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  1. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    So I played a set with MMDS and went through the replays and decided to upload them. Sorry about the editing I was being lazy. Well the first thing you mention is a problem Val would have if I put her second, so that would be a problem no matter what the order my team is in and while it is true...
  2. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    Actually H bypass is a good assist for robo since it gives her conversions off her s.hk and throw and without using an otg increases her damage a little, pushes the opponet back a decent amount if they block it, and covers the ground which can help her zoning. Also I agree about playing a...
  3. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    The reason I don't play robo on point all the time is because val gets more benefit with H beam assist than Robo does with H bypass assist. Plus my robo isn't that good yet so playing her second helps me learn her without having to rely on two assists. I'm still going to change it around based...
  4. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    Well I never "mained" BB and I didn't play fukua at all but aside from them yes
  5. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    So after playing with robo for a couple months I decided that's she's gonna be on my final team which is going to be Val/Robo/Beo with H bypass/H beam/H toss. The cool thing about this team is that it can work in almost any order since everyone assists benefit each other so I can change who my...
  6. mpgame99

    Robo-Fortune Tech and Resets Thread

    I'm pretty sure you can do something better to confirm off the reset but this was the easiest and most consistent way to land a combo
  7. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    So I'm thinking I want to drop Eliza for another character, does anyone have any suggestions. Eliza's main use on my team was a good pressure assist with H Osiris. I'm willing to use anyone with the exception of BB.
  8. mpgame99

    Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

    A combo that builds 2 bars of hype solo. works on lights and mids
  9. mpgame99

    Beta Wulf Discussion

    So this is an almost unblockable I found with beo. The only way to block it to block high then switch to cross-up low REALLY FAST or to block high then push-block IMMEDIATELY and hold down. also big thanks to @worldjem for figuring out how to block it.
  10. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    http://www.twitch.tv/dekillsage/b/637261788?t=39m22s This is a set I played with sage earlier today. Can someone please analyze it and give me advice on what to do. I start playing at 39:22
  11. mpgame99

    Valentine Beta Combo and Tech Thread

    A reset that uses air savage bypass. It's kinda hard to get it to not cross up but once you get the timing down you can get it pretty consistently. Only works on lights
  12. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    So after playing with the Beo/Val/Eliza team some more I noticed it either works and I dominate the match or it doesn't and I get almost perfected. I rather just play Val/Beo/Eliza and have a consistent team that always works. anyways does anyone have a example video of the reset an entire team...
  13. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    Honestly I don't survive. When I looked back at the beta replays I noticed if Beo died I usually lost the match. That's probably the worst part about that team. The best thing to do might be to change the team order around depending on the match-up
  14. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    So after playing around with Beo/Val/Eliza I think I might stick with this team. The only thing I might change from Clarence mage's suggestion is using cr.mk as my assist instead of Hk bypass. Also robo fortune is pretty fun so if she turns out to have good synergy with my team I might switch...
  15. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    Calling Eliza was an accident most of the time because she is on a different position on my old team so I'm pressing the wrong macro. also I was referring to the BB match-up where if I call assist it would get hit most of the time because you used brass and dead cross wouldn't break your armor.
  16. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    Things I learned from my set with peanuts -dead cross zoning isn't as effective because of brass -Don't call assists at neutral as much -learn resets that work on BB Also clarence mage told me told me that I should try running Beo/Val/Eliza with Grendel arm and Hk savage bypass assist. So if...
  17. mpgame99

    Under Night In-Birth

    Even though I had this JPN since release do you guys mind if I join the beginner lobby to shake off the rust and learn some of the characters I never had time to learn before?
  18. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    Alright I'm back home and can play SG again so @mcpeanuts or anyone else who wants to help me get better. Just send an invite and I'll be ready to play.
  19. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    After watching some more matches of mine I noticed that beat extend as an assist bops me. I almost always lose to anyone who was that assist because the second I start my offense it get hit and die. I also noticed that my offense isn't that great and that I need to work on it some more.
  20. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    I'll take you up on your offer but I won't be near a computer that can run SG until tomorrow.