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  1. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    vi is a fun one
  2. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    vlad is one of the easiest champs it's hard to lose lane with him because of all his sustain and his pool he is very fun i love him
  3. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    the champs u need just so happen to be the strongest atm lol
  4. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    dam those ip boosts lol im free tonight if anyone wants me 2 add them maybe
  5. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    because yi is gg ez and it is fun to just click on one person and watch them dissapear and he is a beautiful nice man
  6. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    well it doesnt matter for yi since he isnt even goin on sale
  7. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    that yi and lucian tho
  8. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    wow i forgot how fun yi was and how cheesy he is.
  9. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    oh my god me and my duo partner have been playing soraka/morde bot lane and just making the enemy teams bot lane completely useless morde is a god also the yi , zed, and lucian skin look sick a'f def gonna buy
  10. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    the new PROJECT skins oms i cant wait to see who is revealed and apparently a new champ is coming soon
  11. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    that riven and ahri skin are def a buy. . however nothing can beat final boss Veigar
  12. patonki

    One Punch-Man

    ok but i doubt they will censor OPM it's not even bad LOL but w/e
  13. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    nah, you just had connection issues! right? ;; but im really bad at jg
  14. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    yeah, youre right, my poor veigar cannot suffer. sorry!
  15. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    >tfw someone says "I'll carry" and goes 6/16/4 that's a knee slapper
  16. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    oh my god YI is so broken i hate him and the new jg items @SanoBaron yee ill add you
  17. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    oh my goood tahm kench is really fun to play
  18. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    wait , when is the new patch?? wasnt it supposed to be today lool.
  19. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    wow gangplank doesnt looks like a scrub lord now his sailor skin looks sooooo good
  20. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    this new champ is basically braum/reksai with the ability to bite people nice