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  1. YoYoCheese

    Which guest character would you like to see in Skullgirls?

    If SG gets a guest character at all it should be Ajna, but if she gets in then she should be the very last newcomer in the last game of the series.
  2. YoYoCheese


    That's because they took out a part of the move in the trailer. Here's the full version:
  3. YoYoCheese


    For anyone who's been avoiding spoilers, here's the latest trailer:
  4. YoYoCheese


    http://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/29883617#p29883617 I think Smogon's got a topic on it too. The boost in power is hidden. It's not mentioned in the description of the ability.
  5. YoYoCheese


    Guzzlord is officially revealed now too.
  6. YoYoCheese


    Necrozma, Kartana, and Celesteela have been officially revealed... which basically just means we have Sugimori art now.
  7. YoYoCheese


    Pokedex entries! http://pastebin.com/nJnhdbmg http://pastebin.com/FfXdLLTZ One is Sun and one is Moon, but I'm not sure which. Also, Mega Evolutions and some alternate forms have their own entries now. The ones for the Megas are actually pretty dark...
  8. YoYoCheese


  9. YoYoCheese


    Base stats for the new Pokemon No Alolan forms yet. EDIT: Ultra Beast names and typings + Marshadow (contains a minor story spoiler) Some old Pokemon had their stats buffed. Some also gained or lost abilities.
  10. YoYoCheese


    The leaker's posts are being compiled here. Spoilers obviously. He's almost all the way through the main story. A dataminer's also got his hands on the game already, so that's starting to roll out too.
  11. YoYoCheese

    Final Fantasy

  12. YoYoCheese

    Street Fighter V

  13. YoYoCheese


  14. YoYoCheese

    Hyrule Warriors [Name Now Final] - A Collaboration Between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei for Wii U

    It's a Warriors game. I'd be surprised if they didn't give us another full update.
  15. YoYoCheese

    Hyrule Warriors [Name Now Final] - A Collaboration Between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei for Wii U

    Ravio and Yuga are our final DLC characters.
  16. YoYoCheese


    Best trailer so far!
  17. YoYoCheese

    Gaming General Discusison

  18. YoYoCheese


    All the new Pokemon + Alolan forms Spoilers obviously.
  19. YoYoCheese

    Guilty Gear Thread

    We might be getting Anji too.
  20. YoYoCheese

    Killer Instinct - Series in General

    Watch these: