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Search results

  1. mpgame99

    Eliza Beta Combo Thread

    cr.LK, cr.MP(1 hit), cr.HP j.MP, j.HP ADC, j.MP, j.HP cr.MP(1 hit), cr.HP j.LP, j.LK, j.MP, j.HP A easy combo that does 5.4k and is universal except that you have to replace the first j.mp with j.mk on BB and double
  2. mpgame99

    Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

    Persona Q battle themes
  3. mpgame99

    Valentine Tech Thread: Small/Big Tips & Strategy YOU Notice?

    Whoever told you that is a terrible person. Val should be on point on every team she is on. She has some the worst defensive options and needs a dp assist to make up for it. Combine that with her terrible assist options and Val turns out to be a really bad anchor but, she is also one of the best...
  4. mpgame99

    Valentine Tech Thread: Small/Big Tips & Strategy YOU Notice?

    Cr.mk is a pretty "meh" assist but people use it because it's a 2 hit low that can kinda help with pressure plus val has some of the worst assist options in the game so there's not a lot of other options to pick from.
  5. mpgame99

    Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

    Ken is either 12 or 13 since this game takes place 2 years after p3 where he was 10 or 11.
  6. mpgame99

    Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

    http://shoryuken.com/2014/04/16/rumor-ken-amada-and-rise-kujikawa-to-join-persona-4-the-ultimax-ultra-suplex-hold-as-playable-characters/ Looks like Rise and Ken could be new characters in P4U2. I understand Ken but I honestly have no clue how Rise could fight considering she was support.
  7. mpgame99

    Fukua tech thread

    A pretty cool cross-up you can do. It beats out everything except fortune, painwheel, and val's air supers but, since it can cross-up they have too reverse the input.
  8. mpgame99

    Fukua tech thread

    The one you did is probably a little different than mine, I just tried mine and it worked on everyone but BB and Double
  9. mpgame99

    Fukua tech thread

    cr.mp cross-unders you can do in the corner
  10. mpgame99

    Fukua tech thread

    A cross up situation you can do with j.hk. You can also do this with j.mp to go high.
  11. mpgame99


    I can't remember the name of any high level Platinum players, but I know that she's considered to be about low-mid on the tier list.
  12. mpgame99

    32 Man Tournament (10PM EDT) (BRACKET/CHAT IN OP)

    EVO is a really big maybe but I can probably make it to Civil War if nothing stupid happens.
  13. mpgame99

    32 Man Tournament (10PM EDT) (BRACKET/CHAT IN OP)

    I have a really stupid schedule. I'll try to come if I ever get a chance.
  14. mpgame99

    32 Man Tournament (10PM EDT) (BRACKET/CHAT IN OP)

    Sign me up. I should be home by the time it starts
  15. mpgame99

    Team Popularity Database

    Val/cr.mk Squigly/ cr.hp Filia/H Updo
  16. mpgame99


    Does any one have a good support build for maya? right now I want to use something like this http://www.bl2skills.com/siren.html#055501055105503100000505510541
  17. mpgame99

    Red Savarin vs The World

    Sure, I'll play, I'm still a little salty from last week.
  18. mpgame99

    Big Band Tech Thread: Small/Big Tips & Strategy YOU Notice?

    midscreen double snap Big thanks @konkrete for finding this with parasoul and giving me the idea
  19. mpgame99

    Parasoul solo midscreen double snap.

    Big Band can also do this by doing S.HK and snap