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  1. M

    War changes occasionally, aka The Fallout Thread

    Pornhub has always been a reliable source for leaked videogame footage. ... Wait, what were you doing on pornhub to begin with? More importantly, how did you end up viewing leaked FO4 footage?
  2. M

    The Very Fortunate Ms. Fortune thread

    I think it's the same pants since she never bothers to change out of the two square feet of tank top. Another reason why I think she didnt change pants is because the camel toe with the ripped jeans is just as strong with the normal jeans.
  3. M

    Which character fits with you?

    It just means you're Double
  4. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    No, no, no you started it and you're gonna pass it off to someone else? Screw that you finish this nerd fight.
  5. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    That's not Squigly, her waist is way too small. She's a phoney, A BIG FAT PHONEY!
  6. M

    War changes occasionally, aka The Fallout Thread

    Just out of curiosity, does the steam version even have the bonus stuff like the manuals, artwork, fallout bible, n stuff with the purchase of the steam version?
  7. M

    Anime/Manga General Discussion

    Still infinitely better than naruto.
  8. M

    Street Fighter V

    Meh...still not Alex.
  9. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Technically he is and he isnt.
  10. M

    Guilty Gear Thread

    Just fucking give me Get Down to Business and Shadow festival already.
  11. M

    700 hours in, still don't feel attached to any particular characters

    This just means your main is random select.
  12. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    So what you're saying is, everybody's beautiful, but some are more beautiful than others?
  13. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    I think the right way to go about this is prejudice equality, where everybody's waifu gets shit (and if you dont have a waifu then your main.) So Cerebella, Stanley, Ms.Fortune, Filia, Annie, Valentine, Squigly, Beowulf, The Hurting, and every other character I didnt mention by are GUTTER TRASH.
  14. M

    General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

    Ms.Fortune would be horrible waitress she'll just hide her head under the lid. And jeeze I know you guys get salty when your waifu gets mocked but god damn these burns. So intense.
  15. M

    War changes occasionally, aka The Fallout Thread

    It's been a long time so I dont remember most but it had something with the "accepting" the tree and a slow proccess of his tree turning into roots and finally becoming a tree, he was also had multiple personality disorder I believe. Next thing you know he's asking you to kill him because the...
  16. M

    War changes occasionally, aka The Fallout Thread

    Mothership zeta was ridiculous even for FO3 and the main game had a sidequest of a man who turned into a talking tree. Im more likely to believe Mothership Zeta was joke DLC with the whole being captured by mars attack aliens helping people from different timelines
  17. M

    Dead or Alive

    Kuma is a cool joke character.
  18. M

    War changes occasionally, aka The Fallout Thread

    Wait are you saying that you expected a DLC where the protagonist gets abducted by cheesy/campy aliens and teams up with a cowboy, a mongol, and others to get out, to be cannon? OK OK OK I may be jumping the gun here. Did the developers say this was cannon?