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Search results

  1. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    Unless Val words it in a way to avoid Christmas becoming a Zombie servant, then yes. He wouldn't risk it
  2. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    I mean it's possible but also sorta unlikely I guess? At least not without some extreme back up controls.
  3. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    That's the part I'm asking about. She's definitely getting a control device on her but did BD put the skullheart in her too? I probably should have worded better.
  4. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    Where? I must have misread something.
  5. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    I'll eat a hat if we don't get a Alt ending Cerebella or Monster!Vitale rper, I'd follow that shit in a heartbeat.
  6. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    Currently none but a lot of people are talking about them
  7. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    Am I the only one who read Valentine's alt ending as her getting a Mind control device in her head?
  8. Undeadtoon

    Your own headcanon

    Can we just hire this man for BD's eventual/hypothetical story mode?
  9. Undeadtoon

    Still sugar high

    Still sugar high
  10. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    Is it bad that I misread a previous posters statement for the entire playable cast as the skullgirl, I read the Entire cast of skullgirls? Cause if so, I should probably seek professional help...
  11. Undeadtoon

    Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

    I admit I kinda wanna see Peacock's and Bella's. That AU potential....
  12. Undeadtoon

    Weird or Unusual headcanons

    I admit I prefer Somewhat weird cross of truly nice Cere and Cere who's basically been emotionally manipulated and arguably emotionally abused but that's my headcanon.
  13. Undeadtoon

    Skullgirls Lore Speculation

    I see Venus as basically a jerkass teenage female version of Hazama. As a god.
  14. Undeadtoon

    Any Psychonauts fans here?

    Yes. In his defense, Schafer mentioned it would cost a crapton of money.
  15. Undeadtoon

    Any Psychonauts fans here?

    My favorite scenes are probably: Or really any quote that involves the G-men
  16. Undeadtoon

    Any Psychonauts fans here?

    I admit my favorite level was Milkman Conspiracy. My favorite Villain was Doctor Loboto.
  17. Undeadtoon

    Any Psychonauts fans here?

    If memory serves me correct it was advertising fault or Microsoft. Ads kept running on kid channels when this wasn't a kid game and Microsoft dropped Doublefine when they wanted certain things that Schaeffer specifically said they (Doublefine) wouldn't do.