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  1. mpgame99

    The Big Bando Husbando Combo Threadando

    Just some snapback combos
  2. mpgame99

    The Big Bando Husbando Combo Threadando

    It powers up his super so he does jojo's bizarre adventure style punches at the end
  3. mpgame99

    Big Band match up thread

    Discuss Big Bands match ups here.
  4. mpgame99

    One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

    It doesn't sound like a bad idea as long as it just affects the assist and not on point big band
  5. mpgame99

    One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

    Yeah I get what your saying but if it didn't have armor it would be REALLY easy hit him
  6. mpgame99

    One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

    Here's a combo I made for big band
  7. mpgame99


    So i'm about to order the digital jpn psn cards from play asia and just wondering does anyone know how long it would take?
  8. mpgame99

    Valentine Combo Thread

    Here's a corner combo
  9. mpgame99

    Valentine Combo Thread

    corner to corner combo
  10. mpgame99

    Valentine Tech Thread: Small/Big Tips & Strategy YOU Notice?

    Here is the reset video I was talking about Edit 1: I just realized I should have put this in the reset thread, hopefully a mod can put it in the right spot MOD EDIT: Done.
  11. mpgame99

    Valentine Combo Thread

    well valentine's midscreen combo game got hurt really bad with that update so that was the best I could do also the combo works with any pressure assist with the possible exception of cerecopter and it isn't hard to load a vial during the match I'll make a reset video when I get back from...
  12. mpgame99


    I'm downloading this next week and does anybody know how much space it takes up so I can delete some stuff
  13. mpgame99

    Valentine Combo Thread

    Here you go
  14. mpgame99

    Valentine Combo Thread

    Here's a new combo under ips experiment #3 it does 8.9k damage. It needs to start with a green vial
  15. mpgame99

    Art Gallery Thread

    make sure you change the time to 30 seconds