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Search results

  1. Todpole

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    I made a list of all the moves for the party and weapons and armor that were already in the game. Also as a heads up, RPG Maker MV doesn't use scripts, but plugin's we might need to find to make the game how we want it to look. And we might have to redo the sprites as the are a bit bigger than...
  2. Todpole

    Personal Sinclairs SG Art dump (NSFW??)

    I voted for Carol.
  3. Todpole

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    For anyone who's interested in writing the story for this game I have a suggestion for the opening. Instead of Filia waking on a beach, we play as Marie in the middle of No-mans land just looking for help. There be no music, just the sound of wind in the background. And no NPC so we get the...
  4. Todpole

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    Wait. He was planning on killing of Minette? Why? What purpose would that serve? Nadia already hates the Medcici's so I don't see the point. And you got a point on Filia, maybe if she met a few more people besides Squigly like Carol, Peacock, Nadia and Cerbella that give her the idea that this...
  5. Todpole

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    Do you have a program to extract files from a RAR file?
  6. Todpole

    I want to illustrate YOUR fanfiction!

    I made a fan ending for Skullgirls. Maybe you can make some pictures from that. Like the part where Parasoul is crying into Adam shoulders because of what happen or Umbrella meeting her "Mother" or Carol all clearned up and wearing a new dress or even her, Filia and Squigly are sleeping...
  7. Todpole

    Personal Sparties's Shit

    That's one of the best swimsuit Parasoul's I've seen. Sure, she's sexy but she's being sexy without even trying.
  8. Todpole

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    Well, If we ever start working on this again, yet me know. This is a collab I'm interested in.
  9. Todpole

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    What would you do better? Personally, I leave the battle system as it is but I'll put Eliza much later in the story. Maybe after Marie. And I'll make Umbrella playable(And maybe Marie depening on where the story is going.).
  10. Todpole

    Project Super Skullgirls RPG

    Good news. I got RPG maker now. If we're still working on this I can now help out to my fullest.
  11. Todpole


    Thanks. I wanted to have an ending where, yes something good happened but there were consqeunces to it. I might add some prequel chapters later. also here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11961213/1/Skullgirls-End-of-Bloody-Marie
  12. Todpole


    A fan made ending I've been working for a while. I wanted to post it here first and get your guys opinion before I post it on Fanfiction. There you go. And the reason I didn't write an ending for Ms.Fortune because it'll be the same as the game's ending for her.
  13. Todpole

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    By Kuroirozuki Marie: Oh, Patrica. You made me so happy. Peacock: How did I get here?
  14. Todpole

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I think it is Alucard
  15. Todpole

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    And the day after that, the hat was robbed the next night.
  16. Todpole

    Personal Drawing skullgirls is a metaphor

    I can think of a few episodes. Like Peacock going on a rampage to find a boyfriend or the girls are in a fancy party and chaotic fun ensures.
  17. Todpole

    Goofy Doodles

    New headcanon. Nadia's the teams cook.
  18. Todpole

    Personal vamp's art thread

    Valentine: Squigly, why do I always get your crazy fan mail? Squily: It was Carol's idea. Valentine: I should've guessed.
  19. Todpole

    Who are your favorite villains?

    Where to start. There's Double who's one of the few characters that I have complete hated towards in a good way And there's Mutank from Tiny Tank. He was funny. And Dr.Fetus was great slapstick. King Sombra was my favorite from MLP Speaking MLP, I love Discord more if remained as scary as...
  20. Todpole

    Thanks for the like Mr Zealot

    Thanks for the like Mr Zealot