my own designs for parasites and such but I'm not good with...
  16. NutellaCrepes

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I saw George and Lenny valentines on tumblr, too lazy to get them right now EDIT: Here they are. (source)
  17. NutellaCrepes


    I loves me some Warioware. Specifically Smooth Moves. Also have fart physics.
  18. NutellaCrepes

    Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

    Some one needs to make a Bravoman palette for Fortune. I would do it but I don't know how. I would pay for that. This needs to be a thing.
  19. NutellaCrepes

    The canon info thread - what we know

    ohmygodthereareotherpeopleherethatknowaboutbravoman????? It was the first thing that came to mind when I read that.
  20. NutellaCrepes

    Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

    One of them is Finn/Fionna and another kinda looks like Squigly.