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  1. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    i just tried out evelynn and wow i destroyed. she's so easy LOL
  2. patonki

    One Punch-Man

    hype unreal
  3. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    my normals are harder than ranked games , its weird
  4. patonki

    thank u

    thank u
  5. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    ekko so strong ;;
  6. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    the thing with draven is you kind of have to win lane or have some hardcore farming. draven rips through tanks if you play right, you should be able to kite and your team should have some peel for you though in the end it comes down to peeling and the other teams match up
  7. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    omg what could that vine post mean
  8. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    i got my friend's account out of bronze by using teemo omg bronze is so fun
  9. patonki

    Changing your SH username

    lol patonki then , thank
  10. patonki

    Changing your SH username

    hi hello could you please change my name to raiden, thanks :-)
  11. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    how about ez game ez life
  12. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    ya im getting sick of lookin at teemo lol
  13. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    the new splashes for ssw and cards look so good
  14. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    i rarely see gnar lol tho he is fun to play .
  15. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    omg communist jayce
  16. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    did they really buff darius lmfao
  17. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    i mean, ie is usually built before blood thirster. unless you're losing lane. =P i was just curios
  18. patonki

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    were you losing lane or something, whyd you get bloodthirster first lol
  19. patonki

    One Punch-Man

    this manga sucks
  20. patonki

    Personal Drawing skullgirls is a metaphor

    what a majestic werewolf