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  1. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Her IK is just a slightly more damaging divekick?
  2. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    You are goofy's kid, Jam is Roxanne.
  3. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    I guess Im the only person here that wants HOS in more than anyone else.
  4. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Fucking give me Shadow festival, get down to business, and Sheep will sleep. And awe of she, specifically from the guilty gear X Rocking in hell OST, you know the one.
  5. M

    Diamond In The Rough: Cerebella!

    So what you're saying is Cerebella is a pupiless monstar?
  6. M

    Diamond In The Rough: Cerebella!

    Why does Cerebella have to be so needlessly douchy?
  7. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Daisuke is one of the few Japanese ass men on Earth so for revelator Jam's ass is 3 times as big. Got them Squigly curves you know what Im sayin?
  8. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Wont make it due to story relevance? Uhhh...Jam?
  9. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    When's ABA?
  10. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    I dont I like FRCs and how it rewards execution stronger pressure, stronger oki, moves being safe on block, etc.
  11. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    My brother died of terminal cancer. But seriously, what am I not getting? I generally curious as to what you mean.
  12. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Then explain the point to me. And explain it so that an 8 year old would understand.
  13. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    That still doesnt make sense to me. If anything I see less say they're big fans of Guilty Gear and more people saying they're big fans of... whatever anime fighter is the flavor of the month.
  14. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    I enjoy GG, GGX Advanced edition was one of the first fighting games I ever played. I enjoy the characters, themes, the amount of content, and stages in GG. Best of all it feels great to play. Wish they kept FRCs though. Plus Im a total slut for Axl and Potemkin.
  15. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Wow the second filia drawing is really good.
  16. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Never She's forever lost in the dark corners of time.
  17. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I like the angle
  18. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    So Jam's back? So I have to deal with 6H and command dash again? Yaaay... God dammit, if I cant have HOS, then at least give me ABA
  19. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Nah mang, that grave belongs to someone with selfworth. Throw her into the incinerator.
  20. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    After that photo, I now think Filia would make for an awesome hooter's waitress.