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Search results

  1. NutellaCrepes

    The canon info thread - what we know

    (On an off-topic note)
  2. NutellaCrepes


    How shameful... She's ruining her good reputation. (Awesome job btw)
  3. NutellaCrepes

    Official Anime Peacock voice pack thread!

    "Sit!" should be incorporated somehow. Just a random idea. (It's an Inuyasha reference to those who don't know)
  4. NutellaCrepes

    Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

    I saw it on Tumblr! But imma let other people guess.
  5. NutellaCrepes

    Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

    Does anyone know of a good Squigly template? I just got an idea.
  6. NutellaCrepes

    My favorite thing about Valentine? Her capacity for...

    This is some of the best I've seen out of the Nigel meme. Well done. *applauds furiously*
  7. NutellaCrepes

    STEAMY GOODNESS: talk about games on steam

    I really only have Steam for Skullgirls, but Torchlight II has a free weekend thing going on, so I got it cuz why not. Turns out it's one of those open-world RPGs, which I like. I don't have anything else other than those two games orz
  8. NutellaCrepes

    The Misadventures of Peacock!

    This is pretty good! I'd really like to see more of it.
  9. NutellaCrepes

    JigglePhysicist's NSFW Sprite Re-Drawings

    I remember scrolling through the Skullgirls tag and seeing a couple with Cerebella. I don't know how to feel about these.
  10. NutellaCrepes

    Introduce Yourself!

    I want to learn the violin. All music sounds cooler when it's on a violin.
  11. NutellaCrepes

    [3DS]Friend Codes & Info

    I've added everyone up to JSlip. I'll add everyone else later.
  12. NutellaCrepes

    Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

  13. NutellaCrepes

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    DID YOU MEAN: (from ask-peacock-pie.tumblr.com)
  14. NutellaCrepes

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    A Squigly sketch for yas. (This is first actual time drawing her, wow, huh)
  15. NutellaCrepes

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I drew a Parasoul with mah new tablet enjoy
  16. NutellaCrepes

    Official Anime Peacock voice pack thread!

    Loss: I never liked you... b-baka..... (Please forgive me, that was the only good sounding idea I had)
  17. NutellaCrepes

    Official Anime Peacock voice pack thread!

    The only thing I can come up with right now is something along the lines of "baka", probably in one of her taunts. I'm not very good with ideas...
  18. NutellaCrepes

    Yu-Wan's Diner, AKA The Skullheart Lounge/Off-Topic Thread

    So this is just a random chat topic? Coolz.
  19. NutellaCrepes

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I just saw that comic on tumblr a while ago, lol And if you don't think that this is the cutest thing ever then I don't know what's wrong with you. Source
  20. NutellaCrepes

    [3DS]Friend Codes & Info

    Gonna add everyone. lots of friends yay