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  1. YoYoCheese

    Let's-a Go! The Mario Thread

    I'm just happy that they're finally going back to the 64\Sunshine style. I honestly thought this would never come, at least not anytime in the near future.
  2. YoYoCheese

    Guilty Gear Thread

    It has Rev's story mode, but it's adding a new chapter to it. Also Answer is Chipp's political aide. He's been around since Sign.
  3. YoYoCheese

    Guilty Gear Thread

  4. YoYoCheese


    Mori revealed what Gamma-3 looks like on Twitter this morning.
  5. YoYoCheese

    Final Fantasy

  6. YoYoCheese

    Street Fighter V

    Azam confirmed for Murakumo Unit doll.
  7. YoYoCheese

    Street Fighter V

  8. YoYoCheese

    Street Fighter V

    So Capcom accidentally(?) made the latest beta build of Season 2 available on Steam and... Azam confirmed?
  9. YoYoCheese

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  10. YoYoCheese

    Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

    This is great news! I love Trigger!
  11. YoYoCheese

    Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

    No reason Kamala couldn't have a separate moveset as well. Actually, I think that Kamala and Carol have different powers despite both of them having been Ms. Marvel at some point.
  12. YoYoCheese

    Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

    So, uh, Lupinko has started posting the roster character by character... So far he's claimed that are all playable.
  13. YoYoCheese

    Street Fighter V

    They just clarified at Capcom Cup that the five new characters are actual complete newcomers to the series, not returning characters from previous games.
  14. YoYoCheese


  15. YoYoCheese


  16. YoYoCheese


    So I try not to post rumors that I'm not very confident are true, but according to Eurogamer we're getting a Pokemon Star for the Switch and they correctly leaked the console in the first place so I'm thinking there might be some truth to it. Game Freak has said that they are developing a...
  17. YoYoCheese


    Global Link art for the new Pokemon and Alolas
  18. YoYoCheese

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    New champ incoming!
  19. YoYoCheese

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    The beta website for the full lore relaunch has just released.